I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

I do. If I say “tank diff”, it’s the same as saying that the losing tank sucked. True or not, it’s still an insult. I can say many true statements about people that are insulting.

I did. And you are right. There was a lot of mixed reviews and frankly a lot of personal insults directed at me and people who agree with me. Which I actually think demonstrates my point. Many people couldn’t even disagree without being unpleasant.

Thanks. And to you also.

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They said that, but the DPS were only players who weren’t underperforming. So really nothing has changed at all.

I completely disagree. “diff” is loaded with subtext. In a pub game with strangers, there is no polite way to comment on the reason your team lost the game. It’s clearly an insult against the person/people in that role on your team, and everyone is going to interpret it that way.


well my bro just lost his accnt for typing: “better” a bunch of times.
oh well, i guess “better” is not pc in socal irvine

Do we need 20 threads of this? Bruh

Also pretty sure they don’t mish mash random people together every game in those sports, so it’s kinda totally completely not the same thing at all.

So you’re saying because they’re random people, that gives them a pass to be unkind? Would it be acceptable to just insult a random person you haven’t met in a class? Or at some recreational activity? Or at a restaurant or public place?

Should each of these random people at some point in their lives been taught to be respectful to others as a basic courtesy?


I like how every time someone comes defending people being a-holes they assume totally justified scenario and textbook correct use of term.

But no, in real life Overwatch no one types “Diff” because they want to share a valueble observation that no one else was able to make except for their brilliant mind and interpret due to their deduction skill. In Overwatch when someone types “Diff” they are being salty they lost and blame someone else for it, regardless of what actually happened.

I honestly don’t care for such things, it’s the internet, and Overwatch is far from a game that can be taken seriously. But at the same time I think people like that should be reported and have their chat banned, because there will be nothing useful lost without that “feedback”.


Diff is not a neutral statement. And yes, I got annoyed enough to use it once before. Two healers on our team refused to heal and then claimed there was a tank diff at the end of the match. So, I said no healer diff and bounced. I’m not proud of it because it was the wrong way to handle it, I’m just saying this to show you that I’m not claiming it’s toxic to be holier than though.

There’s a difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Constructive criticism doesn’t demean, gives concrete things people can improve on, etc. Destructive criticism is being critical to do things like shame someone else, or does so in a berating way. It often causes people to shutdown and reject the criticism as a well, which means in addition to being toxic it is counterproductive.

Diff is inarguably the latter. It’s only there to shame other people, that’s it.

It doesn’t just matter the veracity of what you say, but also how you say it. Diff is equivalent to “you suck” with absolutely no usable or constructive feedback added. There’s nothing neutral about the term.

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‘Diff’ is not offensive but for sure invokes some toxicity.

I don’t mind it and honestly couldn’t care less how ppl view my gameplay, I exclusively play quickplay these days and just find it sad how absurdly serious ppl take it and how sweaty they play it. I understand it in comp but in unranked?

Honestly there is worse stuff throwing around these days than “Diff” or “ez”, you get mocked or even receiving death threats because you play a certain hero or get told to harm yourself. Mind you again… in unranked. And Blizzard does not care at all apperently.

People just throw “diff” just to have an excuse on why they are loosing.

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Of course the word Diff isn’t toxic.

The intent for using it is toxic.

No one thinks a word is inherently bad outside of slurs. It’s that people are communicating with the intent of tilting, and hurting others.

Then they act like their intent is squeaky clean.

You got frustrated coz you lost, or you’re a bad winner so you said ‘diff’ instead of something racist.

Ok. But that’s doesn’t make you a saint. Just a broflake trying to not get banned.

So TLDR Diff isn’t an offensive terms you’re just an offensive person.


…actually the difference is subjective as we can’t see a complete list of statistics for the match-up, plus there are intangible variables in the equation (space created, etc)… :wink:

Nah, they used the Nokia 3310 to SMS back and forth. Legends say this mythical device is still going strong today.

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Ignoring the fact that your point of view is not fact - it’s opinion - why do you feel you need to type it in chat, what’s the purpose? We all know the reason is to highlight and shame someone’s performance in front of others. Either out of frustration or to cover up one’s own dismal performance.

One could argue it’s maybe not the worst offense but it’s the millions of these little “acceptable / so called harmless trash talk” comments that have eroded sportsmanship and just plain manners.

I think it can be toxic to use diff but diff has legitimate uses.
I would call diff on myself all the time when playing dps getting rekt.

diff, gap, crater, canyon, chasm, abyss
We have a lot to replace it, so no worries. These journalists can go full cringe and still get nothing of it. You can’t ban criticism.

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If y’all are so sensitive that the word diff makes you upset, just mute the chat. You literally have the tools to tailor your experience in this game (in terms of chatting). Take advantage of it.

There will always be rude people on the internet and in gaming. You can’t change human behavior despite how important you think your opinion is, so just try to change the filters you have access to.

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The funny thing is this is disingenuous. People just blanket the term as “always wrong” - but it’s not always wrong.

How could it be “neutral and factual” when it is often a biased and data less statement someone pulled out of nowhere? Haha

Dps going “support diff” at the end of the match because they were eating every shot around a wall doesn’t sound like an “agreeable assessment”, just tunnel visioned blaming

People can be rude if they want (and reap the consequences if it comes up) but the way y’all use it, diff is no different than saying “ORISA. You are garbage and we would have been better without you in our game, thanks for holding us back” - like, it isn’t smart, it is just false and unnecessary. At least come up with funnier insults so we could all have a laugh :joy: