How Would YOU Change Mercy? šŸ¤”

This isnā€™t a thread where you can flame people for their opinions or wishes. Just a simple, respectful discussion wondering what each personā€™s ideal version of Mercy is.

So, as the title suggests - Iā€™ve seen countless posts of people saying ā€œMercy is boringā€ ā€œMercyā€™s stats are getting worseā€ coupled with posts stating ā€œMercy is perfectly fineā€ ā€œIf you donā€™t like Mercy, play another heroā€ - leaving me wondering, what would YOU do to Mercy to make her both fun for you and balanced for the community? :smiley:

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Revert to mass rez, work from there. Plain and simple.


I would not change Mercy as of now.


Give her back her 60 HPS primary beam and remove rez entirely. Replace it with something else if we must, but I donā€™t think sheā€™d need a replacement for it. Sheā€™d still be the most consistent healer. Leave Valk the way it is.


At the moment? Iā€™d buff her healing to 55 HPS and change Vaklryie to where she gives like 75HPS to whoever sheā€™s directly healing. Iā€™d also change Rez to allow Mercy to cancel out of the ability.


Mass res as her ultimate again with a LOS thing and a damage reduction rather than complete invulnerability during casting.
Seriously, the invuln thing is what made her OP and non-risky AF.

Also 60 HPS again and completely ditch Valkyrie or make it a 5 second cast time or something.


If they are going to keep the lower heal value, they need to up her utility a bit. Probably make her just have one beam that damage boosts and heals. That would allow her to do her job and then some justifying the 50 HPS. If not, just revert to 60 HPS and nerf rez to just make it a gimmick.

As for what could make her fun for me, I wish she could ā€œpullā€ teammates who she is healing to her. A reverse guardian angel. Use it to help immobile tanks to high ground. Use it to save that Genji that overextended. Use it to pull someone out of a grav. There is a lot of potential there and she could double down on her mobility niche. That being said, with such a powerful tool, rez would probably have to go. I am personally fine with that, but I do not play Mercy. I probably would if she had this ability, however.


Make her beam disconnect when she breaks los of the hero sheā€™s healing/damage boosting.

That happens automatically after a second of no LOS regardless of Valkyrie active or not.

Makes me think of the Priestā€™s ā€˜Leap of Faithā€™ from World of Warcraft. An awesome idea :grin: would also allow Mercy to ā€˜peelā€™ for slower back line healers like Zenyatta.

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My former Mercy friends said that they would be fine with loosing rez if it meant she could FINALLY get a mid-fight presence. Be it a burst heal, or a boost of some type.

Then they could buff up her healing to either 55hps or back to her 60hps.

Possibly give her an E for a mobility move that didnā€™t require her relying on a teammate; or giving her a glide rather then the slow fall she has.

Boost and GA fine as is. (Though they were annoyed that it took her being broken for people to realize ā€œOh hey, 30% Damage Boost is kind of a really nice thing!ā€)

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Giff Valkyrie the bufferino.
Nothing else.

Can I be the first one to be funny and say delete? Cool.

But seriously, just make valk put healing up to 60HPS (or maybe higher).

Iā€™d make these changes:
ā€¢ Resurrect doesnā€™t slow you down when cast
ā€¢ Resurrect can now be cast from 10m away
ā€¢ Walking out of range or line of sight interrupts the cast and the ability goes on CD
ā€¢ Valkyrie no longer chains beams
ā€¢ Valkyrie heals 50 HPS -> 100 HPS
ā€¢ Valkyrie damage boosts 30% -> 40%
ā€¢ Resurrect has no cast time in valkyrie
ā€¢ Mercy no longer regenerates without interruption when valkyrie is active

Here ya go. Valkyrie is more engaging with no chain beams and is more impactful with good juggling skills, resurrect is still counterable but is more pleasant to use and mercy is easier to kill during valkyrie.


It breaks when thereā€™s an object between you and the hero your beam is connected to, it does not break when you do a full 180, youā€™re literally not even looking at the person your healing anymore yet it stays connected.

iā€™m sure yā€™all salty, jealous moira mains wouldnā€™t. :slight_smile:


  • give her an ult thatā€™s actually good.
  • healing raised from 50 to 60 so sheā€™ll be actually good at her job again.

Remove Resurrect.
Play around with 55-65HPS to find what works best while keeping Ana the preferred main healer at GM level.
New ultimate - I dunno, death prevention, damage reductionā€¦something.
Something that is used to STOP someone dying, not reversing it.
Add some E ability, maybe a HOT.

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Some awesome ideas so far :grin:

I didnā€™t include my opinion in the OP so it wouldnā€™t sway the thread more in a certain direction. For me however, Iā€™d personally:

Bring back Mass Rez as an ultimate - although add some limitations (such as a cast time or a timer where the player only be resurrected within 3 seconds of dying.)
Since that would be removed from E, I would implement a skill where Mercy can temporarily empower her staff and do an increased rate of healing and increased damage boost for a short duration. Increasing her strength of single target healing and damage boosting along with providing her a great mechanic to react to shock damage with.

Iā€™ve made a thread about this before, so Iā€™ll just copy and paste from there!


Step one: Take Rez away as an ability.

Step two:


  • No longer gives Mercy chain damage/healing.
  • No longer boosts Caduceus beam range.
  • No longer gives Mercy the ability to fly.
  • Movement speed boost remains the same.
  • Self-regeneration is still not interrupted by damage taken.
  • Guardian Angel still gets increased range.

Valkyrie Changes:

  • Ult charge rate increased by 25% - 50%.
  • Ult duration reduced to ten (10) seconds.
  • Upon activation, Guardian Angelā€™s cooldown is removed.
  • Upon activation, gives Mercy five (5) resurrect charges for the duration of the ult (10 seconds).
  • Resurrect has a cast time of one (1) second, and requires LOS + Mercy to be within 3m of each soul.
  • Resurrect can be cancelled mid-cast, but will still consume a charge.

On Mercyā€™s side, this will encourage engagement, smart positioning, and teammate prioritization. This would also rework the ultimate around the skill of Mercyā€™s people actually find fun and technically challenging: Guardian Angel / bunny hopping / using your teammateā€™s positioning to perform 900 IQ jukes. Being able to cancel Resurrect mid-cast, in combination with infinite GA, would also enable some god-tier enemy ability baiting.

On counterplayā€™s side, with Mercy no longer able to glide in and press Q (Mass Rez), or press Q and bugger off to the skybox for the rest of the team fight (Valkyrie), it would no longer be a difficult ultimate to counter if sheā€™s being focused down by one or two people.

Like other ultimates, Valkyrie can now help turn the tide of a team fight, instead of restarting one that was lost (Mass Rez), or strengthening an already-ongoing push (Valkyrie). Thisā€™ll bring fun back to her gameplay, along with making her more difficult to utilize properly.

New E - (name in progress)

Mercy can create 200 hp bubble around her which she can chanel for 5 sec, 15 sec cd. She can move while channeling
Its about Zarya size but a little bigger so couple people can get in
Mercys bubble is basically a small barier, but its different
Mercy, her allies and the bubble itself are healed inside for 25 hp (maybe 30 hp) per sec, kinda like half of her beam healing (bubble is also yellow like her healing beam)
When her bubble is destroyed it explodes with 100 hp aoe healing in small radius. However if 5 sec chanel time just ends there is no aoe heal

Updated Q - still ā€œValkyrieā€

20 sec duration
Beams no longer spread
Healing and damage buff are increased (possible to 100 hp and 50%)
Her bubble (new E) gets bigger in size (little smaller than Winstons barier) and its health goes to 400 hp. Bubble and people inside are healed for 50 hp per sec. If destroyed it heals for 150 hp (or 200 hp). Maybe increase chanel time during ā€œValkyrieā€ to 8 sec as well
E ability is reset if ā€œValkyrieā€ is used and she can fly while channeling her bubble
She can use insta rez on Q, BUT its cost 10 sec from her ā€œValkyrieā€. So if Mercy double rez its over
New mechanic - ā€œfatigueā€
So to make people use buffs which ā€œValkyrieā€ provides instead of just ulting for double rez, Mercy can get ā€œfatigueā€ effect.
Basically if Mercy uses 2 rezs straight away or she rez when its only 5 sec or less left on ā€œValkyrieā€ (rez cost 10 sec) her GA goes to 7 sec cd

Other option to her new E is to charge it with healing instead of just having it on cd

I dont know how balance this is, but at least its funā€¦ for me)

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