Huge SR swings in comp

it’s frustrating as all hell. I let my kid try playing on my PC so he could see how it was different from XB1 where he plays. I didn’t watch him like a hawk and he decided to see how tough comp was… I logged in the next day and was 1300SR. The day before I was 2297.

This was infuriating but I figured, ok, guess I’ll try to climb up. The game at this level is just amazingly bad. You’ll lose 75% of your games in the spawn room. I actually had guys tell me that they didn’t know how Zarya bubbles worked. Another says “I can’t tank” but then refuses to switch off a tank. Solo heal as Zen… the list goes on and on…

All I can do now is just try to have fun and hope that I’ll climb over time.


Every season I go from low diamond to near silver and back. My rating and the tides are bffs.


You just basically listed everything that is teammate dependant. So it doesn’t matter in most cases if I pick the right hero if my teammates don’t.

I main DVA. Flank the backline, get high ground, help the shields with matrix, no hitscan or issues with the pharah/hanzo/widow I’ll take care of it. Focus on shield and healers then rest, do callouts, don’t let the mercy res. We got advantage two healers or DPS is down we should push, nope still sitting at choke. I’m diving point to draw them in, hang back wait till they break, oh you dead already nevermind. The list goes on and on.

I think taking a genuine focus on analysing your mistakes, and what you need to improve on, is necessary to climb if you’re finding yourself stuck. Simply playing more hours doesn’t help if you’re just repeating the same mistakes again and again.

When you notice yourself making better decisions based upon what you have learned, there’s a certain sense of accomplishment that goes with that, at least to me anyway.

I did climb from gold to diamond, so I know climbing is possible. Sr decay is a pain though, and one of the reasons I’m put off trying to push higher. I study at uni, I have a job, and my other hobbies and what passes for a social life… cramming enough games in every week to not derank is a huge pain. Sometimes I’m not in the mood for it either, and if I’ve had an emotionally taxing few days I know I need to stay away from the competitive environment.

I’ve kinda taken to just accepting I will decay, then waiting till next season (as placements put you where you were before decay usually) and playing a few more games until I’m tired. At least in lower ranks you don’t have to worry about that?

That’s part of the charm of QP lol

Did you just read the line about ult synergy and ignore the rest? Because it always matters.

Improving your knowledge of the game means you can better adapt to your teammate’s hero choices. Every single thing comes back to you, and your ability to adapt and execute. Did you get a teammate who doesn’t understand that Widow can easily get away from a solo diving Winston? Good thing you understand this, because now you can help.

Yes, individual games can present problems you simply cannot overcome.

That isn’t all of your games, though. It’s not most of them, either. This is why so many people recommend personal vod reviews. Right now, your phrasing makes it sound like you commit far less mistakes than your teammates… Yet you’re in the same rank as those teammates, so it probably wouldn’t be accurate to say that. Don’t be so hyper focused on teammate screw ups. It makes you neglect your own faults. You can’t fix stupid teammates; but you can limit their impact and climb by improving your own game sense and play.

Take breaks from comp, especially if you lose a few in a row.

Most people don’t have the time or patience or nerve to play 200bgames to get back to where they belong. It’s horse crap.

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If it takes you 200 games to get back where you belong, you probably don’t belong there in the first place.

60% of the time someone leaves theres no way to rank up. This game is busted…

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Why is every random, gut-felt estimate around 60%?

There are numerous ways. Get better mechanically, although I don’t recommend this as you’d have to be a monster on mechanics to make up for lack of game sense and climb.

Or improve your game sense, which is what a lot of people recommend. Game sense alone can get you through most of Platinum.

So quick to defend a broken game Mr/Mrs 1000+ postings makes one wonder if you work for Blizzard or something… Anyways your game is fun, but theres no point to a broken comp game and everyone knows it…

Lmao. Ya caught me. I get paid $2,400 a month to come on here and tell people, “quit making excuses for your skill.”

There’s even less point in making excuses for your rank on the forums, when plenty of people have climbed through ranks.

Yup. I never get a string of fun to play games that are close. It’s either a 15 game winning streak followed by an 11 loss losing streak or vice versa. The MM is broken. I don’t know how people can argue that a MM that has these dramatic swings is perfect.

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No one argues that. But when the more likely scenario is inconsistent performance, it’s worth bringing up when people provide no actual evidence to the contrary.

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Great post, this sums up my exact feelings and experiences with the matchmaker as well. I see you also have a lot of hours in comp this season, so I think that may be a big part of the reason why these things are obvious to people like us and not so much to others. My SR commonly swings from low gold to low diamond as well, over several seasons on two accounts. It’s very easy to tell when the game is giving you forced losses, forced wins, and somewhat fair matches.


I think the streaks are the problem. For some reason, it doesn‘t go 1-0-1-1-0-1-0-1 etc., but more 1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-1-1-1 - you get it. This is an odd behaviour and doesn‘t feel right.

Quoting myself

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I mentioned this on the other topic that you also posted in… But it does goes like that, quite often.

If your profile wasn’t private, I would prove it. Check your past activity. You can check specific days on sites like Overbuff. I’m willing to bet you see a lot more back and forth sessions, and a lot less streaks, than you think.

What are we even debating here? The SR swings are not natural if the matchmaking was doing a proper job. There can’t be that many superior and God awful players at the same SR, so don’t put them in my game. Please and thanks.


Only $2400? You may need to negotiate a better wage.

That is good advice, but what about if you lose 3-4 play next day lose 3-4 repeat…i am on a 27 game losing streak… i flex diff roles but still lose lose lose no matter what…

What then?