How to make Sym a support

Move her to support

Okay. Easy part over.
Give her a supportive ULT. oh. Done. That’s her photon barrier.
Give her a supportive Team ability. Oh. Done. That’s her TP.

Okay. So lower her damage. Return her to the close range beam hero she was BUT remove the lock in. Make it like Moira’s beam that disconnects when out of LoS.

45/90/135 100 ammo. 7 metre latch. 10 metre detach

Secondary fire. Keep the orbs. 125 damage a direct hit. Pierces enemies.

Turrets. The main change other than her gun. Turrets can switch between healing and damage using the next weapon button.

Damage is 25 on console 30 on PC.
Turrets heal for 20 hps. Can be stacked. Priority is critical health allies.

Okay. I am done and just bored. Rip and tear.


Give her an always-on healing aura that heals for 15 HPS and can overheal for 25 dark blue HP. Voila, no concerns about her healing being entirely reliant on turrets that are static and destroyable, and without having her doing something boring like LMB/RMBs that heal.

Personally, I’d also make it so the turrets have a healing aura like 76’s can of beans, rather than have to micromanage turret modes.

As far as LMB goes: Bap can do 115 DPS, can headshot. Mercy can do 100 DPS, can headshot, but takes a few days to switch weapons. Ana can put out something like 85 DPS, no headshots. Lucio, something like 85 DPS, headshots. So I don’t think it’ll be out of line to get rid of the clumsy charge mechanic for LMB and just have it do something like 90 DPS with 15m all the time.


TP doesn’t really work and healing turrets are to unreliable.


I estimate this to be 35% weaker than current Brigitte and would heal less than half of what zen gets.


As long as you don’t mean 2.0’s mess of a TP ULT here, then this seems fine.

135 max DPS on a Moira - style beam??

Let’s not… For more than obvious reasons…


I don’t see her keeping the ramp mechanic on support. Talk about being the DPS. She should stay at ~45dps, to be more supportive if she is going to fit the supportive role.

Now I like to think her shield generator was the most supportive ult in the game. Perhaps that can be transformed into a mixed generator that provides the shields and healing. It could even amplify nearby healing, in place of the pulse healing I just mentioned. This would probably require LOS either way.

The orbs and turrets are a very different set of problems. Haven’t worked out what to do with them yet. Could lose a chunk of orb damage for extra turret healing. Maybe turrets can heal friendly structures. This might require having 6 turrets once again.

It would not be a 20m range. It would latch at 7 and drop at 10 like it used to.

In regards to Dysvalence. She has three turrets. She can heal 60 hps stacked. Make her a walking shield gen too that adds 25 shield to allies within her proximity. Would need time to build up at 5 a second and deplete at 5 a second.

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Healing turrets is a terrible concept because they will be unable to keep the healing up when the team is moving, and to compensate for that with more healing, it may be too strong sustaining bunker-style comps. Maybe if they make her gameplay pylon-based in some way that provides healing through an area, it may work. But it may also be too risky, and people may still simply move out of range and make your pylon base a waste of resources.

IMO, Support Sym 4.0 should move the TP back into her ult, and use the new open ability button to provide Photon Shields again, but improved both to fit the current power creep.

TP as an ultimate should be changed to be more active instead of a quick respawn mechanic. So, now when you press Q to place the teleporter, Symmetra stands in place while you control an aiming reticle that looks like Doomfist’s Meteor Strike, and can be moved freely around a certain radius from where Symmetra is standing. Once you decide the target area, TP exit is placed there, and TP entrance is placed where Symmetra is. It lasts only a short time, but can be used to go in and out. No line of sight required.

Photon Shields should work like OG Brigitte Repair pack (sudden burst of 150 shields, 75 overheal max, 4s cooldown), and make the shields deplete over time like an individual mini Sound Barrier. Make the decay heal the target for half the value they are decaying, so that you can also use it to top off allies between fights.

It would be an invaluable perk for the team if they also decide to make Shields the anti-burst mechanic (against Armor being the anti-chip mechanic), like I explain in this post. Being able to turn one ally immune to instakills would open a lot of possibilities against sniper strats.


Bro - just how many times are you all going to push this? I mean this is like some weird cause at this point… Let Sym be. I assure you that making her a Support means she will be dumpstered worse than now…

I mean you say that but her turrets as is allow her to move forward and control a space. Also, the Devs have never tried her throwable turrets as healing turrets. They only used her old style placements ones.

Bring back photon shields and make it heal, her turrets dont have to :man_standing:


I really want to try out healing turrets.

Maybe have them just be an aoe heal instead of beam. And maybe remove the stacking to encourage spreading them out? Although I do think healing around a specific object encourages more bunker style gameplay still keeping her niche. But I do wonder how she’ll perform as basically a 3rd dps with heals.

Turrets are stationary by nature. Unless you give them range comparable to Torb turret, they will stop working as soon as your team move away from them. The method you use to place them is irrelevant against this specific weakness.

Let’s use an example, Sym team is attacking Hanamura A. Red team don’t have a Mei, so your tank pushes forward to open space for your team.

  • If you placed the turrets at the choke, your tank can’t benefit from it, and neither will any ally that cross the choke with them.
  • If you predict the push all the way to the point and throw them at the bell, if something detain your push, your turrets will be moot for the fight happening in the garden.
  • If you think the messy part of the battle will happens in the garden, the you place your turrets in the wall next to the door to the right, so that it will help your allies at the choke and some area inside the garden. Any stray shot will break them, and if the enemy team retreat into the point, the turrets are moot again.

For an offensive tool, being able to throw them in the backline serves at the very least as a distraction, which open a window of opportunity to your team. Healing should be more consistent than that.

That’s why “healing turrets” don’t work. You can adjust turrets to be less damage and more control, but turning them into healing devices will only work when you play in a defensive bunker.

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I mean there was a fan made character that had fish healing turrets that worked similar to zen orbs. The turrets would follow someone around and heal them.

Side note this would be a interesting idea for a summoner based character.

This isn’t my weird cause thread. That’s my other thread.

Those are drones, not turrets. Different machine.

We’ll never know. There’s not been an experimental.

I like how he admits sym is currently trash and then says stop trying to make her not trash

Not if they stuck to the person’s head like a cute little hat.

Omg what if you could just stick turrets on people? Guys I found the solution. You just plop them on people’s faces to block headshots and now I’ve solved the widow problem pay me.


We love to see it.

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