I cannot believe how... "not smart" these balancers are

Listen, i hate talking rudely about developers, but im just gonna come out swinging; this balance team is not smart, and they have learned nothing from overwatch 1, at all

The mercy article during the AMA yesterday was an absolute dumpster fire. I understand people are upset because of the “no changes planned” thing, but thats the least of my issues with what they said.

  1. They pretty much outright said in technical data terms that the changes did basically nothing. The hero still has pretty much the same metrics across the board

  2. The reason they cite the change as being okay is because her winrate and pickrate and overall deaths per 10 is still fine

  3. They pretty much just say “mercy players just need to get used to it”

Okay, Question 1… almost everyone wants the change reverted, very few people like it… so why the hell would you, whilst admitting that the change accomplished basically nothing, be so hard headed on reverting it? That’s just blatant ignorance

Question 2… why in the bloody hell are we still using pickrate and winrate as our primary metric for justifying changes and their impact on the game? Does the outcry of players saying they dislike the change mean nothing?

3; Why do we nerf hog whilst not considering those metrics at all “for the sake of fun”, but also ignore people asking for a revert to mercy because “even though its not fun, the metrics say this”??

Im calling it now, this game is absolutely doomed fo fail with this balance team. They are the main thing holding the game back at the moment and they will continue to be for years to come.

I have 0 faith left in them at all.


They need to not just look at metrics but play their own game


They do play the game, the problem is that they evidently don’t use their gameplay experience to change anything


and are not that great at it


I need that Roadhog rework! Who cares about Mercy!

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Yeah right. I have 0 faith in that too; there is 0 chance the roadhog rework is going to remain appealing to those who play the hero currently, I’d be shocked


I really hope they just keep Hog as a “brute”. In the AMA, they stated they’re looking at Sombra and Hog as characters to potentially receive new abilities with their reworks, which makes me fear it’ll either be way too good or way too useless.

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I wish we could make our own balance changes and set up lobbies and play that instead…isn’t that what the workshop can do? I don’t dabble in that stuff because it overwhelmes me, but I think it’d be nice to try.

Maybe if they see everyone mainly plays those lobbies they’d rethink their priorities/balance philosophy?

I don’t know. I just think it’s not fair how one hero can be ignored on data and purely emotional while the other is mainly data driven and no outcry of emotion is taken into account.


I love how theyre trying to nerf junkrat again and leaving kiriko and sojourn untouched LOL


People on these forums raelly need to get out of the habit of saying their opinion is “everyones”.
Hell these forums dont even accurately represent the player base. So while you’re rudely insulting devs, maybe dont speak for everyone.

The game is in a fairly good spot balance-wise right now. Every support feels pretty solid, every tank feels viable granted not all seem optiminal. DPS seem pretty good. (snipers are strong cus the map pool heavily favors strong sniping maps)

If they reverted every change because that player base threw a hissy fit on the forums, they’d never be able to balance or nerf anything.

Ah and the OP finishes up with the hyperbolic “this game is doomed/dying” nonsense.
Well this was a waste of time lol


Please point in the post where i said that

It is not hyperbole, the competitive side of this game will die if they continue to balance the way that they are. Just because the game happens to feel balanced now doesnt mean it still will when they make a bunch of random changes for midseason

Then go somewhere else


Mercy players and non Mercy players on every platform agree these changes stink.

Even Samito agrees with what most high SR Mercy players are asking for.

It’s not just a vocal minority on the forums.

Look - I really like the idea and reasoning behind the changes. But they didn’t accomplish what they set out to do.


Don’t bother with them they always argue with anything negative anyone ever says


This is the only smart thing they’ve done recently.


I actually agree with this. Its one of the only good balance changes they’ve made since the game released

So revert Mercy.

Balance wise, it’s the same. Biggest difference is people will have more fun.

More people queuing for support is a good thing, which helps everyone.


Exactly, just because the game is in a good spot rn doesn’t mean they know what theyre doing

Theyre still using pickrates and winrate to justify absolutely everything

Theyre doing the same crap they did in the first game


Here ya go.

Most high end players feel the balance is alot better this season actually. Also they are FARRRRR more concerned about the matchmaking issues than mercy having to learn to have literally 1 second of downtime.

but i actually enjoy the game? you dont seem to, you seem very mad over a change. So why dont you go somewhere else? play a game you actually like? it always confuses me when people hang around forums of games they hate just to hate on it.

It’s easier to let her like this because objectively she is fine…maybe not as fun but it performs well enough.

Because it’s the easy solution.

There are a lot of people dumping money in this game.It’s gonna be fine for another 2-3 years at least.


That’s why it will never happen. Imagine if you could make 6v6 available in the workshop like it was before, for example. Now imagine that workshop mode being more popular than their current iteration. I’m not saying it’s better or not, but Bliz would simply never allow that to happen.