How would YOU buff Reaper or Mei?

too much broken, pls no

Give mei wallRide!!!

*Watches OWL for a mei mapped on lucio’s model

I mean, does more CC really need to happen right now? Kinda rough to think about.


My dear Geoff, would you think that allowing Ana to heal through full health teammates is too much of a buff?

“Oh No!!”

Geoff Please, Think of the children

Make his ghost mode cancellable.

make her freezing debuff affect movement abilities - (dashes/teleports are shorter and slower)

you cant be serious…

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Can we give Ana’s Nanoboost the speed boost back, just for this?


we need more stuns, MORE, yeah



Please look into the Bastion threads. He needs some love just as much as anybody else :heart: :blue_heart:

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Stop tickling our balls and tell us.

You give us Brig, and empower Rein through that, and now your going to inflict on us AOE Mei?

Please no. :cry:

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For reaper i would like his wraith form to be on a meter or a timer, and while its active you can fade in and out of wraith form as often as you want.

Also would like his teleport to be sped up by a lot

Reaper needs moira fade. I dont care how strong it would be. :stuck_out_tongue:


reaper now have %0.1 armor penetration.

Please give Shadow Step a rework and a possible ALT FIRE for Reaper that works like a souldrain : cant headshot but goes through armor (possible shields)
That would make soooo many people happy :blush:

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If you want Reaper to be a tankbuster he should not really have a kit made to flank.

  • Get rid of shadow step. There’s nothing you can do about this ability to make it better. Its very clunky to aim, and if you buff it too much in speed or invulnerability, it will feel unfair i believe. Anyway this is not a good ability for a TANKBUSTER.
  • Make Wraith form FASTER and cancelable! This need to be his main ability to engage a tank!. another good idea is to put it on a ressource meter like D.VA’s matrix for exemple. Or actually, maybe give it a cooldown reset like swift strike :astonished: you’d use WF to engage a tank and kill it and if you succeed you can WF back to safety.
  • Pretty obvious buff but, REDUCE HIS SPREAD! Reaper’s damage feel non existant unless you are literaly at MELEE RANGE…
  • Give him his grenade launcher from the first cinematic, make it shoot SMOKE GRENADE and if an ennemy step inside the smoke, he become visible in the same fashion that an ennemy is visible to sombra through wall.
  • for a tankbuster, his ult is currently actually only usefull against squishies :rofl: this is also the easiest ult to CC so a buff to reaper survivability while he ult would be good. Also, i always thought that his ult was 200DPS but it actually is 170 dps i believe, this should be buffed to 200dps so that you CAN kill a roadhog if he’s caught without his breather for exemple.

Hope it gives some idea to the devs.


What if they make his wraith form climb walls and make his shadowstep a close combat ability that instantly teleported you to the targeted players back facing them. Maybe have that ability on a 5 meter range or something. It would have a slight (<1sec) cast time and resolve time (just him sinking into the ground and then rising up from the player’s shadow.

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So you guys are just gonna make her more annoying?



Ammo regeneration on kill [1 shot per kill]

Ultimate time increases by 20%

Incoming damage reduced by 10%


Primary fire ammo consumption reduced by 15%

Damage increased by 10%

Cryofreeze healing will now heal you to full

Coming out of Cryofreeze will Yield a 1 second Invulnerability but weapon damage whilst invulnerable reduced by 25%