She ought to have a funner ultimate or earn her rezes like one, instead of a static timer.
Not that she ought to be a priority right now or anything.
She ought to have a funner ultimate or earn her rezes like one, instead of a static timer.
Not that she ought to be a priority right now or anything.
Quite a simple change really:
New Basic Ability - Pacify:
New Basic Ability - Halo
Mercy places a biotic halo over a single target for 3 seconds which prevents the hero from taking fatal damage (keeping them alive with 1 hp) and converts half of the damage taken into health.
Certainly that would be my idea of a perfectly engaging, fair, and fun Revert + Rework on the hero.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Most importantly, this takes Resurrect off one of Mercy’s basic abilities and places it into a position that matches its ultimate-like behavior. On top of this, various trade-offs were made to the ability to allow for the healing burst and the introduction of a second basic ability.
The healing burst, post-rez vulnerability, cast time, and LoS requirements all incentivise using Resurrect to revive 0-3 players rather than 4+ players. Attempting to use it on four or more players runs a greater risk a failed resurrect attempt due to the cast time. If Mercy manages to use Resurrect, there is a greater chance that she missed some allies due to the LoS requirement. If those two drawbacks do not drag her team down enough, there is also the fact that Mercy is vulnerable post-rez while her teammates are still reviving.
The healing burst and fire-at-will mechanics on Resurrect make the ability more flexible and open up some unique uses for it. For example, Mercy could use Resurrect to grant her team a burst of healing in the middle of the teamfight to keep their momentum going rather than waiting for an ally to rejoin the fight after being killed and revived.
New Basic Ability - Pacify:
Revert mercy, bring back to 60 hp, and move Rez to ult, rez solo heroe.
One of two options:
Pre invulnerability resurrect rework, add damage reduction, line of sight checks. Maybe try an ult decay if it ends up abused again?
Remove rez, give Valkyrie more of a ‘burst’ impact (similar to transcendence) so she could have more impact and thought with her ultimate usage - though IDK what her E would be.
lol the devs would never do that, that would break the hero so much it’s not even funny. Mercy has always been able to look around while healing, its a core part of her gameplay and fits in with her constant use of movement/flight around the battlefield. Nice troll lol
In Custa’s interview about Mercy he even talks about why it’s so important that she CAN look around while healing.
Lucio doesn’t need to directly look at people to heal them, neither does Zen, neither does Brig, Moira’ heal is AoE and leaves a HoT, her orbs can be thrown out of her LoS and continue to heal, Ana has a long range and a scope which allows her to maintain teammate LoS easily. A beam-connect hero should never require direct LoS, Mercy is supposed to be constantly scanning the battlefield and searching for low health targets/souls to rez/people to fly to.
Rez on ultimate, single use. No slow down. “Heroes never die” wind up before ult goes off.
Cleanse effect on E. Dispells stuns, slows, roots, ailments (venom from mine, discord orb), etc. would have a lingering effect for a very brief time (1-2 seconds) that worked purely on Mei’s slow (or any other slows if they’re added)- simply to avoid “oh heir being slowed. CLEANSE. Oh they’re still being slowed” situations.
I’d start with a 10 second cooldown and go up or down from there.
GA left unchanged.
Primary heal would be more dynamic. The “straighter” the beam, the more healing she would deliver. 3 distinct phases, with distinct visual enhancements at each stage, similar to syms beam.
The weakest would be when the target is near the edge of, or off of, the mercy pkayers screen.
If they were in relatively the center of the screen (think of the circle soldier sees whencusing tac visor that targets need to be in to be locked on, give or take)- the beam would ramp up, growing in visuals / intensity- doing more healing.
If mercy was aiming relatively ON the target (with a tolerance similar to what Moira’s attack does), beam would be at full power- doing the most healing
This would give the player an active aspect to their primary healing that gives a mechanic to reward- while still allowing her to function similarly to how she does now.
Others posted it already or made their version of it but I am lazy so here have a link.
No wait! That one was wrong… here try this one instead.
This brightened my day
What is funny is that people still believe she is useless.
Put the current rez to her ult. Get rid of Valkyrie.
Make guardian angel slower, on longer cooldown (maybe removing the need of a target to work) or reduce her self heal.
Buff Valkyrie…so that it’s more “impactful”…more of a burst thing then the “drawn out” one we have now…stronger but shorter…or change it all together for something new…no revert…leave her base kit alone
I want a rework tht’s a half rework so to speak (it’s still recognizeable as Valk Mercy)
FIrst things first Remove rez from E
Next up we alter Valk, the short answer is this. Remove All the Aspects of Valkyrie that are not fun and player controlled
This Means No More Chain Beams, half duration and no more bonus to her self regen.
IN return we buff the single beam to somewhere between 120 and 200 HPS and her Damage beam to I think about 40 - 50%
Next we give her her single target rez attached to the Ultimate Key while she’s in Valk
New Rez will have 2 charges and will have a cast time that can be managed mid fight without cowering
My idea for this is somewhere between .4 and .8 seconds (For reference .8 seconds is the cast time of Sound Barrier from ground level.) and no or very minimal reductions to her speed.
Next because Mercy 1.0 was weak because she lacked mid fight potential and that’s why she was D lister the moment Ana could be playedWe GIve Mercy a Manageable E ability
There are dozens of idea’s floating around, mine is one I call Biotic Shield
Cooldown : 8 - 12 seconds
Duration: 1 - 2 seconds
Mercy’s beam target gains a 20 - 50% damage resistance and immunity to all negative effects, this will also cleanse current effects from the target
(Also for those worried about Console, this ability will only be avialable during her Staff which means we can put it on the unused Reload button)
So there you go, there’s my proposed rework, please not that anywhere I had two numbers seperated by - it means that is my proposed range and I think the proper balance is somewhere between those numbers
Remove rez, healing back to 60 hps.
What do you mean?
Valk is fine.
If anything, it would be raised to 55.
Awww these are the types of forum jokes that are funny.
id remove her angelic descent passive so that pharmercy doesnt exist
Valckyria must be removed altogether. If mercy remains without an ability on the E, that’s fine.
To the question I answer: Mercy 1.0 but with the modified mass rez. There are many ways to change it. This rework is a failure not only for mercy but for the whole community.
MAYBE 55hp/s
right in the middle of right now where apparently her winrate is still decreasing (haven’t checked recently) and just completely outhealing every healer in the game. As for Valkyrie, I would leave it as is. Don’t really care for how not fun she is or isn’t because I have fun with her and I’m the one changing mercy.