Huge SR swings in comp

I’d agree but when I’m losing I am often times the only player doing anything and getting 4 gold medals. When I’m winning I’m often doing the minimum or getting carried. This game gets you to “where you belong” based on your stats which means losing or winning amplifies itself because your stats get padded when you win and mitigated when you lose.

Also when you’re on a loss streak you just get into odd matches that don’t look fair even on paper before you even start. Games with smurfs, low levels, and no-ranks where they are not only unevenly distributed number-wise but one team will get the actual low level noobs while the other gets the smurfs. Games with uneven stacks again not only number-wise but with 1 team try-harding with orisas, bastions, pharmercys etc. and the other picking all snipers. Games with huge rank discrepancies due to being put with random stacks. Games with leavers. Games with derankers. Games with 4-6 players maining 1 role or even same heroes. Even games where 6 solos go against a full 6 stack. These kinds of games happen 1 after another when the system wants to drop you. If someone tilts after 5-10 games of this type of matchmaking, the game’s creators have to take some responsibility and take the psychology of a person who just gets stomped over and over into consideration.

The system forcing people up or down too drastically snowballs itself. If the system wants to bring someone down 200 sr all at once then that player gets titled and goes down another 500 sr you have to admit it is at least partially the system’s fault for allowing it to happen. This creates even more mismatches and contributes to the large variance in skill level in every bracket that most people are aware of.

If people were truly put in fair matches and dropping seemed more natural by showing that you’re no longer getting medals at a certain threshold and you’re barely losing and you can actually see the crucial mistakes you made… then yes, I think most people would concur that they might be slightly over-leveled and dropping 100-200 sr would FEEL fair. People would be able to better accept their rank.

This system literally tries to guess where you belong and put you there. This is why many people hate hidden MMR because they can feel the hidden hand “putting you where you belong.” This does not seem natural or competitive. THAT is the issue.


It is not guessing where you belong and putting you there, unless it’s your very first placement.

The average player is not impacted much by PBSR, which is what it seems you’re actually talking about. It mostly just impacts those on the extreme ends; either those obviously worse than their rank, or those obviously better than their rank. For most players, MMR adjusts much slower, and over a larger quantity of games. So unless you play DPS and average 5 eliminations a match for 20 games in a row, the, “hidden hand,” is letting your wins and losses dictate your rank.

Yup. 1-6 or something in last few days. After basically all season of having great games, win some and then lose and win again. I had climbed to silver floated there and then dropped, went back up.

Now, get steam rolled, felt like not even doing damage some games, high team kills of 4. It’s so bloddy obvious something is up. How is it I’m also getting grouped with people literally just entering comp for first time? You telling me I’m the equivalent of a brand new player? Not quite…

The nerfs in mid season I find contribute to this. How about running your patches in between the seasons from now on…

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I encountered another depressing loss streak putting me at the lowest SR in probably 5 seasons. Same pattern of 15-20 Sr losses and just broke the steak with 35 Sr gain. Lol… All you can do is shake your head.

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You are a gold player that is lucky to hit plat if you are getting into silver. I have 3 accounts I play with.

  1. My main I play with all the time and with friends.
  2. Second account that I only solo queue on.
  3. My account I play with my gold/silver friends who frankly are not good at the game.

I bounce between low diamond (peak 3200) and low plat on my main. That is because playing with a 6 stack of friends vs a 6 stack of other people is so much harder than solo queuing it’s not even funny. Average rank of 2800 is equal to my 3100/3200 games.

My second account I bounce between 2700 and 3100.

My 3rd account I play my heart out with my lowbie friends (duo queue, and tri-queue) and I feel like I need to play like 3 people to win. They just simply make such huge game costing mistakes, I cannot over come it. But guess what, that account is still up in plat as well, and that’s playing with friends that have no idea on how to play.

So basically, I have 3 accounts mid plat. Anytime I get close to gold, I solo queue and it feels so easy it’s not even funny.

If you’re hitting plat, it’s because you are lucky enough to get players that can carry you up into plat. Gold is probably where you belong, but when you get gold, you’re probably tilting from it, then blaming the system. Post a vod of you playing and I bet a lot of the folks here can help point out flaws that will improve your game play.

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exactly it genuinely makes no sense to have constant huge fluctuations in SR, you cant be diamond one day then 2 days later low plat

I remember one time Jeff said something like “just say you need a week to gain back your lost SR” or something and it just seemed off. I can’t find it, somewhere in some two year old video. And then you go on to witness 13 seasons of what feels like extremely forced streaks. I don’t know, seems really suspicious.

This season I hit Plat again, finally, and I’ll sit out the rest. See if I can climb from there next season. I’m really not in the mood to log in, play my main to the best of my ability, and magically lose 200 SR again because people forgot how to group up all the sudden for 8 games in a row. I over came a bunch of that over 300 games to hit Plat and I’m good with that for now! (Not even career high btw, but good enough)


My season is this exactly. I climbed all the way to silver finally! Hung there up and down - win 50-50. Then bang! Bye bye 300 sr. And you said it, no grouping up and just the worst comps ever.

There is too much that people have noticed to make it a fluke. The game is just not fun anymore with this constant sh_it you have to endure. There is no way I should be playing with people who literally hit level 25. But the only thing that will be done is me having to leave and not play because they are not resetting or fixing anything.

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I’m pretty sure it’s not all your teams fault. You can climb to sliver and stay there, and even to gold or higher. However, the way to do that is not by going ‘it’s all the teams fault, they’re potatoes and the game is intentionally putting me with them to make me lose’.

Sometimes it will be their fault, but a good portion of mistakes will also be your fault. Focus on correcting those, since they’re the only thing you have control over.

It is not possible to win every game, no matter how good you are. But if you are skilled enough, you’ll certainly win enough to climb.

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Pretty much this. You will get to the SR you belong at. Games are too easy if you go under where you belong. Games are too hard if you go too high. People just don’t like to accept where they are.

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Cannot control teammates trickling, playing range dps when we need people on the ground battling the point/payload, not pushing choke or no shield, 2 off tanks, or 1 tank, running torbs on attack when no place to setup turrent, 2 secondary healers etc etc .

If I as one person can change my SR, then 1 bad teammate can wreck it for everyone. I belong low silver after playing in those games. Not this low level junk where people have zero clue. Its all good I actually uninstalled the game and battle net. Time for a break, no game is worth this.


You realise the same applies for the enemy team too right? It’s not like the enemy team is mystically going to be more coordinated than yours every time, because the game is ganging up on you or something.

Anyway, if it’s stressing you out then you may be right, a break is a good idea.

If its been this long and I am still where I am then I guess the game is maxed out me. I have no interest in studying film and have to practice hours on hours to get a bit higher. Hard to believe you don’t get better from just playing and that I could be making that many mistakes for this to happen.

It’s a game not a job…

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Overwatch relies heavily on game sense. It’s possible to improve a lot just through playing, but watching tutorials and vods increase your chances of improving by quite a bit.

You don’t have to practice for hours. You just have to be willing to learn the game, and capable of learning from your mistakes.

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Breakdown what learning the game involves. Please and TYIA…

Positioning for each point of each map, every hero’s abilities and ultimates and how to counter or mitigate them, which heroes work better on which maps, which heroes work better together in both normal fights and with ult combinations, what each role does (main tank versus off tank for example), which heroes can more easily 1v1 other heroes, how to effectively manage cooldowns, map layouts… You don’t have to study like it’s a class, but learning all of this just by playing would take a hell of a lot of play time. Tutorials and vods can significantly shorten that.

For a specific example, take Winston. If you want to play him well you need to understand how far he can leap, how much damage his leap does, how much damage his primary fire does, when to use his bubble shield, whether to use his ult aggressively or to retreat, and more. And all of this is before you even take into account maps and team comps.


just another day in overwatch. matchmaker is garbage and the white knights come its defence


It’s not defending the matchmaker, so much as educating people on how it works, and responding to people who aren’t as good as they believe themselves to be, and pointing that out.

As bad as the matchmaking in comp is, I have to say at least its better than quick play. “Jump into a game against other players of my skill level”? Sorry but bronze isn’t my skill level nor is GM. Please try again Jeff.

well it’s hard to create a proper SR system… that being said, why let people group up if you are aware of your systems accuracy