How would you balance cassidy?

to be clear, flash was a bad ability 99.999999% Of the time. anyone that was stupid enough to get close to you so you could stun them would of died by walking off a cliff.

you ran it in some rush comps because your entire team would chase em down with lucio speed, but that was bout the only actual good use for it most of the time.

what you have to understand is keeping cass from being OP is a balancing act.

the best weapons in overwatch are hitscan hipfire weapons because they have no ADS/scope restrictions and are hitscan.

so if you buff cass’s range too much, he can then 2 tap ppl from lets say 35m (like how ashe can 2 tap from 40m even though her fall off starts at 30) and now you have to nerf him again.

thats why i premptively just nerf his range back to 20m and his health down to 200. cuz the new ability would likely fill in for one or both of these things but on a CD. making it more manageable.

yeah and its also around the preferred range for most projectile heroes. its roughly the size of a capture point as well

id sooner revert the 30% nerf back to 50% while dropping him to 20m before i would ever buff him to a near 30-35m 2 tap.

ive played and played into “sniper mccree” it wasnt fun for the people on the receiving end.

my goal is to prevent that while making him more dynamic to allow for better skill expression


then he’s 3 shotting from infinite range

flash was not a bad ability lmao

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Imo both make great points i think rescaling his range to 20-40 meters or 25-45 meters with the 50% maybe on the 20-40 would put him in a smooth balanced spot. I also agree that filling the gaps of his utility and weakness is heavily needed, while sacrificing some hp with his already large hitbox to make him a glass cannon.

if you manage to land 3 headshots at 50m, ill be real: you can have that kill

but if you buff him from 25-35 to 25-45, then at around 34-35m he still 2 taps you

ashe is 30-50, at 40m she can still 2 tap you. now she does 5 more per bullet so you can assume it would need to be a lil less then exactly in the middle of the fall off range

but it still alot further then it should be.

cass can never be aloud to 2 tap at 30m+ otherwise he breaks the game. thats why his fall off is 25-35

i explained why the extra 10 on the end of fall off is bad ^

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I can definitely agree with the extra ten being bad IF his abilities are reworked to be impactful and consistent, which you priorly suggested. After that point I honestly think he wont need a change till ow3.

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yeah i proposed a better more versatile version of dead eye, a brand new ability (largely un determined as of yet) and im told to then giga buff his range to make him sniper mccree 2.0

i feel like alot of the modern cass players didnt play him when his name was still mccree, let alone back in 2016/2017.

i remember sniper mccree, that man got nerfed so fast because of how oppressive he was.

giving a single shot burst hipfire hitscan a snipers range, breaks the game because he doesnt have the movement penalty (or the more rigid movement animations) heroes like ashe/widow have when scoped (or the charge time sojourn has). which is why they have nerfed him so much over the years

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I would get rid of his nade give him 2 charges on his roll ability and give him a slight speed boost on his movement everything else he has is fine.

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yes but again crappy falloff will not work with 200hp. i highly doubt they go back to 50%

it’s basically putting his entire power budget into his ult

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ult and new ability, which is called good design.

current cass has all of his power thrust into his pistol which has proven can never be as good as ashe/sojourn without breaking the game.

this is called thinking outside the box and adding more depth to a braindead hero i main.

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Fyi. Think I figured out the season 5 big change that affects Cassidy.

It’s not more HP. Instead, it’s lowering the default headshot modifier for heroes to 1.5x.

Since the issue they are trying to solve here is somewhat equalizing “Composition Durability” between.high and medium/low ELOs.

Would explain why Warn was mumbling about “As if everybody hits non-stop headshots with Cassidy”.

And that “175hp Tracer”, is referring to dealing only 105 damage with a Cassidy headshot, which otherwise would have dealt 140. Combine 105 headshot and 70 bodyshot, and you get 175 damage.


Can agree on that as well, thats why i added the caveat of all his abilities being balanced. The way i see it they can go two routes: bad abilities massive primary fire damage, or good abilities good primary fire. Both of these should have 200hp tbh regardless.

  • Changing Magnade to Bola

A high range non-tracking ability which on impact damages the enemy instantly and hinders then for a short time. So basically a skillshot version of Magnade which doesn’t damage you 3 seconds after getting hit.

Also i think a Bola would fit more to a cowboy than a damn magnetic grenade.

  • Changing Deadeye to function like the one in Red Dead Redemption.
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my assumption in this regard is that they made him do around 50 dmg, with a 2x multiplier he’d still 2 tap to the head but would take 4 to the body.

that was how i interpreted what wanted said atleast

(1.5x 70 is 105. so he’d still 2 tap with headshots if they simply nerfed the crit multiplier)

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The darkest reality of cassidy imo. Hes been 70/140 forever. Unless they give my boy two flashbangs hes not killing anything. Even with that hed be bad. But wanted did specify cass would be the worst “mid to long range dueler” so his base damage might stay the same with harsher reductions at range. Maybe another general hitscan nerf?

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That’s the thing, I think every hero witha 2.0x modifier, will get a 1.5x modifier.

Maybe 2x for Widow and Kiriko.

Heh, and 1.5x for Hanzo.

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tbf a nerf to his core dmg would make him even worse at mid/long range.

the issue is he said they didnt touch fall off but that they made a change that acted as if i everyone was headshotting.

so either they nerfed his crit dmg or they nerfed his base dmg to like 50 so he would 2 to the head 4 to the body

all options sound terrible but im so excited to see what it is because i really dont care what they do to my mains anymore lol

fair enough

ik it’d be unhealthy but i would genuinely just make his gun the best weapon in the game and remove all his abilities that’s how much i believe in the peacekeeper supremacy


It would make him abysmal, unusable at most higher elos unless you were babysat by your tank until you got close which realistically isnt happening. Im not at the point of not caring yet, but if they nerf his damage i think im at that point.

i originally started as a genji main, that played hitscans like cass and widow on some points.

after brig was added i became a cass/widow 2 trick for a while.

if they then nerf cass or widow (or both) to a degree that they arnt fun to play anymore, ill just do what i did then and move on to another set of heroes.

which is something ive been planning for months anyway

we’ll see how it goes though lol

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or maybe a more outlandish suggestion, they are experimenting by increasing the base 200hp on most heroed to 225-250. tracer at 175 might not be an isolated health change after all. this could also mean that the extra 25 health on most heroes screws up his breakpoints within his falloff range and even more so outside of it. 2 headshots will kill 225 health heroes but it’ll take 4 bodyshots so

he did say something like if it takes ashe 3 shots it’ll take cassidy 5, if it takes ashe 5 shots it’ll take him 7 etc.

eh actually nah that’s stupid i think everyone’s just going to get their crits nerfed lol

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