Huge SR swings in comp

Who else experiences this? I went from 2600s to 2200s in the span of 3 days. I will admit, there are games where I did bad but there were games where it wasn’t even my fault. Like what am I supposed to do? I pick healer/tank if people are being stubborn and selfish. They get mad at me when the whole team chases after me when I am the only healer. Like what more can I do?

Also I always end up climbing back one way or another. Like what is this?


I feel you. I constantly get up to 2870 then fall down to the 2600s and the 2500s. Then I climb back up again and its reallly annoying.


Inc typical “get good responses”


“Im GM you just need to get gud” profile private


Pretty normal unfortunately. Climbed 2 times to diamond just to get rekt 10-0 lose streak. Been from 3000+ to 2350. Maining Rein btw.


I was in diamond, about 3150sr, figured I’d play some more and see if I could push toward masters, went on a massive losing streak. Figured, well, I can make up for that. Went on another massive losing streak, ended up 2680ish, and I felt so crappy about it. Started questioning myself so hard.

Then, night before the season ended I played and went on an 8 game winning streak. Did my placement games, took a bit of a break, then won some more and got back to diamond.

First time I’d been pushed out of diamond like that since I initially reached it in season 6, it was a horrible experience. But it did teach me to not freak out if it happens. I know I can earn that sr back. It’s just a pain.


Massive swings in SR are a pretty good indicator of a terrible matchmaking system.


i can swing 500-600 in a week. #justoverwatchthings

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I’m questioning myself to. I just dropped in the 2100s. I have not been in that SR in MONTHS. Like ever since I hit plat I don’t recall being in the 2100s ONCE. WHat is this? Have I gotten worse at the game? This is making me sad guys.


I once lost 400 SR, then gained 500, all in about 10 days. That wasn’t very fun. The 400 SR drop was painful, because I’m already in bronze and was genuinely trying to win.

But then without consciously doing anything differently, I started winning, and gained it all back and then some. This happened around the time of the humble bundle. Not sure if that had an impact or not.

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Ppl around you improve faster than you have.
I dont improve so i go backwards.
Just the way it is

I doubt you will have got worse. I admit, when I went on the losing streak I was not necessarily in the best state I could have been in for comp (too sleep deprived, overly anxious etc.).

If you’re worried, take a break for a while, maybe a few days if you normally play every day, maybe a week/month. Enough to calm yourself down about the situation and not stress about it. Remind yourself it’s just a game. Remind yourself you can get that sr back. Remind yourself there’s no rush.

Maybe analyse your gameplay, or see if you can get some advice from other higher ranked players if you want. Just don’t beat yourself up too hard, if comp destroys you emotionally it’s not worth playing. I know personally there are some days I just have to stay away from it.


After 2 losses in a row, take a break. This is when tilt kicks in. I stopped having massive swings after doing that.

Also never play when you have a tough schedule. It can hurt your concentration, and is easier to get fatigued when playing.


I just have opinions as to why personally…

More and more people are playing DPS vs main tank. A lot of people just get tired of main tank, and the less people that take turns on it, wears out the good main tanks who just want to play something different.

A lot of the DPS playing do not know how to DPS. I can see this when versing an enemy team. I will have multiple games where I can steam roll the enemy dps, then out of nowhere, the next game, the DPS is amazingly on point.

I think ez win characters that ranked people up, and are no being nerfed, is causing certain people to be deranked, and swapping characters. They think they are a specific SR, but they are not.

New seasons, new characters, new maps, etc… bring back people who haven’t played in a long time.

6v6 team comps are insanely more difficult than solo. It seriously feels like a 500 - 1K SR difference.

I have had bigger swings in SR this season personally, but a lot for me has to do with the fact I am constantly having to play main tank instead of my main characters. And when I play my main, the main tank really doesn’t understand positioning because that person also never plays main tank.

Then on the flip side, vids being reviewed, OWL, and howtos are educating the community, so play styles and teams are just vastly better than last season. Add to that there are most likely less people playing this game, meaning less people in higher ranks, you really feel the pain.

No. Stop justifying the system. I swing 500-1000 sr all the time. I drop and climb back from silver/gold to plat about 5 times average per season. This is a terrible system point blank. A system that literally drops you 500 sr or more for no reason at all, just giving you auto-losses then forcing you to gain it all back.

The people who say “you will get it back if you belong there” are so stupid. Yes, I know I’ll get it back. I’ve done it 100+ times. It doesn’t make it any less of a BS matchmaking system. There is nothing to be gained from this other than stress. This doesn’t make the game more exciting or make the season seem more like a journey because we get to drop and climb. It doesn’t. It’s a stupid BS system. I’d rather be stuck in bronze and never have to go on another 20 game loss streak than be on this hamster wheel of a system.

If just one of the devs actually played like 50 games in solo Q they would at least have to reconsider how to go about with matchmaking but it’s obvious none of them have ever solo Q’d in their life. How do you pat yourself on the back and insist everything is working as intended without even testing your own game out for yourself?

Blizzard is full of nerds and geeks and the problem with that is nerds and geeks are indeed very smart but it is my opinion that many “smart” people lack very simple common sense. They want to apply quantum physics and aerospace engineering to simple 1+1=2 equations. Some people are actually so smart they’re stupid.


Well what’s the magical system fix you have in mind then? You want them to just give you free wins so you don’t ever de-rank? Sometimes you get unlucky. Sometimes you keep playing when what you really need to do is step away and take a break. I don’t think the system is as rigged as some players believe, what would Blizz even gain by making it so?

If you’re bouncing between Silver and Plat, then your play is wildly inconsistent. That isn’t the system; that’s you. You mentioned going on a 20 game loss streak… Stop playing after a few losses. If you’re actually going on massive loss streaks like that, then you’re almost certainly playing tilted, and it’s causing you to make a lot of mistakes.

No reason? The reason is you kept losing, and very rarely is it an, “auto-loss,” from a thrower or something. The vast majority of the time it’s because your team got outplayed.

Win = Gain SR
Loss = Lose SR

For the average player, that is literally the only metric that matters. It cannot get simpler.


The game is rigged, plain and simple. I too have faced these wild swings in SR in every season. I believe this is the carrot on the stick game they bait you into playing.


There is no carrot on a stick bait and switch going on… SR swings are natural. We are humans, we do not perform the same day to day (or really even game to game). That said, you will have good days and you will have bad days.

Someone else said it, but if you’re on a losing streak… take a break. Hell, if you’re on a winning streak… take a break. Play too long an you will wind up on auto-pilot, barely putting any thought into what you’re doing in-game and why.

Overall, quit focusing on a number. Don’t worry about your winrate, don’t worry about your accuracy, don’t worry about any of it. Focus only on improvement. What mistakes did you make? What did the enemy team do that helped them, and could you have done anything to stop it? etc.

In the least toxic way I can say it, I would bet that anyone complaining about a “rigged” system has never done a vod review in their life.

After my loss streak stint, guess what? Winning streak. 5 and counting. It never fails.

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