How Would You Buff Doomfist?

What do ya’ll think our punchy boy needs?


I wouldn’t, because half the community would off themselves.


Start by nerfing him


The last uppercut nerf reverted and his old slam those are the only 2 changes that really killed his combo and movility


Revert the latest uppercut nerf, revert slam back to 20m, Reduce rp damage because good Doomfists rarely use it for kills and give him his punch mobility back.


Give him his 20 meters on seismic slam back. It messed up higher level doomfists while not even affecting lower ranked doomfists. He needs quite a bit of help in the higher ranks so I think this would be a good start.

I just checked Overbuff, lower rank players (gold and below). Can you answer a question for me? Is doomfist anywhere near the level of oppression that bastion or Pharah? can provide in those ranks? The stats on overbuff are telling me otherwise. I figured he would get more value against naturally uncoordinated teams.

Overbuff is also telling me that he is having a shocking amount of success in plat and diamond as well as a higher pickrate in masters and GM compared to lower ranks.


As not good as Doomfist is in gold Bastion is still worse.

I wouldn’t. He is pretty much everything ppl hate. Tons of mobility, one shot, cc on pretty much every attack with short cds. Also think the hero is middle of the pack atm, and that’s fine. Tho I wish he was worse cuz I hate his terrible design.


I like to fight him, he’s got no range and a big hitbox.

Nah, he’s worse. He’s got really high deaths to kills and Echo can pretty much do what he does, but at range.


Ah yes i love me some valid argument


I feel like adding a self-destruct button would be good. It’d be like a crit box, but huge on his fist so that way when someone hits it, he explodes into confetti.

I really don’t get y’all bein like “WhatevEr ShALL WE DO?!?!” anytime a hero goes from being OP to somewhat less OP.


tbh i think blizzard has gone the total opposite way in terms of nerfing doom they have been taking his movement capabilities but his cooldowns have the same power which is the core issue i think they need to do a power shift from his cds back to his movement and flank style


Rework the godawful mechanic of his rocket punch doing more damage when the opponent hits a wall cause even Jeff agreed it doesn’t work for a FPS and make it more skillful like a punch from farther away does more damage than up close or something. And then buff his ult and handgun as they’re obviously the best worst parts of his kit


Remove Uppercut nerf and Punch charge time to 1.2 seconds. Then he’s perfectly balanced. His old Slam distance was honestly not neccecary, but I would be okay with an extra like, 2m. But no need to revert Slam fully.

  • Revert that latest idiotic nerf to uppercut

  • Maybe as an experiment, old slam range


As others have said, it all starts by giving him a few good nerfs.


That seems like an interesting idea, I wish I could try the rp rework on experimental before giving my opinion

Why would I?


I really would hesistate to buff him because he has so much CC baked into his kit. He and Sombra are difficult to buff because they suck the fun from the game if they become meta.


I would give him an indirect buff of making him a tank.

Less damage but more health. I imagine he would be a Roadhog type tank. One that uses damage and CC threat to make space.

High CC chaining and High burst damage are not fun. They’re not fun because it doesn’t feel fair. It’s feast for famine, you either get the kill or you do nothing. Making him a tank would allow for his kit to do something else without being all or nothing.