I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

Of course. Why else would to bring it up?

if they werent insecure, they wouldnt need to separate others from themselves, to feel better about their loss. they also wouldnt get salty and go into attack mode, attacking teammates because they failed to work together with them. its everyones fault, you lost, the end. just bc you typed a 3 letter meme word to softly say youre bad, in the least risky way possible, doesnt mean you’re “too cool to get involved” it means you need to fight someone, and that there is sore loserness going around, and that they have bad sportsmanship, as well.


I am pretty sure you have me mistaken for someone else. This is the first topic I have made about this issue.

and no matter how you respond, it sounds toxic

“tank diff”
“u mad? get good”

then someones already offended reguardless. just sad excuses to make up for losses. and they probably threw just to call ppl diff and post here how its ok, its all just an elaborate troll attempt.

Hm I think you’re right, sorry.

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Honestly, most of my topics have been me whining about how I have been stuck in bronze 5 LOL

I must be in some alternate universe where people on the ow forums admit they are wrong.

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if you’re stuck in bronze its bc you dont play on a team, and randoms arent coordinated. doesnt actually mean you are bad. even if you’re high rank, you cant carry troll throwers/leavers every single game.

This is, also, very true and why I have resolved to the BronzeLyfe LOL

Edit: a lot of the people I used to play with wont play OW2 :confused:

Yeah I remember your thread where we tried to figure out why you don’t climb :slight_smile:

Any progress there yet? Someone mentioned it could just take a while because B5 has a wide range of rating points and the amount of games still might be too small.

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Nope, still in Bronze 5 LOL Alot of the people I used to play with don’t play anymore so I’ve been solo for most of my games. I still enjoy the game tho so, at this point, rank doesn’t matter to me. It’d be nice to see it change but I realize I need friends for this. Ah, well. There are worse things in life!

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Hilarious part is that people use racist sexist homophobic slurs on OW and they hardly get banned, historically. Maybe it’ll be different with the voice recording stuff, but I won’t hold my breath on that.

The problem is that it can be interpreted by a toxic person as toxic even if you don’t mean it that way. Where is the line drawn?

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We can’t act like everyone saying the term is being positive or non-toxic, that’s hilariously false.
We also can’t act like the word itself is offensive, that’s hilariously wrong.

It all boils down to how people use it, and when some troll jerks use it to be rude, sarcastic, or mean, then we all get punished with it being labeled as a negative thing that might risk being muted, etc etc.

That being said, living in reality I know most people use it to say “the rest of you sucked, you only won because of this one person” - invalidating everyone else’s efforts or purposely trying to ignore the actual carry’s hard work by sarcastically saying the worst person on the enemy team carried, making that person the brunt of a joke. This is where the complaints come in from most people I think. Funny enough, most ppl are typically wrong in low elo when they give credit to one person they view as op, when in reality it was other people supporting that person, or just others flat-out who carried. Low elo ppl fail to correctly read their games more than I fail to win at League, and I literally never win at league Q.Q lol

Speaking of league…there’s a game where “mid diff” or “jg diff” stings more imo than anyone using diff on OW. Idk but to me on a shooter hybrid like Overwatch there’s just so much randomness and cheese that kills ppl in low elo that those ppl bragging to a huge degree or trying to “shame” others is more comical than anything else.

it’s not in the english language, its a dumb meme ppl spam to look cool, but its not.

The line is drawn when what you say cannot have a valid purpose. "Switch widow " can be valid feedback to increase your chances to win. Diff serves no purpose other than to flame

I think there are good news for you - go to the Bnet launcher and click on Patchnotes, there’s a fix to your problem - there actually was a bug that made people being stuck in Bronze 5 lol.

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I am gonna check this out as soon as I am done with this 25 man naxx raid.

Oh my holy hell… maybe I will finally get out of bronze!!!


No, it’s said to be mean. It’s not helpful and only serves to upset others, whether you think they should be upset by it or not. You are not helping anyone by saying this, and nobody likes to be told this. They will not suddenly become a better player because you said this.

It’s only said to be mean. There is no other reason, and trying to convince others otherwise is flat out lying. You are not trying to do a service, you are trying to be mean and make someone feel bad.

Wait! Someone consider “diff” offensive?

Many, many people, apparently.