Title says everything. I want this to be a friendly area revolving around her current kit. Keep things relevant to this thread. DO NOT turn this into a thread on Mercy’s current state, m’kay? If you want to do that, take it to a different thread.
However, I’m going to throw in some rules here, so keep them in mind before posting!
Rules: 1. Anything that involves Mass Rez returning is forbidden. Like it or not, Mass Rez is not coming back, so don’t waste your time if this is your idea/suggestion. Yes, this also means that Rez can’t become a multi-target ability as a regular ability either.
2. Anything that involves removing Rez as an ability is forbidden. Likewise, it’s safe to say that this is not going to happen either.
3. Anything that involves removing Valkyrie as the ult in any way is forbidden. Yes, this means that turning Valkyrie into a regular ability is also forbidden. (No “Mini-Valkyrie” suggestions!)
4. Giving a large buff is acceptable. However, you must nerf other areas of her kit to offset such a buff(s) if you’re going to do so.
5. Keep Mercy’s strengths compared to the other Main Healers in mind.
EDIT 1: Initial rule 4 (turning rez into an ‘earned ability’) has been removed.
I was going to post a serious response; however, with so many arbitrary rules, I am just going to default to my famous “change Mercy’s blaster into a Desert Eagle with the same mechanics as the Peacekeeper.” It would unironically be one of the best changes as she would still be in the same state as now, but you could Battle Mercy with the potency of playing McCree which is less powerful than you would think, apparently, as Torbjorn and Mei are troll picks. There we go, perfect balance.
I think that yes, the sheer output she could put out at that point, even with the buffs, would still put her on top then. Hence why I think somewhere in the middle is good. They said they wanted her to be the top healer after the nerf in their original FPS post, and she’s under Moira at this point (considering that Mercy really is a heal heal heal machine).
Balance her thats easy put her healing at 55 hps or back to 60 since we never saw 60 vs the support buffs to make her fun? Well you removed all ways to
if the complaint is how ‘not fun’ mercy is, the thing holding her back balanced and fun wise is rez
and we all know that mercy is objectively balanced right now, albeit on the weaker side with healing
so yeah, the complaint is ‘not fun’ and the blatant solution isn’t allowed
taking rez away gives room for an ability with a skill cap to be added which can let mercy start having room to carry without being ridiculously strong in order to do so. other supports have abilities that allow this carry so it stands to reason that mercy can be granted this as well
Feel free to share you serious response. I assume there is a purpose in these rules (as in giving her realistic/most likely to happen changes) even if you failed to grasp it and OP not being 100% clear about it.
See, the reason why I made sure the rules were there is because most every suggestion that has been seen revolves around at least one of those first 3 rules. And, like it or not, they won’t happen. Or, at the very minimum, they are 99.9% likely to not happen.
EDIT: Rule 4 not nearly as much. First 3 though remains true.
I was just lying. Deagle or bust. I just sort of want a revert on the 60 HPS and we can see where we need to go from there. This was a random set-back that I have no idea why developers would ever make at this point. They are just overly desperate to get something working and they are just trying everything and seeing what sticks. Doubt this will be one of those things.
Cadeus Staff
- healing increased to 55 from 50
- Rez instant during Valkyrie
- Healing increased (maybe about 65?)
- Charge required increased. (about on par with Zen’s and Lucio’s ults)
Overall I think these changes would make her a bit more fun while still being inline with the other supports.
the reason I suggest this is that it would make it more compatible for combo ults-- like a watered down nano boost-- but in exchange for the power it lasts longer (current valk time) plus you don’t really get shot at
plus you have to actually look at who you’re healing which I think may be more engaging
besides, chain healing feels boring too so I don’t know what to tell you about that one chief