I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

In regards to this semi-word, its just obnoxious when it comes out of nowhere. If two people on opposing teams are slinging trash talk at each other the whole match, fair game, have at it, its just the icing on that questionable back and forth between two people. In this context, I don’t see the issue.

However when people aren’t talking to eachother at all in match chat, and a hard fought game that was close, has someone on the winning team throw out the -insert role- diff, yeah its obnoxious and unnecessary. Within this context, it is toxic behavior, and if their communication log is filled with this, honestly, just take away their ability to communicate in game. Don’t even ban them from play, just make them sit quietly and play since their comms are just them leaving a fart in the extremely short post-match chat for the other team/opposing role to read in the hopes they get upset by it.

if i had chat on, i would report it as spam, bc ppl spam it

If you use it to disparage the other team, it’s just trash talk. If you use it to blame a teammate after the game, you are toxic and nobody taught you how to take an L… That’s too bad but you will get reported a lot, bc that’s what it’s for.

Stating it isn’t is the most dumb, uninformed thing you can say and you’re only trying to justify your own toxicity.

Compare it to this: you are playing a football, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse whatever match and you lose. At the end of the match one of your teammates loudly says so everyone can hear: hey it was a defense diff (while that doesn’t even necessarily needs to be true). Would you consider that normal? Exactly.


Alright, so I have a question for y’all: How is “diff” different from D.VA’s voice line “It’s a skill issue…!”?

Is is different because D.VA says this automatically or is it different because an actual player says it? Essentially, it’s the same meaning and has the same feel as a statement.

diff isnt offensive its just a meme that people spam and troll with, to fit in. i do think its used to offend ppl though, to call them bad, in a soft way, to avoid getting banned. if you’re so sure its ok to call ppl bad, use the harsh languages, and watch how fast you get suspended.

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Yeah, it’s used to ruffle some feathers. But to the tank/dps/heals that did well, it can be taken as a compliment. I don’t understand how the term “diff” differs from D.VA’s voice line “It’s a skill issue…” tho because it has the same kind of negative connotation to it.

i dont trust that its used in a complimentary way, the community would rather be antisocial and hateful and complain, the majority of the time. you make it easier for good ppl like me to stand out, at least, so thanks for that.

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Math is racist too !!!

Yeah, that definitely sums up the community lol, which is why I try to be as positive as possible. Personally, I don’t actually use the term diff. I don’t get salty when people use it. I always start the game w “gl n hf” and end it with “thx for the game and stay safe” bc there is so much negativity in the community.

True…but being fake is the worst crime of all

I am one of the most genuine people you’ll ever find bc I see through the fake bs people put out and would rather be a good example of what it’s like to be a genuine and happy person. Can’t please them all tho

nobody who calls others bad is real, i dont see them saying what they did wrong. they think their gameplay is perfect, and its all other ppls fault. they should be saying “what you are doing is bad, and heres why and how to change it” otherwise, its just a pointless criticism. why not just say “tank feeding” instead of “tank diff”? at least they have a chance to fix it, then.

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In This Thread: Gamers defending to the death the right to be toxic.
We can’t make being an a jerk illegal, but you will just sound like a jerk person to everyone else :man_shrugging:

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Is D.VA’s voice line “It’s a skill issue.” toxic and how does it differ from someone using “x diff” in reference to a skill difference/issue?

they arent being a jerk, theyre being annoying. im a jerk sometimes, but i dont run around spamming memes and then expecting ppl to learn on their own. i try to be constructive and help.

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Think of why you say something

If the only reason is to enrage or annoy, like “diff”, it’s toxic.

Simple logic

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What I find more insulting about the people abusing “diff”, its the bootlicking attitude they show to the enemy team to try to convince everyone that they are as good as the winners.

i know this is just a troll topic though, like the last one that got 800something posts about the same topic. they know they’re defending the ability to be toxic.

Didn’t you make a thread a few days ago where you said it’s toxic and should be bannable?