I believe brigette is overpowered

People still trying to use this argument? :sleepy:

And with your description, it can just fit Doomfist with “One shot” on top, but he isn’t overpowered, is he now?

Both. Don’t 1v1 her in melee range.

Doomfist biggest weakness are stuns so unless he nails that full strength rocket punch he’s in trouble. If it is a 1v1 with doomfist and he hits the full rocket punch than she’ll have 5 hp left? DF shouldnt have too much trouble with that

If you’ve got a Zarya for bubbles or your own Brig, Reaper/DF become really scary and provided you have your team with you than your gonna be able to bust through her defence (depending on what tanks they have of course).

The fallacy with the Zaria arguement is that you need another hero just to be viable. Cc for ult is fine- it’s already well established in the game. Two short short cool down cc is a nightmare for close range ults. The doomfist vs brig part isn’t right bc of armor negation and the fact that she can stun him out of rp with the shield bash. It’s not that hard to time it to work ( it’s like old rp’s hit box except on a shield )

If you wanna play games about pure mechanical skill being a big factor then stop being a wuss and go play them already, because other than Quake champions people still run servers for older iterations of Quake, but Quake live is probably your best bet, EPict is also working on a new Unreal Tournament game although with Fortnite’s success they might can it.

I’ve been playing Quake for over half my life, the vast majority of players on here don’t compare to the mechanical skill of the people who you’ll run into on Quake, hell, there are Unreal Tournament players out there who are just god-like in predicting your movement, making plays you will never see in Overwatch.

Don’t really get why you’re complaining about “catering to the braindead masses” now like 2 years in when this game has been super casual friendly right from the start, nothing has changed. So drop the cringy superiority act.

The balance of the heroes they’ve released when it comes down to mechanical focused and not mechanical focused is pretty much 50/50, seems fair enough to me.

I didn’t know they added ETC! New main for sure.

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What fallacy? Brig can counter DF if he messes up abilities and ends up in melee. Remember, Doomfist picks people off but relies on jumping in then getting out, he’s not a melee hero in the same vein as Brig/Rein. Zarya was just an example of how to not to 1v1 her. What’s wrong with the armor negation? It just stops her getting one shot (the tank side of her), and if df is charging up an rp in range of her stun

Mess up his abilities? She can stun or push him away for every single one of them. So long as it’s near her at any stage, she can stun him. She counters his entire kit so long as it’s towards her team (assuming she’s with them)

Brigette should have a way longer cooldown for shield bash and then maybe she will be balanced. I think her shield needs vastly less hp too. It shouldn’t block as much damage as a main tanks barrier hp.

reaper is trash against brigette


Was thinking the same BUT after putting some hours in her, her strength and weakness are now very obvious and i can kill her now with whatever hero.

As a cree player the big difference is : without shield brigitte has no stun, no survivability either cause huge hitbox and she has not burst potential.
Cree still got huge burst and stun is always available when not in cooldown and with huge aoe effect.

Also her shield if you got proper shield focus brigitte is simply useless in this game

Her shield is so easy to burst down really
lowering it just a bit will make brigitte unplayable.

Plus she has no range and if there is nobody in her range she’s useless plain and simple!
So against teams who understand that and don’t rush like du** f****, she can’t do things to help her team and is like a deadweight.

People can’t adapt because lot of player like run & gun gameplay like this game is a generic COD.

For everyone complaining about her just put pressure on brigitte who are making mistake playing on frontlines if you do this each time, she’s dead and useless.

And what long range tank options are there?

You’re living in a fairytale if you think brigitte can’t take everyone 1v1 you either played her and was so bad that you decided that she is trash and not as OP as everyone says or you never played against someone who can actually play her and experience what hell is, and as for comp she will get nerfed before she enters comp there is a reason they only released her on QP and Arcade.

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She is. And she does. You could remove her E and she would still feel like a complete hero.

I’m all for dive counters, but the devs litterally just crammed every idea into Brigitte and called it “meta-changing”


Or I read the overbuff stats, and understand what they say.

Go have a look at the overbuff stats.

She is 4th from the bottom in damage, her elim rate is 7th from the bottom (which is not good)

Her solo Kill rate is 8th from the bottom, and that is as a percentage of her awful elim rate, so it is really bad. Her final blow rate (which is ALSO is a percentage of her awful elim rate) is similarly bad

Her healing is like Zen heals, and her E:D is also bad.

She is only good in that she counters mobility flankers REALLY hard, and also the tanks in dive (D’va, Winston) and Rein (sadly)

Her game stats are crazy bad, like, all in bottom 1/3

But hey, she’s op or something with all that awful stats which are clearly showing she really isn’t. Seriously, if they DO balance her around QP, they are going to buff the living hell out of her.

And the reason they released her only for QP was they made the choice that ALL new heroes will only be released at the start of seasons. They made an announcement.

first of all that is a terrible gauge for a character that literally just came out plus overbuff doesn’t calculate a lot of her abilities and ignores them completely.

like shield bash/every other ability she has, it calculate overall statistics and for it to be accurate you need to wait for atleast a few months.

you should talk from experience and not some half witted statistic site that only shows 1/3 of the overall data

btw also look at sombra she was one of the most hated and regarded the most useless character until people learned to play her with brigitte it’s the complete opposite you don’t even need skill to play her she can even cancel her attack midway with her shield that thing is practically unheard of, her shield is also practically unbreakable she can take down 4 people with ease and not even break a sweat and leave that fight with full health you’re talking out of your butt in a month people will be gods with her, there are already people that carry games.

for me it got to the point where i see her i just stand and give up cause i know for a fact i will lose and not have a chance to escape she is a cheap hero.

I believe Brigitte* is NOT overpowered.

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Oh, you don’t want to talk data aggregated from 1000’s of games, but want to use anecdotal data instead

Yeah, about that, so you don’t like what the data shows - but I have more bad news. Other heroes settle within a week, the stats we are seeing from the last week are likely to be VERY similar to the stats we see in comp.

If you want to know if the data is accurate, then hey
 good news, other sites ALSO use blizzards api, but sample other players, and they are ALSO showing the same thing
 which means the data is accurate.

If she was a 1v1 death machine, you would see more solo kills and final blows - and she doesn’t have that.

Like, YOU are finding her powerful, but that is NOT a universal thing.

I also expect her to have a harder time in comp, because people tend to take better positioning there - you know, high ground and all that.

But hey, you ride that anecdotal data train :slight_smile:

I’ll use the real stuff.


also i have no idea what you’re talking about i just checked overbuff and she is the top character in every QP category, she owns it all don’t check the last 6months
and tell me that she’s buttom pick check “this week” and get your head straight

i feel like you’re a brigitte main and you fight to keep her that way because it’s convenient to your own play.

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Why are you still saying this when it’s been pointed out to you before that it’s not true
 Guys, check out her stats yourselves, they’re not bad at all.

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I guess you don’t know how to read the site
 how about you go to overbuff .com/heroes.

click Quickplay, and this week.

Then click primary, and then click on the column you wish to sort by

Then scroll WAAAAAY down to the bottom.

She is on the top on the default view, because that is her by pick rate
 And everyone is trying the new hero.

I’m not a Brigitte Main, I am a Mei / Zen main.

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