I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

The DPS weren’t the only ones getting blamed. In WW1 The Germans blamed their tanks. TBF, the British just had better tanks altogether, and yet all the tanks sucked. It was bold to lock Reinhardt in the Battle of Cambrai, but I respect it.


Telling someone they got “diffed” or saying “Rein diff” in chat is basically saying the players in question, or someone specific is bad. Everyone knows what it means.

Stop trying to defend it. If you don’t wanna start crap, then just don’t say it.

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It’s not that “diff” or “difference” is an offensive term. Just like “bad” is not an offensive term. But saying “You are bad” is an insult. The intention of communication is what matters. The phrase, for example, “dps diff” coming from a support teammate after a match is equivalent to saying, “The reason we lost was because their DPS was better than our DPS. I wasn’t the reason we lost. It was them.” It’s used to blame. It’s never used to point out factual information, EVEN when true, because the intention isn’t to point out a useful fact. It’s to blame or shame someone else… which isn’t ever useful or positive or helpful. All it does is either make someone feel bad, or make you look like you’re blaming to avoid being blamed.

When I see people use it, what I actually hear is:

  1. I’m mad I lost and am blaming someone else.
  2. I want to be mean to someone because I’m a miserable person.

To me, it’s not really offensive, my most honest description of using it is that it’s pathetic, in the true sense of the word. In fact, my two example above fit the two definitions of the word “pathetic” pretty well:




  1. arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.
  2. miserably inadequate; of very low standard.

Gaslighting in a sense? Swear I still don’t get that like if the point is to not be that mean it still devolves into it and you being the main person who was the a hole.

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I abhor toxicity. And I agree, “diff” is no more toxic than “ez”. The problem is in how they are used. People use them exclusively to put blame and hate on other people. There is absolutely no reason to be rude to other people for trying their best. I feel they should all be uncensored, and consequences added for those who use them or anything like them.

Granted, you shouldn’t be banned for a single use of “ez” or “diff” or whatever, but if you are one of those habitual toxic people who feel the need to blame others, be rude, and act toxic, then we don’t need you. Any community would be better off without you.

There is a reason why for example FFXIV has often been touted as the MMO with the best community. Because toxicity is stomped quickly and effectively. Behave, or begone. It’s high time other companies and games adopt that same attitude. <3


It’s obviously not. It’s just a roundabout way of saying “we lost because this guy in my team sucked”.

Sure, you can go around calling that a “factual statement”. But it obviously is used in an offensive way. The fact that you disagree with that baffles me to be honest.

Not saying it should be blocked, banned or whatever, but don’t make up your own reality to justify your stance.


I do think its pointless as well. At the end its just a word, and not an insulting one, are the players who gave it the context and they wouls simply find another way to do the same.

I would say its more a way to publicly humilliate someone while still trying to look “smart”. Its like siding with even your enemies to put all the blame on someone else, hence you look as a victim instead of a bully.


It’s ironic because the game doesn’t even give you enough time after a match to properly explain exactly what went wrong anymore, so people have just given up trying and relegate to “diff.” The game is not designed to reduce toxicity. All these dumb changes are just increasing it.

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If only this was a game and the word applies, oh wait…

The problem is that, just like in Overwatch 1, stats don’t really tell the whole story. I’ve had games where one team is beating the other, but their stats are worse across the board. Kills only matter if they’re crucial picks. Damage only matters if you can actually get kills or charge your ult. Damage mitigated only matters if that damage would otherwise be going to your squishy teammates. Even healing, which has often been seen as the only stat to mean anything, is still a bit situational. Healing a Roadhog while he’s the only one in a mob of enemy players and is going to die anyway is pretty much useless. He’s unlikely to get any picks and he certainly isn’t mitigating damage for his dead teammates. At that point, healing is just another form of feeding ult charge to the enemies. Healing is also dependent a good bit on how smart your teammates are. If they’re all rushing in and dying before the healer can catch up, blaming the healer for not enough healing is silly.

I see the whole “diff” thing to just be a way to push blame to other players for your own failures. As soon as I see that I know which players to avoid in future matches. You will never improve if you can’t see your own faults.

But it’s okay to insult and treat people disrespectfully just because they’re not a sweaty gaming machine and did a little worse than you wanted them to? People typing “X diff” is not simply “pointing out” that the teams’ skills were different, but rather to insult the people on your team who you thought were bad at the game.
So take your pick, is it okay, or not okay to insult people and treat them disrespectfully? Because either way, you’ve contradicted yourself.

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In no way, shape, or form am I supporting or condoning the abuse or mistreatment of others.

“Sorry Billy, we didn’t make any mistakes this game, it was all you.”

What bothers me is the most is how saying diff is usually only gonna make someone play way worse, whilst being positive results in a loop most of the time and can potentially make someone play better.

If you wanna win, maybe don’t single one guy out until they don’t even wanna participate lol?


Lol you can’t be serious. To respond to this I say:

You support toxic behavior and you get it thrown back at you nice :+1:

I have no idea what mental gymnastics you went through to determine that diff was neutral…

That is literally this thread. If someone started telling a girl that she is dog at the game because she is a girl and just being really sexist, are you going to say she is sensitive when she gets upset?


You’re just going to continue to be argumentitive and rude so I have nothing positive or negative to say to you. :woman_shrugging: Think whatever you want. I don’t let strangers online ruffle my feathers and am very happy with who I am.

I wish you a pleasant day.

You say I didn’t ruffle your feathers but didn’t even respond to the argument and decided I was insulting you lol

The only thing I can think of that would make diff neutral is that it is a compliment to the other team’s player while also dragging someone else down. But how about this

:x: Compliment one player and insult another
:x: Insult the bad one
:white_check_mark: compliment the good player

You don’t have to be insulting to compliment people so why be insulting? There is no excuse. Diff isn’t neutral. It’s almost always used to blame one player on their team for the loss. Stop defending toxic phrases

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I didn’t respond because I, genuinely, have nothing left to say on the matter.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Complimenting an ally saying they made the difference in the match is a positive statement.

Then don’t reply??? Thank you. I will have a good day.

I think they were being sarcastic in that post