I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

It, in of itself isn’t toxic, the fact that it’s only used by toxic players makes it toxic.

What if someone said “Monkey diff” but there is no Winston?

Exactly this. Thank you for pointing out that is a simple solution to this.

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well this is a post diff

And that’s okay. :people_hugging: :hugs:

You’re right the term isn’t offensive. However, it’s just stupid and completely moronic and sure you said it means “difference” but I met more people who have told me it meant Difficult.

So that dumb term can’t even be consistent since “diff” could mean literally anything. Also “DPS is DIFF” “DPS is BAD” why even say diff? like why? Just spit it out if you’re gonna open your mouth and be a condescending jerk you might as well just say they’re bad because when you say diff not only does it sound stupid you look stupid and if it’s to be quick I mean look it took the higher letter count.

“Diff” is offensive because it has 4 letters. Do you know what other word has 4 letters? “Kill” (It even has two letters repeated!) /s

Now seriously, “diff” is not offensive, but unsportsmanlike. It is like saying “ez”.

It depends on how it’s used.

The term can be neutral or positive or negative. It depends on how people use them. I myself have used it in positive form before (saying it in team chat where, usually, our tank obviously massively outperforming the enemies). I’d say, however, most people are using them in a less-than neutral form.

I do, absolutely, agree that it’s unsportsmanlike.

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Term “diff” is used to offend someone, to humiliate people…
Like the guy, who was bullying me for healing the whole game, even tho I had the best stats from both teams and did my best to keep people alive - in the end, he had to write “heal diff”, even tho we won…

The point of saying diff implies that its a fact. Like you are not directly blaming anyone, which would be seen as subjective and could be used against you, but stating that factually someone is losing because their opponent is better. This puts the person that says it in a position of power above the rest, makes him look like good enought to acknowledge they are losing because the enemy is better, but he is as good as the winners and he is only losing because of others.

What I mean is that they are passive aggressive people who want to hurt someone without being called out.

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aka the p word? like just be blunt you already hurting the person its like “oh i slapped a person in the face but i didn’t punch them” yeah and you’re still in for a fight for assaulting them.

Is not a fact. How do you know if the DPS is underperforming because the tank is not tanking correctly or in synergy with the rest of the team? Stats give you only part of the information.

This is not a game where you can evaluate 1:1 performance. It’s a team game, and every member contributes to how well the other members play (synergy, communication, placement on the map, etc)


i swear FPS community gets softer and softer every year

yall probably never existed during early CSGO days and MW3 lobbies, and you want people to roll out the carpet and throw roses at you when you do badly in games

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I laughed at this comment because I lived through these days as a lady gamer and have heard every insult in the book. I had to accept that this is just how people are, and I can’t change that but what I can change is how I react to these people. I don’t allow myself to become upset over the dumb people feel the need to say. I used to - for a very long time. I learned to manage my triggers better, use the block button, and take breaks from the game when I feel things are getting bad. It’s hard to choose to walk away or ignore people. It can be done!

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Telling someone that they were the sole difference between losing and winning can be really hurtful. Go play a football game with a few friends, and tell your teammate “You made us lose.” That would, undoubtedly, hurt their feelings. Telling someone that they were the difference is not constructive in any way, it’s just unnecessarily putting them down.

Even if the term was actually being used to help someone improve their skill, it wouldn’t work, because telling someone that they made the team lose doesn’t help them improve in any particular area that they were lacking in at all.


Nah, because whoever says diff is not seen as directly insulting you, but like talking to someone else about you and making everyone around know.

Its not, whoever says it is trying to be an smart as* and hurting others.


However, I think that banning the word is pointless as Flats says. People will come up with different words for the same thing.

Sadly is the state of every online game… I play Valorant and there is no single ranked game that goes without someone trash-talking and flaming on the chat. Blizzard has a hard time reckoning that they won’t be able to change the toxicity of online games, they should just give up and improve the game, balance, and features; that’s how you keep players hooked and playing and not by solving world hunger.

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Eh, sometimes, on very rare occasions the word can be justified. It’s not abusive chat but it’s also quite clearly trying to make someone feel bad about their performance.

I’m surprised it took this long for the word to even enter the OW community considering it’s been passed around other games for years.

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