How to make Sym a support

They are reluctant to make her a DPS hero. Even with 680 hours on Sym, 560 of those on 3.0, I would not be sad if she was made into a viable support.

I think it’d work better if you nicked an idea from the OP and had next/previous weapon change whether E deploys a TP or an SG.

If you wanted to keep her ult, she’d probably have to be a main healer. It’s value level definitely aligns with Valkyrie/Window/Nano/Coel. It isn’t strong enough for an off healer.

Although this can potentially work, I think it’d be easier to just keep Sym as it is, give her a little more hp, 50 normal or shield hp, I’ll take either one, and if that doesn’t make her viable, then make Sym a basic beam, instead of a ramp up beam, that does 140 dmg per sec. This type of design is not only, I think, balanced, but at the same time, this gives the devs a helpful hand if they need to fall back into a basic beam design to expand off of to help create other beam based characters in the future.

Simplicity at it’s finest is sometimes the best direction to go.

theres no proof of that, the only thing we know is they tried healing turrets we dont know if they also tried throwable heal turrets

No. They said they tried healing turrets and it didn’t work. Then they added, that being said, we are experimenting with a new way for her to deploy her turrets.

yes but that doesnt mean they didnt go back to try healing on these new throwable turrets

If you look back at the AMA it’s the exact same statements regarding the healing turrets so I don’t believe they did.

I think you’re on the right track. Probably still OW2 timelines tbh and please no more hard reworks that ruin muscle memory so much they may as well be new heroes.

Move her to support, reduce some dmg, and tune the turrets to some kind of temp shield thing. The other thing I’ve said is the tp detonation lets out an aoe cleanse or shield effect. Voila.

Now she’s basically Zen-like in not being direct carry heals, but supporting with utility (instead of zen offdmg she would be offmobility and a bit of temp shields). I could see that workign in some 222 comps - but the true power of sym, queue times, and fun in OW lies outside of 222.

It’s not hard to turn a support hero masquerading as a DPs into a support.

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Since Lucio and Sym have lore ties to Viskar, it would make sense that Sym would have the capacity to swap between two abilities. Ideally swapping between healing and damage turrets.

It could even be done with her Teleporter to give Shield Generator a place to exist.

Pretty sure they already tested healing turrets. Sounds great in theory, but quite unwieldly in practice.

I had that idea as well I suggested it back when she still had the shield generator. Cause lots of people were complaining about her not being a healing support. It’s the only way I see shields being a viable alternative to healing.

Yes. With her old placement style. Not with throwable turrets.

Even throwable heal turrets could probably make bunker comps way too strong. I’d still vote against them, push comes to shove.

So we have people saying healing turrets wouldn’t work and others saying they would be OP. Gotcha.

as someone that has mained ying in paladins for a long time, here’s my wisdom on healing turrets in how this isn’t going to work:

  • in no way will turrets will be able to keep up with her team to heal them on demand

    • if ying in paladins (slower paced game with much less reliance on support heals) needed 5s cd, longer heal range, cd reduction passives on both turret destruction and enemy elimination to be able to keep up in positioning in paladins environment, no will sym be able able to keep up with fixed 10s cd and 10m range in ow irrespective of throwable or not.
  • a very major issue ying had was that she couldn’t really target her heal to have good target prioritisation which obvs WILL happen here (critical hp isn’t always the most important target)

  • being destructible in 1 hit whilst having that 10s fixed cd is simply adding more to the problem of inability to keep up turrets and also making sym’s heal too inconsistent.

even if trying to argue dps capability to compensate for all those flaws in her heal method, she can’t dps reasonably like that with lower effective range, lower sustain, lower mobility and low access to her burst combo for the same reasons as now because those issues aren’t being fixed.

If they were in their original state (non-throwable) they’d be hard to implement effectively and borderline useless out of select strategies.

If they were in their current state (throwable), they’d have slightly greater effectiveness, while still being pretty non-versatile and very focused on one strategy that it would greatly empower.

Characters like Moira, or Lucio and Brig are very self-sufficient at the cost of utility and healing output, respectively. Mercy is very dependent but receives great mobility, utility and swing potential to compensate. Zen, Ana and Baptiste create massive value but have high skill floors and can only effectively track some targets.

Each healer has their strength or weakness, and comps that they’re strong and weak with. But fundamentally, they can all create at least some value, even in non-optimal comps. A heal-turret Symmetra could only really play effectively with one comp (at least following 2-2-2 rulebook) because a Support whose only healing output is a slow move, slow deploy destructible is going to put a lot of strain on their other Support- unless all allies are grouped together and receiving one source of healing- most commonly a Moira or Baptiste, plus Bastion behind a double-layer Sigmarisa shield wall.

It would make bunker way too strong, and Symmetra generally ineffective elsewhere.

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So make her a walking shield gen to cover a percentage of health.

As in, generate shields as a Passive? Brigitte hardly gets to do that for her Ultimate.