See, and likewise I could say the same thing about you regarding this. I, and many others, still have yet to see one possibility from you, and specifically only you, regarding Mercy that doesn’t involve:
- Mass Rez
- Valkyrie being removed as the ultimate.
If you have done so in past months ever since Mercy’s most recent nerf, then by all means, feel free to prove me wrong!
I actually did have an idea that doesn’t revolve around either Mass Rez or Valkyrie being removed as the ultimate about a month and a half ago. And if you don’t believe me, then I give you this post. I may not be a dev; trust me, if I was, I’d likely be a little more transparent with ideas. However, you do need to think in the minds of the development team, even if just to an extent.
Yeah, my opinion differs from yours; I’ve seen the developer responses and I know that single Rez and Valkyrie are going to be their firm stance. However, that does not mean that I didn’t think that Mercy needed help. I was also of the belief that Mercy needed some help.
I can see the belief that you are only dwelling on the past. If you want to continue trying to create mass rez threads, that’s fine; I’m not going to go against you solely for that. But in such a case, please do not expect a member of the development team to respond in your favor, or for them to state that Mass Rez will come back. If you want to try to get a member of the development team to respond in your favor, you have to try to think in the minds of them, even if just to an extent. That does mean to try to come up with ideas that don’t revolve around Mass Rez or removing Ult Valkyrie.
Alas, as we’ve already heard though from the development team thanks to Emongg’s stream, they’ve already stated Mercy isn’t getting any type of rework. And I did make sure to at least state that in my first post in this thread.