I believe brigette is overpowered

I think she does too much for one hero to do.


Care to elaborate? She does a lot but she doesn’t do any of it particularly well, she’s a close range hero.


Problem is the way she is is very satisfying for teamwork: punishes some retard solo dives that used to work like a charm, encourages grouping up, punishes cockyness ? Really cool. She has a lot, but remove some and ehhh…
Maybe adjust a few chars to answer her ? OR maybe we just all have to adapt and find strats against her that we yet have to figure out.


Reaper and Pharah work very well against her


Also junk. Most long range heros as well. Like widow, handsoap, and sometimes mccree, ect.


But tanks do not, they get kinda destroyed by her and it makes an already incredibly frustrating position to play even more frustrating. It feels like if I dont have a brigette on my team, as a rank I’m kinda screwed.

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you are about 2 weeks late to this party.

I agree long range heroes work against her but every tank feels powerless.

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She does many different things, but not as efficient as other heroes.

She’s a jack of all trades.

Brigitte is a breath of fresh air. If she’s OP, it’s because she’s loaded down with nothing but useful abilities and even a few extras snuck into places, like her stun bash. I kinda of wish older hero’s would be brought up to par with her, particularly the one’s already hurting.

And before anyone brings up how she shuts down Reinhardt, that’s a problem with his shield, not her specifically. Make it so she can’t stun through his shield, he’ll be right as rain vs her. I’d even suggest taking a page from the shield bash book and have him do a knockback+damage when his shield is up. He could use something like that, being the classic definition of a tank and all.

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orrr they should just fix the fact her charge beats any charge in the game including reins and she gets no penalty for it


Not “or,” that needs to happen too.

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just make her to have longer cooldowns, like icrease shieldbash´s cooldown to 10


Like range from high ground?

Laughs in stuns and CC


250 hp
Self heal
and the icing on the cake, no aim required.


I mean if she has longer cooldowns, she is perfect and balanced

what could possibly go wrong? :lol::rofl:

Pretty much but you know, from what I see so far of people facing her : they get discouraged as soon as they see her raise her shield instead of poking her enough for her to retreat, they leave her a boulevard to do whatever she wants.

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EDIT: to add I don’t think she is OP, her stuns are just really annoying with the low CDs they have

I’d like to agree with this, I feel like her stuns are very important for her to keep, and the CD on at least one of them should be increased by a second or two, and to compensate maybe increase the amount of healing she can do (but not armor). I love playing Brigitte but I’ve been able to 1v1 tanks by simply stunning them and pushing them away, it’s incredibly easy to stun people out of their ults. She’d still be good with a CD increase on either whip or shield bash but like I said only on one of them not both.