I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

It’s short for “difference,” and if there is a clear difference between players - which we can all now see- the comment is neutral and factual. There’s no reason to be upset or hurt your feelings because you don’t like something different.

Edit: It’s okay to disagree with me. What’s not okay is to insult me and treat, or anyone, disrespectfully because y’all disagree on something.

The last thing I want to add to this is that this is my opinion, and it doesn’t matter how many people share their views or try to change my mind because it won’t happen. I thought about this through many different lenses and hope to choose to speak up when others do not feel like they can do so because of backlash. My post was made for sharing my opinion on the matter, and I had/have no intent on hurting others.


They didn’t feel that way in 1880.

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So I’m to understand you are pointing out the difference purely for the benefit of those playing the game so they can identify their weaknesses and improve right?


Every term is an offensive term to some people. If you cater to those people then the entire language will be offensive.


Ok. Did we need another topic on this though?

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I am sure you aware that many things have changed since the year 1880.


Name one thing.

Yeah. Honestly. I wanna see how long it takes before the community decides it’s “trolling”.

Tell me you scapegoat without telling me



In 1880 there were no computers like today.
That’s something that has changed.

“Your mom is fat” used to be funny while I was young.

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Im gonna need a source on that. Im pretty sure they were emailing during the civil war.


Pretty sure they taught sportsmanship in like the most basic of child sports teams. Nobody singled out Billy after the game and said “Billy you sucked compared to the other team’s pitcher. Sorry, just an observation, totally neutral.”

But I guess some people never got past that level of maturity.


While also underperforming themselves…

Im honestly so over how people act online. It’s slowly driving me away from online gaming and the internet as a whole.


Sure, sportsmanship was taught. Was it always used and enforced? No. Even when it’s taught, there are still people who will choose to be unsportsmanlike.

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Nothing is offensive or everything can be offensive. Know your audience. It’s all about how it’s used and in Overwatch where toxicity is going mayhem, where there is always someone, in every match, (in my experience), that just have to use the “diff” talk cause they are losing – it is used to push and aggravate people in a offensive way.

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Losses are mostly caused by a diff in a particular player/role (usually tank).

Overwatch matchmaking is a joke which constantly results in matches being 1-sided landslides.


The problem with this however is that people act on the internet the way they do because there’s no one facing them

This means that they’re just mean people IRL they’re just too much of a coward to show it.

So quitting the internet won’t fix a thing if you think about it like that


Sure, and people were taught not to steal and not to harm other people, but that doesn’t make them right when they choose incorrectly.


I personally don’t get offended by the term. If there’s a clear gap in skill between me and another player, then I absolutely agree that I got out played. The problem is that it’s not used in a positive note, in any shape or form. I think people should stop using it for the sake of not bringing someone else’s confidence down when they’re most likely trying their best. Again though, majority don’t care about how other people feel nowadays, so they do it greedily to make themselves feel good without caring about other people.