How Top 500 players still getting Hooked?

the proper answer is not to be in risk.

when you are facing a roadhog and your small little top 500 brain wants to stand behind your tank, you have to have some sort of self preservation and not stand behind your tank.

its not rocket science.

i simply dont get hooked by roadhogs, just like im betting there are top 500 players who manage to not get domed by widowmaker.

okay so let me explain using a 1v1 example from my experience in fighting games

thereā€™s this guy Iā€™m fighting, he wants to play keep away and throw fireballs. Heā€™s a top 10 player, and so am I

ny goal is to get in close and punch him

we both know each otherā€™s goals and how each could possibly achieve those goals

He zones me out most of the match, but even though he is winning by nickels and dimes, I have built my super

now he canā€™t really throw a fireball at far range because I can just super through it, so he moves closer so that I canā€™t react to his fireballs, I am forced to guess and block

a few seconds later I have used the threat of my super to land a few punches. he is within kill range, but so am I

now, we both know that I need to keep my super. we both know Iā€™m not going to throw it out raw because if it misses, I lose.

so I throw it out after conditioning him to think Iā€™m just going to bulldog him and try to hit him with combos

because he KNOWS Iā€™m not going to do what I just did, it worked

the stupidest, noobiest, most pointless thing I could possibly do

and it worked because I knew that he knew

at high levels of play in any game, mechanics are a given. mindgames are what win the fight at that level

at least thatā€™s my thoughts on it. Iā€™ve never been a good fps player, but as a formerly good fgc person I know what it means to compete in a space where the difference between #1 and #2 is a vast gulf


Idk man, good luck winning games this way. You can have zero deaths AFK in spawn, doesnt mean youā€™re helping your team win.

I genuinely dont know why I am bothering with this guy. This is clearly bait at this point.



all im asking you to is step to the side for 2 seconds and now you want to exaggerate it, even though not doing so puts you in the respawn room which hog players have proved for 6 years now.

i am not talking about flanking hogs, i understand that is a little harder to deal with.

maybe if you stop talking and listen with your ears you will be able to hear what im saying.
it seems you have more of a problem with me than the actual argument about hog.

yes i know my strategy of moving somwhere else or standing at 21 metres is so hard to believe for you.

Because your squishy ranks are 1420 and 1757. Clearly, you never get hooked by hogs because your positioning is way better than those scrubs in t500.


you can click on any video you find there and find top 500 dps/ supports dying in the most ridiculous positions.

i dont know why you are so butthurt about me telling the truth especially if you are too much of a coward to have your profile public.

No, youā€™re clearly suggesting that you should literally never encroach a Hogā€™s space (and/or be away from cover) and that is not only untrue, but disingenuous to other people who might read this.

There are times you need to swing wide around a corner to get angles on opponents, there are times you need to punish an enemy for blowing a cooldowns/resources (including hook), and there are times that you need to simply rush an enemy team because you have some kind of advantage, and you just overwhelm the Hog. Missing these opportunities because youā€™re playing scared IS A MISTAKE IN ITSELF.

It seems like this is the pot calling the kettle black to me. Iā€™m giving you genuine advice here, my guy.

It seems you cannot accept that another person is giving you friendly advice, and rush straight to ā€œoh this player views the game in a different way than me, he must hate meā€.

Also, if youre gonna insult somebody, donā€™t get mad when they respond in a way you do not necessarily like. You canā€™t just go ā€œI dont like this guyā€, then insult them, and then go ā€œah see, he is a jerkā€ when they respond to your insult in a negative manner. That is a self-fulfulling prophecy.


Dude is trolling you, just dont even bother.


also not get hooked by a hog by standing behind your tanks.

you can do everything you stated there with the addition of what im saying, they are not mutually exclusive.

im not even talking about any of this stuff but im not saying that risk isnt a part of this game, im simply saying that walking away from risk is also an option.

im not saying that at all, the fact you keep bringing this up is extremely exhausting when my question is a simple yes or no answer that being;

is standing behind your tank at a corner when you are a squishie a good idea against hog?

i already know your advice, this isnt something new to me.

who cares.

Youā€™re right, Iā€™m done.


you have no respect of discourse if your final action is to give up and run away, the only reason you think im trolling is because you dont agree with me.

and acting holier than thou is really disrespectful.

im not especially if you like to strawman.

youā€™re trolling because of the manner of your questioning, not the content of your question

refusing to engage with an idiot isnā€™t giving up and running away, it is preserving your sanity and conserving energy

GG (Git Gud)

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because there a 5 other players forcing you out of cover and burning your resources

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none of them have directly addressed my question, they had to strawman me.
believe it or not it is extremely frustrating for me to attempt to readjust the conversation to the original question.

dont look down on me buddy, not even einstein would turn away from an idiot.

youve confused the entire point of this thread, we arent talking about my skill but the skill of top 500 players.

the question was stupid, sorry about your learning disorder


you never answered it, sorry for hurting your imaginary sense of pride.

looks like you donā€™t enjoy being on the receiving end of trolling eh?


It really comes down to the micro and macro levels of interaction and throwing a curve ball can sometimes win you the game or cost you it.

I still remember a tekken 7 pro player on Bryan beating the hell out of a hacker on a locked boss character by outsmarting him.

If I use exo boots as Baptiste and the enemy teams got a Widowmaker or Hanzo with a clear sightline in Masters Iā€™ll be sniped out of the air. So Iā€™m less inclined to jump or making sure its enough so I donā€™t linger in the air. Doesnā€™t mean the option is gone, just limited.

Thatā€™s the same principle with Roadhog and his hook. If I hit someone and pull them in for the kill great, but if I miss I just gave away my position and now Iā€™ve got an ability on cooldown.


Hold on ladies and gentlemen, weā€™ve found someone who claims to never ever get hooked.


oh i can do both.

but you were never here for answering questions so i would appreciate it if you didnt act like it.

you cant answer a question by 1st insulting the op, getting back to the focus of why we are here is the easiest way to deal with you.

youre exposing yourself more than me friend.