How valorant responded to poor balance

Hard truth for a lot of players it that the changes the community wants is not always the right thing


me as a sym main (especially one that advocates hard with agreement of notable players against the blatantly deteimental infinite tp): no. they don’t listen. at best they listen to people who main the privileged heroes.

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So how in the hell do you expect them to buff anyone without “power creeping” them?


And perhaps more importantly, sometimes changes they didn’t ask for are needed. Blizz has the statistics, the community has some.


I can list out quite a fair few things for sym tbqh and that really because she’s that lacking for such a long time too.

there are several other heroes who are already more powercrept, some new additions gatekeep older heroes from being viable

flankers/sustained DPS are unplayable, McCree is powercrept af but he cant be nerfed because him, widow and torb are the last viable DPS

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Uh, Moira was released before the first season of OWL, and she didn’t get played, smart guy.


Flankers should be limited … :roll_eyes:

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Symm doesn’t count lol she’s awful

Flankers are unplayable because of the way the community plays this game. McCree is not overpowered either. Widow is holding the game back and torb… he’s torb.

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Are you sure about that?


she was a failed attempt at ending dive, leading them to release brig to finish it off but leaving moira with the failed design, that over time became extremely outdated, and with them nerfing DPS heroes, and overbuffing supports it led to a 16 month period where there were no viable DPS, then they enabled 222 lock because they couldn’t figure out how to kill goats without deleting Brigitte (which they should’ve done anyways)

and the only DPS that are viable are the ones that were buffed to try and combat goats and weren’t rebalanced afterwards, so mei, doomfist, reaper, McCree, and hanzo

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Hanzo isn’t viable. Not disagreeing with the rest of your point. Just saying.

because they nerfed him, now like I said the only ones left are McCree widow and torb, the rest of them have already gotten nerfed, and granted they needed nerfs, but the supports that were forcing them to be the only viable option needed nerfs as well

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If you guys want to switch to Valorant just go, nobody cares. We don’t need to keep hearing about it on Overwatch’s forums


Well widow should have been nerfed into the ground a long time ago.

Yeah that’s all fine and dandy, but yeah they didn’t release her after the inaugural season.

And lol, what is it with you and deleting? Nobodies deleting anybody :joy::joy::joy:

that’s the only time ive ever said anything about deleting something, and they should’ve just deleted that version of brig and completely redesigned her as a new hero

Enough of this crap, the Dev team isn’t perfect give me a freaking break… You’re talking about a 4 year old game with a ESports league, from a company tied at the hip with Acivision. Stop sounding so entitled.

They listen, they make changes, they acknowledge mistakes and test things in the PTR.

They Nerfed Brig into the ground because the community asked.
Mercy mass rez gone,
Roadhog hook and 1 shot kill reworked,
Moira Damage decreased, D.VA Qol buffs
Hanzo Scatter, Gone
Orisa shield and gun buffs
Sombra bug fixes.
Symmetra Rework
Torb Rework
Reaper rework

the list goes on and on.

Not to mention the consistent changes, updates, nerfs, buffs, map pools, replay mode, events, oh yeah… And the fact they’re working on OW2 all this time with whatever resources they have left.

Just leave man. Come back when OW2 gets here or don’t, but we don’t need your kind of attitude fogging up the forums.


Well then specify that. But when you say stuff like “they should of deleted her anyway” instead of “redesigning her” (which they did) it wouldn’t be taken that way.

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