How Top 500 players still getting Hooked?

Roadhog is not even close to the most overpowered hero, he isnt even the best tank. He is finally viable so people are playing him after 5 years of being a throw pick. Deal with it.

One cannot strategize for perfection against equal opponents. The game loop is balanced around having to take risks to win. You cannot be safe from all angles at once if the enemy leverages their existence thus you also have to be aggressive to assert control. In this loop there will always be opportunities to get fragged.


Was Roadhog ever OP after Hook 1.0?

People confuse op in terms of power with ease of use

Roadhog wasnt even OP during hook 1.0, that worked against him just as often as for him. For every pulling through walls, you had hooks break on enemies out in the open, they would end up like 10 feet away from you after being pulled… to your side, on top of your head, on the other side of walls.

Because top 500 is a joke and no one good is playing OW1 anymore.

I don’t really remember, but I THINK that started to happen when they tried to fix the 1.0 Hook (pulling through everything).

That was happening since beta, it was seen as have gotten worse because ana was a special case of hook shenanigans.

You cant just stare at a wall for the entire match. You have to try to get as much value/uptime as you can without dying. That line can be difficult to toe at times, especially up against cream of the crop opponents who will punish even the most micro of mistakes.

For the record, Cyx is not the best Hog in NA. He is exceptionally good, but there are overwatch league players better than he is. Either way, Cyx actually flanks a ton (as he should), and gets a lot of his hooks from off-angles and well timed parallel pushes, often hooking players who aren’t necessarily in bad spots. He is not just front lining as often as you’re suggesting here.


If you want good roadhog NA content, harbleu is the way to go. He was what got me into playing roadhog way back in the day, even when I was getting flamed from my own team for my throw pick.

Yes Harbleu is a great Hog, I hope he plays more when OW2 is out.

I would also make the claim that hog in comparison to other heroes is much easier to make a mistake against, and his hook is done in such a way that it presents very little risk to himself while making it so he has 20 meter field day on the mistake range of others.

If you want to do damage to the enemy team that means you need to see them. That also means they can see you, so you’re risking death everytime. This doesn’t count barriers but they dont have 100% uptime. Good overwatch play is maximizing your value and that requires risk.

thats tip toeing around my question, i understand that dealing with a flanking hog is hard for some people because they dont like positioning differently.

Are you implying T500 players are never supposed to get hooked? You do realize in order to do damage to the enemy they need to be visible for most heroes? And if they are visible to you, you are visible to them. You are always going to be at risk of taking damage and/or getting hooked.

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He brings disadvantages to his team that are easily exploitable. A hook cd is a fairly common go trigger, where the hog is near useless until it comes back up. He’s easy to role out with rn with nobody trying too hard but he’s not actually all that good

You thinking OW1 or OW2? One of his biggest counters are shields, and those are going away.

Sure but his biggest weaknesses are even more heightened. That hook is on cd and his team is lunch.

It’s really not. You’re essentially asking me “why are they putting themselves at risk at all”, and I am saying to you “because you have to take risks to win the game”. Yes, there are definitely times you want to be holding cover/corners, and positioning safely when you can matters a ton, but there are times where you have to push the enemy, and doing so often requires you to walk into contested space. I don’t know how much clearer I can make this.

And if you want a different answer here you go: there is no such thing as a blanket “ideal position”. It changes with every section of every map, with every hero selection on either side, with ultimates available for either side, in game situation, who is dead vs. alive, etc.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, its precisely why I always hate that the arguments used by widowmakers, roadhogs all the time. Its as if people honestly think to themselves that there is always a safe space to be while simultaneously advance. Which is an oxy moron, you can’t advance and be in a defended position simultaneously.