I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

I’m sure they were. I’m agreeing with OP that the word “Diff” is not necessarily toxic. It’s how you use the term that matters.

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I mean I guess. But unless people are joking with their friends, they’re just doing it to make someone the scapegoat and call them trash. Let’s be real here. If they wanted to compliment someone they would just… compliment them…. Why use a statement that has an offensive meaning as well?

Just because something is a neutral term doesn’t mean there isn’t a insult behind it, there’s obviously an intention to insult the other player

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word “diff” in this context used in a non-insulting way, but there comes a point that you just need to accept that when you play with other human beings, they’re going to mock you on occasion. This goes way beyond videogames. It’s just basic human interaction.

It isn’t black and white.

Just because someone plays better than someone else in a particular match doesn’t mean the other player is “trash”

Calling a player trash is toxic

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All you’re doing is trying to justify your toxicity towards other players by trying to define “diff” or difference” at face value without the intention or slang meaning

The word diff is not in itself an offensive term. That’s the way with most words that are seen as offensive. “Ez” is not in itself an offensive word either, but when used after a stomp in a video game it becomes offensive. Same with diff. The most common usage in Overwatch 2 for the word “diff” is to scatingly comment on your own team’s actions. “Support diff” is not a general commentary about how the matchmaker may have matched wrong or that there is room for improvement, it’s a scating remark that you think your support sucks. Context is everything and I have yet to see the word “diff” be used in a constructive or neutral manner.

I’ve had teammates say Tank diff after I dominated on Tank, I appreciated the compliment.

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Doesn’t matter what words you use, it’s always classless and mean to single out under-preforming players and/or rub your victory in people’s faces.

That said, there’s always going to be some sort of trendy go-to insult and we’d end up going through the entire dictionary if we censored them all. “Diff” is relatively benign all things considered.

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Its not, but its also not constructive criticism what so ever, its often the words that lead to that player playing worse, and losing the game. Because most of the people that say it, are toxic right after or toxic the whole time before saying it. So go on pretending like y’all aren’t, this word war is literally the most childish aspect of the game at the moment on all fronts.

Reminder that we shoot and kill each other to push a robot and car forward…

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You’re giving players a serious benefit of the doubt by saying this lol. Before the diff trend they would be calling you trash 100%

And it doesn’t matter when most people interpret it as the equivalence of getting called trash

Well saying someone is trash is unquestionably toxic. Saying a particular role performed a whole lot better than the opposing team isn’t necessarily toxic, that’s all I’m saying. People shouldn’t be so easily offended.

Didn’t you say the opposite of that 2 days ago?

Refrigeration, Logistics, internet.

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It doesn’t matter if you say this, because you are, in fact, supporting verbal (or textual, but same thing) abuse. I don’t give a **** if the word gets banned in text chat or not, but trying to deny that it’s not abusive/trying to cause offense is plain idiotic. It’s like when, back in the 00’s, people my age would use “gay” as an insult. It doesn’t matter that at one point it was a neutral term to mean “happy”, the word transitioned to mean homosexual, and the homophobia of society then weaponised the word to become an insult. And you know what we did? We realised we were being verbally abusive a****les and we stopped using the word… At least, stopped using it with intent to offend people. The only people who do now are (and should be) considered bad people (or are otherwise ignorant of the harm it causes).

If you’ve said “X diff” in the past, and this is your attempt at trying to reason yourself into thinking you’re not in the wrong, just stop. If you’ve said it in the past, realise you were being mean, accept it, move on, grow up, and stop being abusive to people in chat in a ******* video game. If you genuinely think there’s nothing wrong with it, then take a good hard look at your behaviour and ask yourself why to people actually ever type/say “X diff”, because you’ll realise it’s only ever with the intent of trying to offend people.

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I’m glad blizzard is recording voices, and taking action against these pests 90% those people aren’t just saying “Diff” alone they are adding extra sweets on top like racist statements, and “KYS” what a charming community…

people need to learn that no matter IRL, or Online their actions will have consequences.

You think this is bad this chicanery? He has done worse.

those had me laughing in tears :rofl:

still have one of those btw. battery’s almost full still :sweat_smile:

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It’s also completely unnecessary, because we can all now see it, and people don’t need to mention it.

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