How Top 500 players still getting Hooked?

Because T500 players aren’t perfect? You can put a T500 player in a diamond or plat match with randoms and they aren’t guaranteed to carry it every time. Overwatch is a hard game.


thanks for admitting you were trolling

oh wow first reply was your honest answer with 16 likes as of this posting

did they not teach you to read at Xavier’s School for Goofy Weirdos?

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youre the only 1 who admitted such, i do no such thing.

yes and i countered with somehting along the lines of hog will hook you even if you dont make mistakes, mistakes have nothing to do with it.

per the rules of the internet, bylaw 69 (getting ratio’d and the consequences thereof) I am now your legal father. You will address me as Sir or I will spank you in front of the whole forum

ahh the rules of the internet tell you to make statements and not challenge any rebuttals.

frage mindset is the exact problem every squishie in top 500 is there to be exploited by hog mains.

you don’t even understand the cdn that top 500 players do

don’t talk like you know

You’re insulting others for not giving an answer you want or like?

Your being rude. Be better.


You haven’t made any coherent rebuttals tbf


Keep in mind they’re also playing against top 500 hogs. :man_facepalming:


Because Roadhog’s positioning is so generous that you be somewhere that would get you killed on nearly any other character to look for a hook.

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i dont have to know what im watching, i watch a hog main dominate squishies.
what is there to confuse in that situation?

are they doing a tactical reset?

if dying to hog is the big brain play ive clearly been doing it wrong.

like I said, you don’t understand cdn

no i dont understand dying to hog needlessly because of my own pride.

cdn has nothing to do with hog, it is a general concept

I can sense you frantically googling it right now so you can attempt a reply

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i was going to but i dont care about it as much as i care about this argument.

knowing what c stands for doesnt really help my case for anything to do with hog.

c stands for c, idk what you are talking about

and it pertains to the argument, but you aren’t even aware of the concept of it, let alone knowing how it applies to your OP question

I like how people bring up roadhog not having to worry about his own position, as if he wasnt a tank AND a known ult battery, it is like they are double wrong.

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haven’t you heard? Hog is immune to his own hook

In a hog mirror, he who hooks the other roadhog first loses, so maybe he is actually immune to his own hook.

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