How would you balance cassidy?

Recently it was leaked that cassidy would be receiving some large nerfs to his primary fire in exchange for a change to one of his abilities. Unfortunately he has already been underperforming and nerfing his one source of consistency is unideal at best. Im rather unhappy with these leaks as a long time cass player hoping for a positive direction. How would you balance cass? All feedback and opinions appreciated.


Less damage on the nade, but make it act like a headshot-only discord for 3x modifier, and prevent crouching.


Give him the flashbang back. Maybe some mccree mains who quit cos of that would come back too, win win.


Really interesting concept would be really hard to balance unless it only applied to him though. Maybe like a lasso that he can do some extra crit damage while theyre in?

Well, try that then.

I prefer a bolas.

[OW2] Cassidy should get a "Bolas"

Agreed. Kinda what he was based on would love to see a return, with some tweaks for 5v5. I miss calvin :frowning:

Remove the fall off nerf, so at least Cassidy is consistent in dealing damage even if his burst damage is lowered

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200 hp. But his roll heals him for 25. Revert falloff nerf.


Can definitely agree on that, consistent damage would help him tons.

id keep his dmg at 70 with a 2x crit multipler

id replace his grenade with some sort of cowboy themed ability, not sure what but it would scream cowboy

then id change how deadeye works. instead of simply charging the skulls on the target, it would give cass infinite range (and auto reload his weapon) and he’d then fire his pistol (aiming it ofc) at people and if he hit them, they’d get some big dot (like a 200dps for 1 second) to confirm the kill.

this is his ult after all, and it would be cleanse-able or trance/beat-able. but id probably keep it at 6 shots since the dmg potential is pretty high

simply replacing his nade and reworking his ult to be more dynamic, instantly makes cass a better hero.

due to this change id probably have to drop his fall off from 25m to 20m (and nerf his hp back down to 200)

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That all sounds pretty good! And fitting more into the hero fantasy of the cowboy. I would be cool with his range and hp being lower if his ult had that kindve impact and aim reliance, as well as a new more thematic and useful ability. My perfect cass personally is a glass cannon that can change the tides of the fight with a really well times cooldown or ult.

By not touching him and leaving him as is.

an idea i had, excluding the cowboy theme cuz i really have so little knowledge about thematic cowboys, is id give em a lil overload type of ability, cept it would buff range a small bit and maybe make him fire a lil faster.

when i played torb i really liked the playstyle of having overload, it was by far my favorite part of his kit and imo something like that functionally could fit with cass but i have no idea how that’d fit in thematically and if it would even really help him most of the time (though it would certainly be used alot more then flashbang or hinder-nade).

my goal with any hitscan would be to reward mechanical skill as much as possible, while giving them interesting ways to use their abilities or ult

such as cass in this version could still use ult to quick reload if needed since hed be a lil vulnerable BUT he wouldnt need to let things charge and could fire off a quick shot on someone then cancel ult and get into cover really fast.

hitscans in general are all just so bland in design and it irritates me.

imagine if echo instead of a 3 shot projectile had cass’s pistol (dmg and range tuned down a lil ofc)

now you have a flying hitscan with projectile stickies and a finisher beam, that’d be a fun hero (very scary, but fun)

but instead all hitscans are relegated too the point and click adventure or being tracer/sombra

if he was to go down to 200hp his falloff needs to get buffed not nerfed

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no it can be nerfed back down because the entire point of what i did, was add a NEW ability and improved deadeye to make it stronger if you can aim.

that is called buffing him

he should always be a glass canon

it would be very stupid of someone to buff cass’s range to 30m

where would the falloff end? his falloff is pretty bad at the moment and ends at 35m

he had 20m falloff in season 1 and it’s basically the same as it is now, but he had the hp

emphasis on the cannon part. if he has 20m falloff he doesn’t have a cannon in the neutral game. at 200hp 20m falloff he’s just glass. it’s basically turning him into symmetra lol

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Literally just replace the worst designed ability in the game (mag nade) with his old flashbang and he’s perfect


historically his falloff has always been 20m, the difference is that in the first like 2-3 years of ow1 the dmg at the end of the scale was 50% instead of 30% (meaning you lost half instead of 70% of your dmg)

id even be ok reverting him back to 50%, but id certainly not buff him to 30m, best id do is make his new ability temp buff his range for a few seconds but that would depend on how useful it actually was.

cuz if you buff him to 30m, he now becomes the best dps in the game.

a hipfire hitscan with a 140 dmg headshot at 30m, 6 shots baseline with a free reload AND the buffed/reworked deadeye would be insane. (this doesnt even include a brand new ability to replace the hinder nade)

20m is alot longer then you think it is

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yeah so before the general hitscan nerf, it was fine. after the general hitscan nerf he got the hp buff so he wouldn’t just fall over and die at close range. he also did have flash so most versions of him in ow1 were stronger solely due to that ability alone.

i’m not suggesting 30m falloff, but rather increasing the end falloff back to 45m instead of 35. like the ult change is fine, increases the skill floor and ceiling immensely of his ult, but then you sacrifice a lot for that, unless this proposed magnetic grenade rework makes him as much of a close ranged threat like old flash did, he would genuinely be trash in the neutral.

it’s roadhog hook range

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