How Would You Buff Doomfist?



Never said anything about your English, it was about phrasing. And not even in a nitpicking or assertive way, just wanted you to know what the phrase was.

If you’re going to insult someone, at least do it right.

I would rework Doomfish into a bruiser tank by making his model larger, removing bonus damage, removing some of his speed and mobility, then significantly boosting his survivability and world-shaking presence like the villain we deserved.


I like it, I love it. I fully support it.

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Thank you very much!

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Damn the circus ran thru this topic huh.

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Can you imagine the hay day of the Bastion mega thread?

Damn… I miss those days.
Got me silenced every month or so due to mass flagging.

Insult? where? Who did i insult? Lmao, you’re so dramatic, but i knew this already just by reading your words about bastion and how you relate to a robot.

The problem is Bastion is still a dumpster fire. She’s big and scary enough to be made into a bruiser tank in many different possible ways. I have no idea what will happen with her.

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Yes, I have PTSD and massive social issues, and even larger internal mental strife due to literally not relating to myself, which often makes me feel cold and heartless, no matter what my animal companions make me feel.

So yes, you are right. I relate to Bastion.

He is too strong compared to majority of other dps heroes.

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What are you smoking?

He literally averages lower everything than everyone and is the only dps with double digit deaths (11)???

Lowest E:D ratio, Lowest OBJ kills / game, 2nd to lowest elims / game, 2nd to lowest damage. Like… wdym?

And can you share?


Facts. Cause clearly that sht hits.

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They won’t do that. He was initially a Tank and then they decided to move him to DPS. That’s why his Ult is for a Tank. Its suppose to act like a Tank being Paradrop.

Sooo… what you’re saying is that it’s a really good idea.

Do you mean to move him into a Tank? Don’t ask me, I’m not a dev.

Well I’m as egotistical as a game dev, so I say it is.

I think at this point his Tank slot is already given to the Hamster. lol

Then make Hamham a big DPS.

And move Bastion and Doom to the Tank slot.