Yes. Many think they wouldn’t work but this post from 2018 shows they tried the healing turrets with her old clunky 2.0 turrets. So who’s to say if they tried healing turrets with her 3.0 turrets they would not work
I think we can all agree that 3.0 turrets are a lot better to use on offence, so having the same mechanic on healing turrets could definitely work.
There’s no harm in trying it on experimental.
I don’t think it’s even possible on the workshop atm though.
This version of sym would be sick
They should just add them to her current kit and see how it goes.
Healing turrets are just like healing stations, similar to the deployable Soldier has, but with the benefit of lasting for longer until destroyed.
Exactly. She could also make hardlight health packs or Health Pack Spawn points but people aren’t thinking outside the box.
Well, they said that, because of the nature of the healing turrets is stationary, it wouldn’t be enough as a primary healing ability, more like an assisting healing ability, maybe they should convert her M2 orbs into shooting teammates to heal them or give them temp shieldHP maybe.
Yes, but the ones they tested were her old 2.0 turrets. Think how easy it is just now for Sym to claim an area with her turrets. They would work fine.
I think it would be cool to keep her turrets as zoning tools, it really helps against sneaky flankers.
Give her healing else where, maybe make the teleport into a defensive ult to free space (but the barrier would have to go).
The barrier is literally a defensive ULT.
I know, just saying maybe let it go, or let the teleport go, to free up space for a new ability.
Moira can choose between two orbs. Let Sym choose between buildables. Between turrets. Don’t forget Torb and Mercy have a switch weapon button.
Sure, I guess that could work too.
It kinda is but it also is an offensive tool. I rarely ever see an Ult coming and thing “Oh, I should throw up wall”
Most the time I bisect the field to allow for an offensive push. There’s a ton of power in being able to one sidely attack without the need of draining any valuable resources.
And there’s the rub. The problem with having Sym’s healing tied to her turrets is that they are easily destroyed. Meaning her healing will have all the normal counters other healers have (barriers mainly) AND that the enemy can physically destroy her healing abilities.
So what will happen is in low Elo’s she will be a god because they ignore turrets but even in gold+ people focus them down meaning she will be pretty useless the second any team puts a bit of pressure on your team.
so you agree it supports the team?
It does a number of things. I don’t like to get bogged down on terminology but if I had to pick one I’d say it enables my team by denying the enemy the space they are set-up in.
I think people see the ability differently and for me, as a tank player, I see an area denial tool.
A lot of people tend to use her wall to split the field vertically or horizontally but I like to drop it diagonally. The point of this being that it often provides the safety for my team to engage but also forces the enemy to herd into a corner. This forces them to give up a ton of space and clumps them up like fish in a barrel.
In a lot of ways I’d say it’s like Mei’s Ult. Mei can only get so much value out of her own Ult but her team is usually needed to capitalize on what us Mei Mains call (former in my case) a HUGE FREEZE!
Frankly it’s been too long to try to rework any heros into new roles. I’m not apposed to it but this whole healing turret thing needs to die.
again. They only tested it with her old turrets.
you can kind of recreate the whole thing, use a ball effect, set the path as a raytrace with collision on walls, let it stick there, check for allies nearby and create a tether effect to low health ones
it is clunky nevertheless because they are single target so if they focused on the lowest hp target they’d switching targets like crazy if more than 1 person was nearby, unless you made them multitarget in which case you get a lot visual clutter
I would much rather if her turrets remained dmg only and her healing came from something else
or if instead of a beam you made turrets give out an aura in an sphere around them that healed something like 15 hps per turret for a total of 45 hps but then you’re seriously taking away damage from her which I don’t like and don’t even think about having turrets deal damage and heal at the same time lol
The problem wasn’t that she had to stand near a wall and place them.
It was that they can be destroyed at all.
Yes throwable turrets would make them better but the placement method wasn’t wat made them bad.
Essentially they have to try to balance her so that her healing isn’t OP when all turrets are up and functional. What this mean to heal properly you have to hope the enemy doesn’t focus your healing turrets (which they 100% will)
I’m not sure how long you have played the game but time and time again this game has proven that turret dependent hero’s are niche garbage that barely do well in their niche.
Edit: Not to mention she wouldn’t be able to heal on attack well either because sometimes you need to push at the drop of the hat. Kinda hard to heal an engagements if your turrets are on CD and you need to set them up near your tank who is in a storm of aoe cleave damage that would instat destroy turrets placed near by.
Set-up in a fast paced game is bad.