How Top 500 players still getting Hooked?

Have any of you watched Cyx gameplay?

The squishies literally do not care about their own lives, im not being salty either.

At least the Sigmas are starting to counter him pretty well these days, some of their counterplay is actually pretty nutty.

But the squishies do not care!

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because there is nobody so good that they donā€™t make mistakes


Hog can still good if you dont make mistakes, but these people make it even easier.

People can be good at hog at the top. But if you watch top500 players, they tend to need to earn those hooks.


Because they play vs another t500ā€¦ as it should beā€¦ none canā€™t get hooked for a whole match.

This is so obvious, but thank you for saying it.


im not exactly sure you watch cyx gameplay, so you wouldnt understand what im saying.

he can hook all these players even if they did play well.

The question is akin to ā€œhow do Top500 still get shot?ā€


so whats the answer to getting shot?

Thereā€™s an element of climbing that involves avoiding damage from players at your rank. Thereā€™s also an element of climbing that involves hitting shots on people that are good at avoiding damage at your rank.

When put together you end up with people who are both good at avoiding and landing damage but never people who will hit every single shot or avoid all threats


Ive watched Cyx plenty. In fact, I have played against him many times as well. I myself was a GM/Top 500 for almost 20 consecutive seasons before I stopped queuing ranked.


Thereā€™s also an element of climbing ''if those smurfs ever stopped to ā€¦ smurf and do ā€˜ā€˜aaaaaltā€™ā€™ account maybe I can learn to avoid dmg.

For a second, I thought we were talking DBD and I was so confused-

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Well OP wanted an answer so I dont know why you are saying that?

so you would understand that outside of flanking cyx gets most of his hooks on squishies who stack behind their tank at corners?

Sometime I was matched vs a t500 in qp. (ofc since Iā€™m gold), not Cyx ofc since iā€™m in euā€¦

was one of the most awful experience to ever have. In fact I learned to leave istantly those matches.

Answer to what? That OP thinks that Top 500 players do not make mistakes? There is no answering that outside of ā€œthey doā€.

I donā€™t understand what point youā€™re trying to make.

  1. The Hog is t500 too. They know when to peek or frontline so that they get opportunities to hook people.

  2. Itā€™s Season 36. No one cares anymore, weā€™re in limbo waiting for OW2.


Because Roadhog is allowed to be the most overpowered hero in the game for literal years.

is stacking behind your tanks at corners considered such a good position at those ranks that people dont change this behaviour when facing the best roadhog in usa servers?