How Would You Buff Doomfist?

What he needs is either a complete rework, or just total deletion from the game. He’s incredibly unhealthy for the state of Overwatch right now.


Doomfist doesn’t need or deserve buffs. He’s awful to play against and doesn’t fit in the game. They should totally rework his kit to remove one shots and the obscene levels of cc.


It’s a literal statistical fact you can look up. Doomfist averages 10.57 deaths, he’s the only DPS with double digits. Doomfist is 5th above last for elims per game. Doomfist has the lowest E:D ratio. Doomfist is 2nd to last for obj kills per game (last is widowmaker). Doomfist is 3rd to last for damage.

Literally the only CC ability he has that moves you a lot is uppercut. Slam barely moves you, and same with punch. His CC is exaggerated.

Come on, that’s ridiculous. His punch sends you across the map. In no way, shape or form does his punch “barely move you”. I realize you’re pro doomfist but saying things like that makes people not take you seriously.


Yes. Until they fix rear audio priority. He’s oppressive the most with that problem. All he does is kill you, cause you hear jack all. As for the question. You know what I would do. Revert all the changes. But remove one thing. Damage off walls.


Neither does saying things like this. On a fully charged punch you get moved 12 meters. Most boops are around 10-12 meters. It’s a bit on the higher end but when you take into account how difficult it is to actually hit and how easy it is to cancel, displace, and dodge. It makes sense.

I would much rather fight doomfist than any other flanker cause of his massive hitbox and loud moves. Plus after playing him for so long I expect where most doom players to be

Did… did you really just say that rp is hard to land?

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That’s a good feednack to the devs, these subjetive aspects of the game are the things that the devs cant know looking at the stats they have.

So with your arguments it’s dificult to land a flying truck (hitbox) skill?.

Nerf his rocket punch so it consumes ammo, can no longer oneshot, and has a reduced knockback.

Then, we can give him 20 meter slam, knockback-resistant grounded slam, and a stronger meteor strike.

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First thing first…flanker speed

Buff his lethality, but rework his passive and Ult

So something like this


  • Health increased to 300 due to his hit box size

Rocket Punch

  • Time to reach max charge increased from 1.4 to 1.25 seconds.

Hand Cannon

  • Number of shots increased from 4 to 6

Rising Uppercut

  • Recovery time decreased from 0.35 to 0.2 seconds.
  • Loss of air control duration increased from 0.6 seconds to 0.8 seconds.

Seismic Slam

  • Maximum range increased from 15 meters to 18 meters.

The Best Defense

  • Only gives temporary shield on kill, 40% of Doomfist’s health.

Meteor Strike

  • Doomfist takes a knee when activated, meaning he can be shot and killed while choosing a place to strike
  • Cast time increased to 1.5 as a result of him now leaping into the air only after he’s chosen a spot
  • Inner ring damage radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
  • Outer ring maximum damage decreased from 300 to 200

Nah… I’ve made him balanced, just balanced.

Do… do you think it’s as simple as launching it at someone and expecting them to not try to cancel it? or dodge? or displace you while you’re charging it up?

Read above.

No literally. If he doesn’t get shields while going in, he will have no tankiness, with a tank sized hitbox, and a suicide dive playstyle. You will have literally butchered the hero. There’s a reason why even NOW with his shield gain he averages the most deaths.

Thanks for taking out of context, my reply was a meme reply.

That wasn’t meant for you. That was meant for this guy.

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Well he clearly is op. I mean he has a one shot, and a lot of mobility. Obviously hes just tracer on steroids.

Clearly. He’s also immune to stuns and CC. They will go through him.

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Yeah. I especially hate how there’s no meta counters to him right now. You know, a counter that is currently in literally every game of overwatch? It’s a shame, really.