How Would You Buff Doomfist?

Well that’s an idea hahahaha

I don’t see any better ones, would you like to make some?

I would love to see doomfist as a tank. If he still had combo abilities and high mobility. It would be fun.


Bigger health pool with shield, insane mobility, one shot kills with punch. And its hard to punish him because he can easily escape. Who can counter him well? I am curious because hog is pretty bad now as tank and i frequently see people playing doom again two hitscans without issues(in top500).

If you fight him in 1v1 and do one Tiny mistake, you are dead and he doesnt even have to aim that much. Its a lot easy to be killed by his abilities than kill him. With yours.

Yes, he is not so good in OWL where best people in world play, who simply do not miss shots practicaly. But we are not owl right? He is pretty op in majority of ranks.

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Keep them as is? Its not like they’ll make the changes anyways.

Compliance is defeat, friend.

Change is victory.

Noting to be honest…
The hero is good, it’s just not his meta.
You can’t expect a hero to be good when the leading composition is a counter.
As long that brawl is the meta, dive will see close to no play.
when stationary will be meta again dive will see more play and when dive is meta doomfist will be one of the most played heroes for sure.

Either decrease both Upercut and Seismic Slam’s cooldown by 1 second or just increase the distance on both Seismic and right click.

I don’t have much faith with the devs anymore.

The only change I do is adjust to whatever they do. lol!

And yet again. He’s the ONLY DPS with double digit deaths…

I’ll make a whole list for you sure.

Another Doomfist
Mercy can escape his combo
Moira can escape his combo

They may not be counter counters like shut him down and sht. But every single one of them either counters him, hard counters him, or can deal with him accordingly.

Same thing for doom. If he messes up anything he’s dead too.

And he’s not OP. Because again. 2nd to lowest elims per game, lowest E:D ratio, highest deaths, lowest damage, and lowest obj kills.

Faith has nothing to do with it. I have zero faith in the developers of this game. But I do have faith that they have eyes and ears.

So I intend to be loud enough for them to notice.

Well good luck with that. Their eyes and ears are for what’s popular.

And the most “Popular” thing is whatever gets noticed the most.
Look at the Bastion thread… it went through 20K posts of activity.

Like I said good luck with that.

I’m just not gonna waste my time on that.

I’ve “Wasted” years.

[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]

So have I but just on a different hero.

He’s literally the definition of low risk-high reward hero, and more than half of the people you mentioned there don’t counter him at all.


You’re a troll. I’m sorry but you are a literal troll if you think the hero with the most deaths and lowest damage and elims, the hero that literally LAUNCHES himself into the enemy team to get any sort of value, is low risk. You either don’t play overwatch and made your way onto these forums somehow or literally are a troll.

Name them and I will easily explain to you how they do.

  • Seismic Slam range increased to 20 meters

  • Uppercut recovery time removed

  • Meteor Strike landing time decreased from 1 second to 0.75 seconds

  • Rocket Punch wall impact damage reduced from 150 to 75

  • Rocket Punch charge time reduced from 1.4 seconds to 1 second

  • Maximum shields lowered from 150 to 100

  • Shields gained per ability increased from 30 to 35

Only troll here is you, your hero doesn’t have most deaths nor lowest damage and elims, at least get your facts str8. I was only explaining he doesn’t need to do much to get value out of