How Would YOU Change Mercy? 🤔

55 hps is not enough. 60 hps was already a very low value. You do not have to consider total healing, but the healing burst, because we are talking about a main support, the main support function is to mitigate the damage with its healing burst. 60 hps are also few because it does not have heal combos (ana and moira have it). If you eliminate valkyria (heal aoe) you could also hypothesize a buff to his healing(65 hps). But blizzard to continue with this colossal error of the rez on the E, nerf on the weaknesses of mercy (usually you do nerf on a strength of a hero, this should make us reflect)

60hp/s completely neutralizes Winston. 65 outheals Winston’s damage. Valkyrie with both makes Winston completely useless because of the AoE. Healers shouldn’t counter the tanks that are meant to counter healers.

It doesn’t help that Mercy is the most consistent main healer in the game and probably always will be. Can’t miss like Ana and doesn’t have a resource meter like Moira

Just realized how tired I am, I should get off the internet at 1am :joy:


Full revert. Rez has no invincibility, requires LoS. She also gets to keep her fly hop.


I would remove valks branches and instead I would add a healing wave when valk is activated, kind of like Ana’s buff but only healing and in AoE around Mercy

I would also remove Rez mandatory 1.75 channel, instead Rez channel would be tied to health restored %, max channel would be 2 full seconds for a full health rez, minimum channel would be 0.5 seconds for 10% hp

Too bad that all the other main supports do it, considering that winston has the lowest damage among the main tanks.
As mentioned, it is not necessary to have much more total heal, but for the main support the healing burst counts. Inform yourself before writing this nonsense.

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I mean, should a tank with a close range lock-on really be neutralising a main healers heals? Seems pretty ridiculous. Also, I find it disguisting that Winston can pretty much negate a 15 second ultimate…

Oh and btw, the two other main healers outheal winstons damage by a long shot.

Winston ends up with a total 10 dps when faced against a mercy’s healing beam, I’m not sure what is it that you want to achieve by completely nullifying his dmg, Ana can completely miss her target and bring her hps to a literal zero value and Moira can run out of juice plus she can only heal what is in front of her

If mercy’s mechanic were to be more cumbersome than anything that you have posted might have a hint of sense but so far you have only shown how shortsighted you can be, inform yourself before writing nonsense? or something

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Oh and btw, the two other main healers can either miss or run out of her resource meter.

How does that change the fact that they still have the ability to outheal Winston’s damage? The only thing you proved is that one is harder to do than the other.

That’s exactly the point, Ana and Moira can’t simply hold a single button and expect success, Mercy can, success should NOT be an option if you require no thought process, however, damage mitigation IS, that’s why 10 dps from winston is a thing

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Both Moira and Ana are countered by Winston. Mercy can just fly away with her 2 second cooldown.

Both of them are more high risk high reward, at least when dealing with Winston. Ana can’t really do anything if Winston is shield dancing, Moira has Fade on the same cooldown and about the same range as Jump Pack

Meanwhile, Mercy can just look at a teammate and hit shift unless she is wildly out of position

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Didn’t you just say previously that Winston counters healers?

Ana has sleep dart and bio nade. Even then, her team should be able to support her if she goes to them. Moira has fade which is the best escape ability amongst the supports. She basically can’t be killed by Winston unless she is a potato or if Winston manages to use his jumps skilfully.

Mercy’s GA is extremely predictable. In the case of flankers, something like CC or teleportation would be much better.

Actually, for Moira, it’s literally just press a single button to heal. Her resource bar won’t mean much because her damage is infinite and has an extremely forgiving hitbox.

Again, Moira can only heal what is in front of her, Mercy can check her surroundings and fly around while her beam is still connected plus while in valk she can heal you from mid range and with the current super jump she can acquire verticality, something that Moira can only dream of

Moira doesn’t just hit a single button either, she needs to aim her spray because barriers block her now and because her range is shorter than Mercy’s beam

Yes, I did. And I said it again in that other post. I said Moira and Ana are countered, as in Winston counters them.

Are we still talking about how Winston should counter Mercy? Mercy can just fly out of Winston’s range

She still negates Winston’s damage by a long shot.

Quite literally just look at your teammate and press a button…

Wouldn’t this mean that her heals is even more of just, click a single button?

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Let her ult heal for 70hp.
That is all.

Also playing moira and ana, you only wrote nonsense. A main healer can not heal a hero’s damage with the lowest damage to the game. Now I understand where the idea of nerf hps was born of mercy, blizzard has read your feedback. The usual feedback from people who do not know in the least what it means to play main support.
Guys here we talk about burst healing, not total healing. And sincerely of all the criticism you do in mercy, I’ve never heard of it read about his care, only lately.
It is no coincidence that in the past, 50 hps blizzard gave him a buff to bring it to 60 hps. (Eh winston already there was eh). At that time, mercy remained an occasional pick.
But no, now it must have less healing bursts and fail to heal winston damage …

The button doesn’t matter, it’s the thought process, Mercy only connects and forgets about it, Moira needs to follow you around, if you think that both heals are the same you need a reality check

But then, why did you try to make excuses for Mercy? Is she not a healer? Doesn’t this also apply to Mercy as well?

And Winston has the ability to follow said Mercy…