I believe brigette is overpowered

This is exactly my thought lol. I’m all for dive counters but brigette just ruins dive, and so yes its meta changing but we just swung from one way all the way to another, it isn’t balance just another level of extreme. Now with brigette released as is, dva and winston are just f tier.

I’ve only had two matches since Brigitte went live that she was absolutely wrecking my team. She requires good team coordination to really shine, because even with her mace and passive healing ability she is still susceptible to getting focused and flanked or just focused down. She’s fine.

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Truth be told while I still think she needs a nerf, I did somewhat find a counter to her.

Bastion. Spam into shield.

I’ve been having loads of fun just focusing her down, and getting insults in the all chat because of it. Bastions seem to piss off the Brigitte mains quite a bit, so its I guess a small silver lining.

Again, what most defenders of her miss is, playing tanks into her is just masochistic. She bullies all tanks.

And before you tell me how low her damage is, stop. Her shield bash opens a window for the rest of the team to kill the tank. It isn’t her solo killing things. It’s her completely controlling what an opposing tank is allowed to do, and opens a window for your team. A giant window.

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I’ve been maining Brigette since she came out, and here’s what I have noticed:

  1. She requires a team effort. the difference between me owning, and completely failing, is whether or not my team works with me.

  2. she requires a good bit of coordination and timing to work effectively.

  3. she can counter a good bit of powerful abilities, however, players that know how to counter her, will ravage your whole game.

  4. This past week, i’ve noticed not many people playing her, or people playing her being absolutely horrible. if shes so OP, why isn’t she always #1 on the boards, and why wouldn’t she be in every game?

  5. I think most players need to give her some time, to figure out how to counter her correctly.

  6. A LOT of abilities, and attacks are easy to work around her shield. You obviously can’t shoot into a shield and expect to make a kill.

  7. The ONLY change that i think would be fair to her, is to make her shield contact other shields, instead of driving through it.

i blame mercy meta for this nonsensical talking point

Read my suggestions here

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This character is to f###ing much she is more disgusting than junkrat if Blizzard doesn’t either fix this f###ing hero or rework her like mercy then this game will become completely unplayable for a lot of people who like to have fun.

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Perfectly balanced , by easy to counter with a long range hero

What tank options are of the long range variety?

Brigitte may have a lot of power where supports arent expected to have much, but she is also lacking in areas where supports are expected to be effective in.

Tbh I would argue that picking her atm hurts your team more than it helps.

I genuinely believe Brig shield bash should stop against Rein shield and not go through it.
I also believe her bash should be 6 seconds not 4.
It would also be nice if her mace was consistent. Melee attacks go through, rocket flail doesn’t :man_shrugging:t2:

5 sec cooldown
Buff rein
Whip shot is a reverse hook

Rein doesn’t need a buff, specially not when we look at how dominant brig looks right now. She needs to be toned down slightly.
I don’t want Rein to get touched.
Rein is finally in a place where you can’t act like an idiot on him and still win.

Brig is actually pretty weak unless she’s part of a coordinated team and this interaction is understandable but it’s like saying doomfist shouldn’t be affected by hack because he’s dependant on all his abilities which he is

She dominates every Qp game I’ve been in since her release. 2300~
I can even do it myself as Brig, Oasis city centre, Volskaya.
Just walking into the point and start frantically slapping everything.

Her shield bash can interrupt;
Death blossom
Take a breather
Guardian angel
Rein Charge

I think she can do quite enough without being able to shield bash through shields :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s a stun stuns are supposed to do that and it’s a melee stun which melee goes through shields also with stopping of abilities and ults you can have that argument with any other stun

I play on console so in my qp games it’s either one of our teams have brig or no one picks her because the hype died down

I mean walking on the point slapping everything won’t help you if your team isn’t helping you since she can get bursted rather easily


And no, she isn’t.

She’s counter dive and counter flanker and she does both very well. Best played as off tank instead of off support.

brig is an off healer, with overtime healing (like lucio), but she has heal burst potential, along with added armor (this is every 5 seconds think?). her cooldowns are super short, theyre like doomfists. ana has over 1 second cooldowns, lucio has to wait for amp every (12?) seconds, and moira has 10 second orbs that can get eaten and deflected. brig isnt meant to take on 1v1s and 1v2s but she still can, and most of the time win. shes a “support” that can do a good amount of dps as a SUPPORT, and has crazy cc. when she just flails her thing around, she gets health. and she stuns you her healing has started, and youre already about to die. wanna run away? you cant, her bash is on a 5 sec cd, so shell be teleporting (exaggeration) before you can run. brig is not only meele but has some range potential. rein only has firestrike and charge, charge will put you out of position if you wanna get range, and his firestrike is so easy to dodge from far away. brig can mess up all the tanks, a good number of the dps, and messes with supports like crazy, of course youd have to be out of position to be messed up as a support. youre senile if you think brig is balanced. i feel like her shield should take damage when you bash, or atleast put it on a longer cd and maybe shorten the range. its crazy that she can stop a rein in his charge, or completely take down his shield for longer than mcrees stun can. Her ult literally makes her team tanks, along with a speed boost. its not even health, its armor, which reduces damage. not only does it tank them, but they also get heals from her just swinging her hammer, which happens so fast, plus the stuns. i honestly dont know how blizzard came up with her so quick to stop the “dive meta” when they cant even fix their game after 2 years.

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How I feel completely my dude…

With all the changes, Blizzard is simply removing dive, which means DVA is about to be F tier lol… again…

esp since they nerfed her, even though the nerf isnt that noticeable, kind of needed, but i feel like theyre still looking to change her secretly, i wont be surprised. people r saying nerf dva and winston, winston is already kind of ?? and nerfing him to nerf dive would be a joke cuz what if people wanna play him NOT in dive…? same with dva.