Somebody countered my main, please nerf

Can you group all of these threads under here in the future?

I promise to wrap them up in a neat little bow and throw them in the traaaa… I mean, send them to Blizzard.

Yes, send them to Blizzard.


pls nerf doomfist ana zarya genji tracer ashe rein


pls nerf winston he killed me when I charged into the cliff

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I don’t like to say “nerf” one of my favourite heroes. But seriously, Echo needs a nerf. At least maybe a slight one.

I got her ultimate within the first 40 seconds of a match. Unbelievably

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Idk, many heroes can get their ult that quickly. One time in comp i saw a get her ult in 36 seconds. I’ve managed to get my ult in less than 40 seconds as sym too

I’ve got my ult straight out of spawn with Ana.

That’s not a metric for buffs.

Please nerf brig, bap, moira, Ana and mercy. They used abilities that deny kills and denied my kill. Why does this happen, supports shouldn’t be able to do this. That is not why they were given those abilities

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Why are healers allowed to heal anyway? Broken.

Please nerf doomfist!!111!!! I was playing ana and I missed my sleep dart on the flying truck so plez nerrf! 1111!!!1!!

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