How to get out of bronze when its full of trolls and smurfs?

60 and above. I have a huge mousepad. The problem has nothing to do with my setup. I have a super powerful PC. i have been PC gaming since 2005. I know how to handle my set up

Hate to break it to you, but that nonsense goes on in silver and gold too. Not as much, but it’s still there.


its a low rank problem in general.

It is, but far far far less. Bronze is it’s own special smurfing hell.

I can tell you for certain there are not many smurfs in bronze. You might think there good but there not. The only people who smurf in bronze are the people that spend there time deranking “and it takes longer then you think” to play there and troll. Which no one does for long.

are you in bronze? If not you should keep your lips zipped. Go to my previous thread where I posted several videos from several high ranked youtube channels, one of which being a channel that interviews overwatch league players and gives tips on hero vs hero strats also say that the smurfing problem has gotten out of control. Here is the link to that post

Smurfs don’t exist in bronze and im telling you that with 100% certainty you are looking for an excuse for the reasons you are stuck at the SR you are at and most likely need someone else to blame. No one wants to be low SR and its understandable but take the time to fix your mistakes. Everyone climbs the ladder there is a reason people can do it.

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well you are wrong. CLick on the link I posted. I can see peoples ranks in previous seasons. I have also been in one of those smurf videos where they purposely record the game just to upload on their channels making fun of bronze players to stroke their ego.

How many total games have you played in bronze?

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I am a bronze player so every game I play is in bronze. Why not just click the link instead of putting your fingers in your ears and not listening?

How many games total have you played with a smurf?

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Are you kidding me? You think I write down evvery game the last several years? How many poops have you taken in your life? Do you write down every time you have a bowel movement just in case someone asks you how many times you have? JUST CLICK THE FREAK’N LINK!!! Is it that hard?

I did click the link and all it is a bunch of people talking about alternate accounts which doesnt matter in your situation as there is none in bronze.

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I was in bronze when the icon people had was based on their max rank in the current season.

I went a week, playing 4 hours a night and never had a game that didn’t have a plat+ on one side or the other.

I can tell you FOR CERTAIN that there are.

Dude…just go away. You are being stubborn as hell. Even jeff mentioned it before but he said its not something they are willing to do anything about.

Step 1 improve your aim
Step 2 improve your game sense

Step 3 :sparkler: Profit :sparkler::grin:


Im just simply telling you that all you need is a above 50% winrate to climb out of every rank except gm. Smurfs have the same 50/50 chance if you get them to be on your team or the other team. So inherently they dont make a difference when you climb and if you throw the card that your are unlucky every single time you get them and there on the opposite team your fooling yourself. For trolls same thing there is a 50/50 chance you get them or they are on the enemy team. If you are truly better then bronze you will climb out.


I find it funny that when league players agree with you naysayers you are fine but when they disagree with you, like how they mentioned that the smurf issue is getting out of hand you try and say that they dont know what they are talking about and that there arent smurfs ruining the games in the low ranks. Keep ignoring the videos I posted from high rank players that notice how bad the smurfing issue has gotten and just stick your fingers in your ears singing " la la la I cant hear you" to keep your bias against low ranks

As i stated above smurfs do not make a difference in how you climb. They can affect gameplay yes of course same as trolls but if you are truly better then your rank you will climb.

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no, one of the people in the videos I posted also showed that it isn’t 50/50 getting a smurf. The system blizzard has in place doesn’t say “this game we will throw a smurf on their team but dont worry we will drop you one to make up for it as well”