How would you Balance Mercy... (Read OP before posting!)

I may not be one of the team myself; however:

You need to think in the minds of the devs as well, even if just to an extent.

They’ve already mentioned time and again that they’re not going to revert Mercy, so that’s one rule out. Rez is one thing that helps set Mercy apart from any other hero in the game, meaning it’s not going to be removed; that’s another rule out. The third rule is there because there are other solutions that don’t involve removing Valkyrie as the ultimate. So there’s your first 3 rules.

As for rules 4 and 5…
Rule 4 is there because it’s the only way to properly balance if some large buff is going to happen. You need to offset the power of such a huge buff, otherwise it becomes too much too quickly.

Rule 5 is there because some people do forget that Mercy is the only main healer that can heal allies through enemy barriers, and she also has the highest mobility of them as well.

Hope this clarifies to you why those rules were put there in the first place.

Reduce the ultimate cost of Valkyrie by 15% and allow Valkyrie to instant cast Resurrect again.

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For those that want to see my own ideas on this, well here you are:

Caduceus Staff:

  • Healing increased to 55 HP/S


  • Cast time becomes 1.5 seconds (down from 1.75 seconds)


  • Ultimate Cost increased by 10%
  • Chain Healing:
    • Main target gets healed for 80 HP/S
    • Allies affected by chain get healed for 50 HP/S (the same amount it is right now)
  • Chain Damage Boost:
    • Main target gets 40% Damage Boost (up from 30%)
    • Allies affected by chain get 25% Damage Boost (down from 30%)

If this proves to be too much, then here’s something that can offset it:

  • Duration reduced to 12 Seconds (down from 15)

My favorite kind of threads~

My thoughts:

  • Keep her current healing and passive regen the same

New E ability: Salvation

A single target 150 burst heal for your beam target. Long cooldown (15~30 seconds)


  • Remove chain healing
  • Remove increased beam length
  • Duration 10~15 seconds
  • Resets the cool down for Salvation
  • Now instantly resurrects a single ally if activated near a soul. Can be activated by itself.
  • Everything else is the same

As the question is only for balancing and not making the design good or even decent this answer will only cover that. I do not in anyway feel this approach is good design.:

Increase healing from 50 to 55. (54 might be better but, Blizzard likes multiples of 5)

You don’t have many options following the current design as it was flawed from the get go.

You don’t add an impactful ability and two movement bugs/features while replacing an ultimate ability that wasn’t always big with another ultimate. That leaves you in a position where you’ll likely need to nerf the base kit and it leaves you with an impotent feeling ultimate.

If going to 55 doesn’t work you can play with the tickrate on her heals for a slight buff/nerf.

(Right now Mercy is slow to heal. That’s an advantage when you are keeping the heal beam on a target and then the target takes damage but, that’s a disadvantage when you are moving to heal a target)

The thing is, Mercy has been more effective on consoles than she has been on the PC and has been more effective on the bottom then at the top. Going upwards too far will likely cause issues in those areas.

If she’s underpowered at the top and balanced at the bottom which is a likely outcome, moving up her damage boost to 35% or 40%. Both options will be missing most breakpoints (Shards of Mercy Breakpoints - Google Sheets) but, they will increase ultimate gain.

We don’t know what the developers specifically think. Stating things like that can lead to outcomes you don’t want. If people believe the developers think x or y despite a mountain of evidence and don’t have an inch of moving they will potentially push for their removal.

I would turn her into a utility support


  • Damage boost increased to 50% from 30%
  • Blaster bullet damage increased to 25 from 20
  • Guardian angel speed increased by 30%
  • Rez time decreased to 1.25 seconds from 1.75
  • 3 meter increase on beam length
  • Infinite guardian angel range


  • Health reduced to 150hp
  • Blaster bullet hitbox slightly reduced
  • Healing reduced to 45hps

Valkyrie remains the same

That’s why I said ‘even if just to an extent.’ I know it’s hard to tell, but there are a couple things that are at least predictable. In this case, that was the first 3 rules put in.

Rez only usable during valk, keeps the cast time. 60 hps given back.

With the recent HPS nerf and other support heroes being in a strong and consistent spot, I do think Mercy could afford a half-decent buff. I’ve been playing in my head two possibilities that I think would open up Mercy’s current limitations a bit.

My first suggestion is extremely easy to implement, but I think people have a bad taste in their mouth preemptively to the idea: Mercy enters an invulnerable state after a successful res. This would be like her old invuln with Mass Resurrect, lasting only as long as the res’d target is invulnerable.

The reason I suggest this is pretty much the same reason it was implemented the first time. Right now, a Resurrect often feels like it comes at the sacrifice of Mercy’s own life. There’s so many times you get a res off, even successfully, only for Mercy to then die. This not only makes successful resses seem like a waste, as if saying the patient’s life is more important than Mercy’s, but it also limits the opportunities Mercy would want to go for a res, knowing that she’ll likely die even if she gets it off.

This change would give Mercy more freedom to pick targets to res, and reward successful resses with a brief window to get back into position. This wouldn’t make res any better for backline resses, which are already safe enough, and Mercy is still just as vulnerable to stuns and being killed during the res cast time. All this does is allow Mercy to live after making a big play, if only for a couple extra seconds.

Alternatively, Mercy could instead just get a full-heal on a successful res, recovering the intense damage she just took while still being open to be killed.

My other suggestion is more difficult to implement as it’s a new ability. This would be an E ability, but Resurrect is not replaced. Resurrect would either only be available as E if in range of a dead body, or it could be moved to F, since that’s a thing now. I don’t have too fancy of a name for this ability but let’s call it something simple: Damage Transfer.

It’s not too complicated. After activating this ability, Mercy’s beam target has all incoming damage transferred to Mercy for five seconds, or until Mercy’s health would go below 100. Mercy can switch who the target of this effect is simply by switching who her beam targets. If Mercy would ever drop below 100 health via Damage Transfer, the ability immediately ends and leaves Mercy with exactly 100 health. Excess damage beyond this point is negated, i.e. a Widowmaker headshot on a Damage Transfer target does not kill Mercy nor the target, it would bring Mercy to 100 health and the rest of the damage is simply ignored. Mercy can also manually deactivate the ability by pressing E again. It cannot be activated while Mercy has 100 health or less. ~12 second cooldown that begins after the ability ends.

What does this do? For one, it gives Mercy an active ability that she can use, expanding her options for when there isn’t a dead teammate. This would also compliment her recent nerf, as people have been saying that it’s difficult to keep your targets healed up against strong focus fire. By activating Damage Transfer, Mercy effectively makes her patient invulnerable to damage, allowing Mercy to heal them up as long as the target doesn’t exceed the damage threshold. It also serves as clutch saves, as Mercy can swoop to a low-health target, ensure their safety, and heal them up.

But I think most importantly is that this doesn’t punish the enemy team too severely. After all, any damage done to the Damage Transfer target is still real damage, that they’re dealing to Mercy no less. They still get ult charge and they’re still being productive, but Mercy is controlling where that damage is going. Also important to note that visual effects would let the enemy know that Mercy is using the ability, as well as who the target of that ability is. Thus, if an enemy doesn’t want to waste time shooting a target that can’t immediately be killed, they’re given the feedback to make that choice.

There’s also some interesting depth to be had here. Afraid of a sniper? Mercy can pop Damage Transfer to effectively negate a headshot, at the cost of her ability being drained immediately and being cut down to half health. Want to keep an ally damage boosted but are afraid some surprise burst damage might take them out unexpectedly? Damage Transfer can let you make that choice more freely. Need to really negate some damage away from a teammate? Stack healing resources on Mercy while she takes the damage – after all, the ability persists through the whole five seconds until she drops to 100 health. This means extra health, health packs, and regular healing sources can extend Damage Transfer’s effect, as long as she doesn’t drop to 100 health.

Considering Mercy’s current spot, I don’t think this would really break her. It’s an ability that comes with some vital costs, but if played well, it’s still an easy-access skill that makes for impact moments – even the damage she eats can easily be recovered due to her self-heal. If mistimed, Mercy can end up halving her health which a flanker would love to see, or she pops the ability to no effect as the enemy team simply finds other targets or forces through the damage threshold, effectively earning them the same value they would have except split across a couple targets.

Just my couple of thoughts. I play a lot of Mercy, both before and after her rework, and I love her as she is now. But, that being said, I definitely see room for improvement and making her kit more up to par with other supports.

Jeff literally said that he don’t want Mercy to be defined by rez: the reason why they didn’t remove rez and valk yet is that they just want to do less work.

No offense, but the tunnel-vision is not being able to understand that they tried to balance her current kit (something like 11 times) and keep asking for more attempts. Face it: they can’t. Rez NEEDS to go and nobody but u is going to miss that.

This is all she really needs, personally I expect they will buff it back to 55 hps soon enough… but mass rez, that ain’t ever coming back, it’s bad for OWL play.