Huge SR swings in comp

It’s adjusted since the cost of living is lower where I am.

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First off, I’d say leave the game alone for a couple of days at least. Play or do something else. Then, maybe watch over your old gameplay for mistakes and analyse what changes you can make to your plays. Perhaps even share footage with coaches of on the forums for people to offer advice.

When you get back into it, make sure you’re well rested, calm, have eaten and have enough water next to you. Do a quick warm up in quickplay or deathmatch. Try to stay positive.

I know your question if probably rhetorical, but at the end of the day you just have to make sure you’re in your best mindset, and as well prepared as possible, and accept that you might end up losing more games. But ya know, the more you lose, the easier they should get to win after all, right? We all get losing streaks occasionally.

27 is a lot though… if you lose roughly 30sr per match, that’s 810sr… Like I said, take a longer break, get people to check over footage from your games to see if they can spot what might be holding you back. Make sure you’re in a positive mindset when you return, and not stressing out or anything.

I’ve held average 2600 SR for 4 season in a row. I previously climbed Silver to Gold, and Gold to Plat in a few days each, after I had gotten serious about playing and practiced a lot. My SR has slowly gotten a little better each season.
But this season I have gone from 2700 SR season high to 2000 SR in the last 2 weeks right before the season ends? I’m stuck constantly loosing in low Gold, when a month ago I was slowly climbing in Plat?
Still an Ana, Dva main, still fill when needed, still a positive teammate who encourages friendly communication. I can’t help but start to feel put out with the end of the season coming. Despite having a relatively easy time climbing previously, I feel completely powerless now.


Bro haven’t you listened to the pros in this thread? you just have to git gud! /s


Main was High Diamond and Master since season 6…i dropped to 2630 this season. Current record 11-48, I honestly have no explanation for it. I only solo q but still, i dont understand how I’ve dropped this much. I’m at awed this season. I already gave up on that account for good.

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haha, you tell me
i started this season at 2600.
climbed back to my usual rank around low diamond.
now im at 3100 and in the last 3 days i fell down to 2600 again…whats going on?

those are some serious SR swings, haha.


Large swings in SR are due largely to win or loss streaks. Win streaks and loss streaks do not imply that the matchmaker is not working well. In fact the opposite is true. Win and loss streaks are natural and common given an even match (with close to a 50% win chance). People seem to think that a win or loss streak longer than 3 means the game is rigged against them. In fact, given each match has about a 50% to be in your favour, the probability of NOT experiencing a win or loss streak of 4 after 100 games is nearly 0%. The probability of NOT experiencing a streak of 6 after 100 games is only about 20%. You’re more likely than not to experience a streak of 7 after 100 games. This is due to probability itself and not due to intervention by Blizzard.

After 100 games, the probability of experiencing a streak of 8: 33%.
For a streak of 9: 17%.
For a streak of 10: 8%.
These are pretty good odds.


i was 2855, but ended up on 2538. losing almost every game, and i play heal mostly

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Fair points but I think the issue has more to do with the quality of games during those win/loss streaks than the fact that they exist. Most of the time you’re getting steamrolled almost every game during a loss streak, or completely carried during a win streak. It doesn’t feel random at all.

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