I agree: "Diff" is not an offensive term

The important thing about this issue is - context matters. People can even get riled up when someone says ‘gg’. Which, I think is silly, but that’s my personal opinion.

I’d rather have the far more offensive racist and sexist stuff get censored first. Diff can wait.

Yeah, I remember the confederacy leaders saying “dps diff” after losing. It’s basic history.


While Diff isn’t actually a banned word, it indeed hurt ppl’s feeling sometimes. Ppl do need to do some anger management because toxicity won’t make either side feel better, but spoil your reputation instead.

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I laughed at this harder than I should have.

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Yeah we just played without him instead lol


Something I learned is that I have to be responsible for my triggers. I cannot expect the entire world to change how they live and act to accommodate my issues. If people can’t handle a neutral statement like “diff”, then that’s on them, and they need to learn to manage their triggers more productively.

Well, I disagree. Games I’ve been playing it’s more the fact that the team is unable to group up and work together, not just one person to blame, still the term is used to target someone out and how is that helping? It’s like saying to someone that is being bullied “Yes, I know he pointed and laughed at you cause you’re ugly and gay - but you are” Dude, come on - it’s not okey.


Team can’t group up and work together if 1-2 people are getting completley outplayed (i.e. diff’d) and constantly sitting in spawn. For example if your tank player sucks compared to the enemy tank, no amount of teamwork from your supports/dps is ever going to help you overcome that tank diff. Your team will get steamrolled by their tank in every fight due to how much OW2 revolves around the dumb tank role.

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Meanwhile, there’s a Zen in that team with 1k healing done in a 7 minute game (Yes, I see this all the time) screaming about that tank diff. It’s all about how it’s used and mostly, in Overwatch, with it’s toxic nature it’s used wrong and to aggravate people.

Probably beause the tank isn’t protecting the Zen and peeling off him. The performance of supports and dps is heavily tied to what the tank player does (or doesn’t do). That’s what I mean by OW2 being designed around the tank.

Do you see the irony here? Diff is insulting someone and treating them like garbage. So, you can dish it out, but you can’t take it.


See, I disagree that it’s insulting which makes your argument invalid.

Well, I disagree. If you can’t push out more than 1k healing as support in a 7 minute game, it’s a you problem and not a tank problem – and this is my point exactly - there are so many variables in this game that people doesn’t see cause they are in to their own frame of mind and randomly blame others for their own failures – that tank could have worked his a** off protecting the other 3 in the team but Zen was out roaming around trying to get some dps in – assuming it’s mostly a tank problem? Well, not in matches I’ve been placed in. And again… how is pointing fingers at someone helping?

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If I were to say “you suck” would you find that insulting? Because that is what you are saying. It’s definitely insulting.


This is the sort of twisted logic I don’t get from toxic players.

They say toxic things meant to insult and tilt, then pretend like the person who got insulted is at fault.


As if.

“Dif” is always used to shift blame to someone else. “noooo it wasn’t me”, then you watch the replay of them doing 600 mistakes per second. Pls. It’s getting old reading “X hero diff” when I know for a fact the player who said so is absolute :poop: .


… that makes their argument an argument. That’s what an argument is.


We are not talking about “you suck”. We are talking about “diff” being offensive.

They’re the same. It’s equivalent.


If you say so. You’re welcome to use any argument you want but I’ve said all I wanted to say. I hoped that others wouldn’t be so afraid to speak up on the matter. There has been some backlash towards those who share this opinion. Because of this, I can understand why so many people are afraid to show support for it. From what it seems, the community is pretty divided on the topic. You created a thread about the same topic and there were many mixed reviews.

I hope you have a pleasant evening.