I would cut the entire animation duration of shadow step by half. There is no reason why it should be so slow and clunky. Right now I have to stop, aim where I want to teleport, click a button, watch an unnecessarily long animation and then the cherry on the cake is that as I’m re-appearing out of shadow step, I’m an open target to any incoming damage, like a widow headshot. It just needs to be improved, sped up a bit, and have Reaps be invulnerable as he is re-appearing.
I’m not a Mei player so I don’t really know what changes she would need to become better at what she does without becoming OP, but off the top of my head I would like to see an increase in primary fire projectile speed a little bit.
Wait this wasn’t already a thing?
…I need to lay off icicle sniping for the entire map
Anyway, Reaper should get a speed boost if he lands a solid hit, and Mei should have the wall cooldown start as soon as it goes out like it does for Winston.
Mei should move a little faster when she is around the area of her ultimate, I think that would be a cool little addition
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Armor piercing ammo, and a Shadow Step that’s invulnerable and animates 3x faster on the first half of it and normal on the second half.
So Meis primary become like Moiras heal spray? Interesting.
let Mei jump into the air with her wall and give Reaper a guitar that shoots grenades pls
Allow her special to target two specific people on the opposite team. Once selected, Snowball would go and freeze the two enemies. only two so its not too OP
When you’re done fiddling with her primary, can you guys give Mei a few bug fix patches like Doomfist got? The alluded spray buff (called it, btw) will be rad, but it won’t fix any of the following situations:
streamable -dot- com/mabfv
streamable -dot- com/01o6y
streamable -dot- com/m22sn
Getting these issues fixed would be Mei’s biggest buff yet.
(Why can’t I post links? watf?)
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I think the best way to buff her is to increase the range of her Ultimate. Right now her ultimate is just too easy to escape. And increase the height that the ultimate freezes to the skybox. So you can do a Ghost buster and put her ultimate under a pharah and watch her fall out the sky.
Right now Reapers main issue is he can’t compete against long range units. They are able to kill him before he can even reach him in higher levels.
So I think an interesting mechanic would be “self-revive” If he kills 3 enemies ( without dying ) he gets a stack of self revive. ( which acts similar to doomfist ultimate ) instead of dying he suddenly disappears and he can pick the location he revives in.
When he self revives, he should say,
“Heroes never Die”
Didn’t he die? I remember some Linkin Park Singer Killed him self.
Yeah he did. That’s what I meant. lol
Hey Uncle Geoff should you have time please have a look on this idea.
I think Mei could fill a better role as a CC hero, who is strong against close range heroes but weak against long-ranged ones. I’m not sure if it is good but it looks interesting :
- Freeze ray range increase
- Icicle range reduced, potentially higher fire rate
- Cryo trades half of its defensive power into CC / damage
- Wall is weaker with lower CD, such that it is better for personal use
- Blizzard trades half of its area denial into CC / damage
- Only have 200 health
Reaper: Wraith form moves twice as fast, lasts half as long, has two charges, and Reaper can fly while using it.
Having two charges of Wraith Form lets Reaper be more aggressive by using it to initiate and still having a charge left to escape. Half duration means that its impact as a stall ability will be roughly the same as it is currently. The ability to fly in Wraith gives Reaper a stronger disengage ability than currently.
Mei: QoL/bugfix pass on her ult - it is super unreliable on uneven terrain or around minor LoS blockers like lamps. Add utility to Ice Wall - give it a ‘knock up’ when wall first spawns and let the wall be placed horizontally (ie the wall can be spawned to stick out horizontally from a wall).
Mei’s ult has a lot of bugs that prevents it from being used to it’s full potential - these should be cleaned up so the ult is working at it’s real power level. Mei’s wall can be given more disruption utility to give Mei more flexibility to create openings for her team rather than just capitalize on positioning mistakes of the enemy.
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Since I haven’t seen this suggestion yet
Increase Reaper’s base movement speed. For a character that needs to get in people face to do damage, he is surprisingly slow
please no have mercy i don’t need this grief
Perfect! That would be A-Mei-Zing!
Reaper: Allow the player to use Shadow Step and Wraith Form at the same time. For example, as you teleport, you see someone about to kill you before you could normally act, but instead you can wraith form to avoid the damage at the cost of your wraith form cooldown. Maybe even allow Shadow Step to be used during Wraith Form so Shadow Step can be a reliable escape move.
Mei: Add a slowdown to Icicle. Not enough to outright freeze someone on its own, but enough to allow Mei to catch up and freeze them throughly with her primary. It could even stack with her primary by counting slightly towards her time to freeze.
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A lot of people have already said decrease Reaper’s animation time for his teleport and make Wraith form cancel-able and faster. I think adding another ability to his mouse2 button would be nice, maybe something that makes escaping easier.
How about an ability that lets him shadow step a few feet in whatever direction you are pressing, similar to Moira’s fade but shorter distance. If you want more offense, let him drop a few small grenades in his place with a small detonation time and sound to warn people. It would force enemies to back off or take damage, and allow him to regroup.
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Dear God.
I fear for the innocent lives she will take.
What’d I’d like with reaper:
Make wraith form cancellable after 1 second of being in it, and make the cooldown for it start when he enters it. This would allow him to bait out stuns like flashbang, shield bash, and chain hook without being stuck in wraith form for several seconds with a predictable exit time, which often results in him getting chased, surrounded, and killed. An added bonus might be to further increase his movement speed while using it, but it may not be necessary.
Make his shadowstep function like doomfist’s ult. He would go off the map briefly and get to choose precisely where he wants to be. Also slightly decrease the cast time on both the entry and exit cast times. This would allow him to get into sneaky positions behind the enemy and perform as a flanker more properly, and make him less of a free kill for snipers while using it.
And a general change for overwatch and not necessarily a reaper specific buff. Make single shot, spread weapons count as one individual source of damage. Right now, every pellet on a spread based weapon counts as a separate damage source, and armour health reduces every individual pellet’s damage by 5. So the damage reduction caused by armour is (-5 x # of pellets that hit the target each shot), and this change would make it a flat (-5 each shot). So this would be a buff to reaper, doomfist, and roadhog. Torbjorn and Dva would also see benefit as far as dealing damage, but they themselves rely on armour, so it would balance out. Some tanks may need a small health buff to compensate.