Here is a long post with my ideas on balance, fun reworks, map ideas, gamemode ideas, story ideas, and hero concepts. I’m just doing this for fun and to spread and share ideas with the community and anyone who wishes to look through it I do not think that there are perfect solutions and that they are the changes that should be made, they are just some ideas
I personsally believe Ana to be a balanced and healthy hero
Balance ideas
I would like to see a countdown bar that shows how long the burn effect is going to last
Ultimate: B.O.B.
Duration increase to 13 seconds
Ult Cost reduced to 1800
Rework Concept
Health: 100hp + 200 armor
Role: Damage
Passive: Self-Repair:
(No longer an ability)
This new passive works similarly to Mercy’s Regeneration passive with a few tweaks.
- After a 1 second of not taking damage you will begin to passively heal 10 hp / second
- With every elimination the passive heal will multiply, but once you are eliminated the multiplier resets to 1x.
(This multiplier caps off at 6x.)
You just eliminated 3 enemies, you now heal 30 hp / second.
Configuration: Recon:
In Recon mode, Bastion is fully mobile, outfitted with a submachine gun that fires steady bursts of bullets at medium range.
Type: Rapid Fire Hit-scan
Damage: 10 - 20
Falloff Range: 35 - 50 meters
Spread Angle: Max. 1.15 degrees
Rate of Fire: 13 rounds / second
Ammo: 25
Reload Time: 1.8 seconds
Comments: With these buffs to Bastions Recon form it will become more useful and impactful. The falloff range, spread, rate of fire, and reload time were all buffed allowing him to do more damage faster and from farther away in this form.
Ability 1 - Configuration: Sentry:
In Sentry mode, Bastion is a stationary powerhouse equipped with a gatling gun capable of unleashing a hail of bullets. The gun’s aim can be “walked” across multiple targets, dealing devastating damage at short to medium range.
Type: Rapid Fire Hit-Scan
Damage: 7.5
Falloff Range: 70 meters
Spread Angle: 2.75 degrees
Rate of Fire: 55 rounds/ second
Ammo: 300
Reload Time: 2.5 seconds
Headshot: Yes
(Bastion can now be booped around in this form, but gains 75% immunity to all forms of CC)
Comments: In this new form of Bastions Sentry he does less damage per bullet but fires incredibly faster and can now headshot as well. He has an increased reload time and now only has damage falloff at 70 meters which will help him at range. The spread of Sentry has also been reduced quite a bit. His new 75% resistance to all CC is a buff and a nerf that helps balance this out. This will all help Bastion be a stationary powerhouse, while being counterable as well.
Ability 2 - Configuration: Tank:
In Tank mode, Bastion extends wheeled treads and a powerful long-range cannon. The cannon’s explosive shells demolish targets in a wide blast radius.
(Now an ability)
Type: Linear Projectile
Damage: 130 (direct hit); 50 (splash)
Self Damage: 35
Projectile Speed: 60 meters / second
Area of Effect: 4 meter radius
Rate of Fire: 1.3 rounds / second
Ammo: Infinite
Cast Time: 1.25 seconds
Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 12.5 seconds
Comments: Now with Tank taking up an ability slot, it will allow Bastion to put out more damage deal more damage while being mobile. It will also allow Bastion to relocate into more creative places with the option to rocket jump.
Ability 3: Ganymede
Send forth Ganymede to an enemy to mess up their field of vision for a certain amount of time.
Type: Disorienting Projectile
Damage: 10
Projectile Speed: 30 meters / seconds
Duration: 3 seconds
Cool-down: 8 seconds
When activated Ganymede flies in a straight line until it makes contact with an enemy or travels 50 meters. When it makes contact with an enemy will start squawking and flapping it’s wings right in front of the enemies face, blocking off the enemies vision and distracting them.
Ultimate - Iron Clad:
(No longer a passive)
Create a large AoE that grants damage resistance and CC immunity to all allies in the radius, while also giving them a shiny metallic coating.
Area of Effect: 18 meters
Damage Resistance: 30%
CC Resistance: 100%
Comments: This new ultimate will give Bastion a huge amount of utility and team support capability, as well as filling a role that is much needed in the game which is CC resistance. It also will allow Bastion to have a defensive and offensive ult.
Tank Rework Concept
Health: 200 hp + 100 Armor
Passive: Inspire
Healing: 10 hps
AoE: reduced to 10 meters
Duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 2 second
Primary Fire: Rocket Flail
Damage: 20 per hit
Max. Range: 6 meters
RoF: 1 swing per .475 seconds
Repair Pack Armor Pack
Healing: 0
Armor Provided: 200 temporary armor
Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Whip Shot
Damage: 80
Projectile Speed: 45 meters per second
Max. Range: 25 meters
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Barrier Shield
Health: 600
Barrier Healing: 100 hps after shield being down for three seconds
Cooldown: Increased from 3 seconds to 5
Shield Bash
Damage: 30
Max. range: 10 meters
Duration: 1 second stun
Cooldown: 8.5 seconds
Ultimate: Rally
Armor: Now instead of stacking 100 armor on top of an allies health pool, Brig will change all of her allies health in the radius into armor for the duration, once the ult ends everyones health goes back to normal with no extra stacked on top. (If an ally steps outside the radius their health will return to normal until they step back into the AoE)
Speed Boost: Grants all allies within the radius +20% Move. Speed while personally gaining +30%
AOE: 15 meters
Duration: 8 seconds
Personally I believe to be quite balanced, but the reason she is played so much is because she is the only tank that can fill the role that she fills. So my only suggestion is to add another tank that can fill the peel/off tank role provides.
Balance Ideas
Seismic Slam
Range: Increased to 20 meters (travel distance)
Increased to 10 meters (slam)
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Rocket Punch
Damage: 50 - 75 (depending on charge)
50 - 75 (wall collision)
Max. Range: 10 - 25 meters (depending on charge)
Cast Time: .75 seconds
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Charge speed increased by 33%
Rising Uppercut
Enemy control loss duration increased to 1 second
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
I believe Genji to be a balanced and healthy hero
Rework Concept
Primary Fire: Storm Bow
Damage: The farther the arrow travels the more damage it will do
1 - 20 meters: 30 up to 75 (depending on charge)
21 - 40 meters: 76 up to 121 (depending on charge)
41 meters and up: 122 up to 175 (depending on charge)
Rate of Fire: .65 second charging
.5 shot recovery
Sonic Arrow
Now a deployable.
Health: 1
AoE: 12 meters
Duration: Infinite unless ability is used again or it is destroyed by the enemy team.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Max. Range: 7 meters
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Storm Arrows Storm Arrow
Fire an arrow that will call a strike of lightning where it lands. The lightning strike will stun and damage near enemies.
Cast time: 1 second for lightning strike (once arrow lands)
Damage: 25
AoE: 5 meter radius
Duration: .5 second stun (Brig and McCree’s are 1 second)
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Reaction w/ Barriers: If the arrow hits a barrier it will deal damage overtime to the barrier but have no other effects
Barrier Damage: 75 dps
Barrier Dmg Duration: 6 seconds
Quick Draw
Instantly fire a fully charged arrow with increased speed and no charge time.
Projectile Speed: 175 m/s
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Proximity Scatter Arrow
Bound to Reload
Fire an arrow that will deploy as a trap. When enemies walk by it, it will send numerous smaller arrows bouncing around the area.
(Functions like old scatter arrow once it detonates.)
Detonation Radius: 7 meters
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds (once it lands on a surface)
Num. of Pellets: 6
Damage: 20 per hit
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Ultimate: Dragon Strike
Hanzo’s ultimate remains the same
Balance Ideas
Primary Fire: Frag Launcher
Damage: 100 direct hit
Projectile Speed: 20 meters per second
Concussion Mine
Splash min. Damage: Increased to 50
Steel Trap
No longer has a red outline, allied traps have a blue outline
Ultimate: Rip-Tire
Can not be destroyed while casting
Balance Ideas
Ultimate Cast Time reduced to .5 seconds off flat ground
True Cowboy Rework
PF: PeaceKeeper
Type: Single shot hitscan
Damage: 35 - 70
Falloff Range: 28 - 50 meters
Rate of Fire: 3 bullets/ second
Reload Time: 2.2 seconds
Although minor these buffs to McCree’s revolver would help him deal even more consistant damage from afar, as well as medium range. The increased fall off range will help with long distance, and his increased fire rate will help him secure more kills, to help balance this out though I have made his reload take a bit longer.
SF: Dead-eye
McCree’s new secondary fire is Dead-eye, with a few tweaks.
Now the dots shrink a lot faster, however there are now three layers of this charge.
-1st charge: 50 damage
-2nd charge: 90 damage
-3rd charge: 140 damage (or a critical hit.)
Type: Rapid Fire Hit scan
Move Speed: 2.5 meter/sec
Max Range: 200 meters
Rate of Fire: 6 bullets/second
Cast Time: .1 seconds
Time to Charge: .65 seconds/charge
Can Cancel
CoolDown: 7 seconds
This new secondary fire will help McCree finish off the kill that got away or help him start an engagement by having the enemy hide or get lowered health going into it, however staying there and charging it up can be dangerous, so I wanted to make it worth while if it did get charged all the way. It now also does not have a one shot capability seeing as it is a regular ability now.
A1: Flash & Thunder
McCree now has a grenade launcher instead of his flashbang as an ability. This grenade launcher can be pulled out and fire flash charges, and concussion charges. This secondary weapon can be pulled out at any time although it’s ammunition has a cooldown. It’s a transformation ability, so he puts his pistol away pulls this out and then can have it out for as long as the player wants. When it is equiped it functions like Moira’s orbs where the primary fire sends out a flash charge and the secondary fire sends out a concussion charge.
Type: Arcing Splash Projectile
Cast Time: .4 seconds
Projectile Speed: 26 meters/second
Fire Rate: 3 shots/ second
Ammo: 3
Reload Cooldown: 8.5 seconds/shot
Flash Charge:
Fire, and once it detonates it stuns all enemies in an area.
Detonation Time: Impact
Area of Effect: 3 meter radius
Damage: 25
Duration: .5 second stun
Concussion Charge:
When this charge detonates it creates a small explosion that deal a decent amount of damage and sends enemies hit blasting in an direction.
Damage: Direct hit- 130 Splash damage- Max: 10 Min: 2.5
Area of Effect: 1 meter
Detonation Time: 1 second unless it direct hits an enemy then it would explode on impact
Max Launch: 18 meters
This new ability will help McCree put out more damage if he’s accurate and stun enemies from afar, and with the little range buffs to his revolver, you can still do that one, two McCree stun combo. The stun duration is shorter to make up for the other buffs to the flash, and the concussion charge would be a helpful tool either to put out damage, break barriers or get someone off you. It also does incoperate skill, you need to get direct hits to deal real damage with the concussion charge, and you need good placement and thinking with the flash charge.
A2: Combat Roll
McCree dives in the direction he’s moving, effortlessly reloading his Peacekeeper and loading one charge into his grenade launcher in the process.
Movement Speed: 25 meters/ sec
Max Range: 8 meters
Cooldown: 5 seconds
McCree’s combat roll has only been buffed with the speed and range being increased, as well as the cooldown being lowered, it now also will load one charge into his grenade launcher giving it more value.s
Ultimate: Wild West
McCree calls upon a mechanical horse to ride into battle, he equips his grenade launcher now with unlimited ammo and charges into the fight.
Movement Speed: 25 meters/ second
Weapon: Grenade Launcher (A1) with unlimited charges
Duration: 9 seconds
Jump Height: 10 meters
Horse Health: 250hp + 250 armor
This new ultimate is meant to make McCree a REAL cowboy ridin around on a robot horse and launching flashes and explosions at the enemy while darting around the battlefield.
Currently I think McCree is in a good and healthy state
Balance Ideas
Primary Fire
Max. Range: 12 meters
Secondary Fire
Now pierces through enemies
So, I have made a lot of Mercy Rework concepts in the past, currently I do believe her to be balanced but It’s still fun to come up with different forms of your favorite hero.
Rework Concept 1
Role: Single Target Healer
Health: 150 hp
Caduceus Staff
Healing Output: 60 hps
Damage Boost: 30%
Comments: Her healing output needs to be higher, back to where it was so she can be that main healer more consistently
Caduceus Blaster
Dmg: 20
Reload: Mercy no longer needs to reload her weapon but it will regenerate ammo. A critical hit will instantly give Mercy one more shot, and a new bullet will generate every 1/6 of a second after you stop firing for a short period.
Comments: Everything about Mercy’s weapon will remain the same except for how the weapon reloads, this will allow mercy’s that are better with this weapon to use it more often, and will make using the weapon a little more skillful making it so if you can hit those shots you can fire more often.
Ability 1: Guardian Angel
Mercy flies towards a targeted ally, allowing her to reach them quickly and provide assistance in crucial moments.
Movement Speed: 30 meters per second
Max Range: 30 meters
Cool-down: 1.5 seconds
Comments: The speed buffs will allow Mercy to be slightly more mobile to make up for her HP nerf.
Ability 2: Valkyries Guard
Mercy cast a shield on an ally, this shield will protect them from all damage and can only be destroyed with a high enough form of burst damage, if the burst damage destroys the shield it will absorb the rest of the blow making the ally immune to the overflow damage. Disappears if Mercy is eliminated.
Max Range: 20 meters
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: Infinite until broken
Cool-down: 15 seconds once previous shield is broken
Guard: 50
Ability 3: Restore
(Ability binded to reload.)
When activated Mercy’s Regeneration passive will become buffed.
Regeneration will not stop if damaged
Self Heal: 25 hps
Duration: 7 seconds
CD: 10 seconds
Ultimate: Valkyrie
Gain the ability to fly. Mercy’s gains new abilities and strength.
No more chaining
Self Heal: 20 hps
no longer stopped by damage
Movement Speed: 12 meters per second
Duration: 15 seconds
Guardian Angel:
Max Range: 40 meters
Caduceus Staff:
No longer gains a range buff
Caduceus Blaster:
Ammo: Infinite
Projectile Speed: 80 meters per second
(Grants access to new abilities)
Mercy brings a dead ally back into the fight with full health.
No cast time
Max Range: 10 meters
Charges: 2
Passive: Angelic Descent
Propelled by her Valkyrie suit, Mercy slows the speed of her descent from great heights.
Passive: Regeneration
Mercy automatically heals over time.
Healing: 20 hps
Passive: Valhalla
When Mercy is within a 5 meter radius of a dead ally, their respawn timer will tick faster.
Rework Concept 2
Role: Main Healer
Health: 150 hp
Caduceus Staff
Hps: 60
No longer has damage boost but instead the Cure beam that prevents CC
Comments: Her healing output needs to be higher, back to where it was so she can be that main healer more consistently
Caduceus Blaster
Dmg: 20
Reload: Mercy no longer needs to reload her weapon but it will regenerate ammo. A critical hit will instantly give Mercy one more shot, and a new bullet will generate every 1/6 of a second after you stop firing for a short period.
Comments: Everything about Mercy’s weapon will remain the same except for how the weapon reloads, this will allow mercy’s that are better with this weapon to use it more often, and will make using the weapon a little more skillful making it so if you can hit those shots you can fire more often.
Passive: Angelic Descent
Propelled by her Valkyrie suit, Mercy slows the speed of her descent from great heights.
Ability 1: Guardian Angel
Range: 30 meters
Speed: 25 m/s
CD: 1.5 seconds
Ability 2: Valkyrie
(Now an ability)
Grants Mercy the ability to fly around freely for 8 seconds.
No longer has beam split.
This applies a slight speed buff of 20%.
Increases range of Guardian Angel to 40 meters.
Caduceus Staff range decreased from 15 meters to 12 meters
Healing output increased by 20%
Healing and Cure beam are intertwined for the duration
CD: 18 seconds
Ability 3: Respiration Aura
Launch an orb that sticks to surfaces, once it sticks to a surface it will create a Healing AOE
Healing: 20 hps
Projectile Speed: 20 m/s
Duration: 7 seconds
Cool-down: 10 seconds
Ultimate: Resurection
Mercy’s ultimate is resurrect again.
You now can charge past 100% and hold up to 3 charges of her ult.
No invincibilty
No cast time
You can instantly rez a single target with each charge. When using a Rez it will create a small pocket where allies become CC resistant
Range: 10 meters
Passive Radius: 5 meters
Passive: Regeneration
Mercy automatically heals over time.
Healing: 20 hps
Rework Concept 3 (by KinkyClam)
Role: Single Target Healer
Health: 200 hp
Caduceus Staff
Healing Output: 60 hps
Damage Boost: 30% (now has a resource meter, you can use it for a max of 8 seconds before the meter runs out, healing will speed up the refill process.)
Caduceus Blaster
Remains the same as current version.
Ability 1: Guardian Angel
Cool-down increased to 2 seconds.
Everything else remains as it is currently.
Ability 2: Resurrect
Resurrect is now like a mini ultimate. It has an ultimate meter, similar to the old Torb scrap system, but instead you heal, damage boost and deal damage to fill it. The cost is about 1600 points (30 seconds of healing). You can store 2 charges of this ability, but once you use it, it will go on a 10 second cool-down.
Heroes Never Die
AoE: 15 meter radius
No cast time
Rezed allies gain invincibility for 3 seconds and 20% of the targets missing health over the course of this time.
Requires LoS
Cost: 2050 pts (the same as Valkyrie.)
Passives remain the same as they are in the current version.
Rework Concept 4 (By PuffyPony)
Role: Mobile Main Healer
Health: 200 hp
Caduceus Staff
- Healing increased to 60 HPS
- Damage boost removed
Caduceus Blaster
This will remain the same as it is currently
Ability 1: Guardian Angel
- If used while airborne, the cool-down will not start until Mercy touches the ground again (i.e. can Guardian Angel from the ground to a flying Pharah, fall, Guardian Angel, then must hit ground before using it again)
Movement Speed: 20 m/s
Max. Range: 30 meters
Cool-down: 1.5 seconds
Ability 2: Ondgandr
- 5 second cool-down, starts on ability activation
- Increases Caduceus Staff healing to 100 HPS for 1.5 seconds, then drops it to 50 HPS for 3.5 seconds (visually represented by the intensity of the healing beam)
Ability 3: Valkyrie
- 5 second duration, 15 second cooldown starting on ability activation
- Chain healing removed
- Caduceus Staff also grants +25% damage
- Movement Speed increased to 10 m/s
- Reduces Guardian Angel cool-down to 1 second
Mercy’s passives will remain unchanged
Ultimate: Vekja Gungnir
- Mercy lifts her Caduceus Staff into the air, enveloping it with radiant biotic energy and transforming it into an image of the legendary spear Gungnir
- 10 second duration… no idea on exact ult charge because I’m not good with calculating that, but moderately high cost
- While active, Mercy has constant access to Valkyrie without needing to use the ability
- Using LMB/RT with Gungnir emits a robust single-target beam that heals the target ally for 120 HPS and boosts their damage by 25%. Range ~20 m
- Using RMB/LT with Gungnir hurls a spear-like bolt of biotic energy that explodes on impact. Travels at 80 m/s and has a mild arc. Heals allies within 5 m of the spear for 80 HP instantly
- Holding RMB/LT will charge the spear throw, increasing its travel speed to 100 m/s and burst heal to 150 HP. Fully charged spears also clear anti-healing. Fully charging the spear takes 1 second
- Mercy’s Regeneration is increased to 30 HPS for the Ult duration
- Melee attacks during Vekja Gungnir are replaced with a powerful spear thrust that deals 70 damage, has an ~7 m range, and knocks enemies back a short distance
Creator Comments
There are several goals that go into the rework I propose.
Firstly, I’m attempting to return Mercy to a healer defined by high output and mobility. Beyond just pocketing at 60 HPS, however, she now also has a beefy burst healing with Ondgandr, which allows her to tough through stickier situations. Her Ultimate, Vekja Gungnir, also puts a greater focus on healing than Mass Rez or Valkyrie and even allows more direct counterplay to Ana’s Bionade.
Secondly, however, is the effort to put depth into Mercy’s kit. Valkyrie, for example, is now Mercy’s primary method to facilitate aggression–but unlike Damage Boost, it’s not constantly available, so a little more decision-making becomes necessary. Likewise, Ondgandr comes at the cost of reduced healing after the initial burst, so Mercy players are obligated to make critical decision about who needs instant healing and who can manage with less healing than normal for a little bit.
Thirdly, particularly with Vekja Gungnir, I’d like to see “hero moments” return to Mercy. While you’re not going to bring your team back from a wipe, you can deliver powerful bursts of healing from across the map to save allies, potentially denying enemy plays in a way that Valkyrie currently cannot.
As a final note, I’m not going to claim that this rework is 100% balanced. It’s probably a bit strong, but numbers can be tweaked (i.e. Vekja Gungnir could be nerfed to an 8 second duration, or Valkyrie nerfed to a 12 second cooldown). The core material, however, is what I’m interested in, and ideally, it’s going to Mercy more dynamic and interesting to play and play with while avoiding any complaints about being “unfun” to play against.
Rework Concept 5
Role: Mobile Healer
Health: 150 (TBD)
Caduceus Staff
Healing Output: 50 hps
Caduceus Blaster: Now instead of having damage boost as the secondary fire on the staff, she fires her energy pellets out of her staff. Bullets now regenerate over time.
Ability 1: Guardian Angel
Mercy now quickly flies to a target in a radiant light that heals allies she passes.
Movement Speed: 35 meters per second
Max. Range: 40 meters
Healing: 40 hps
Cool Down: 1.5 second
Ability 2: Responders Beacon
Mercy creates a beacon that Mercy can fly to from any distance, and when she dies she can respawn onto it, but when you respawn to it, it will be destroyed and go on a longer cooldown. However to be able to respawn to the beacon you will need to have a full resource bar.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Respond Cooldown: 16 seconds
Ability 3: Valhalla
Mercy slams down her staff bringing back all downed allies in a short radius for a short period. In order to use this ability you must have a full resource bar.
Duration: 7 seconds
AoE: 5 meters
Ultimate: Valkyrie
Mercy expands her wings increasing her speed and overcharging her staff to support her team.
Dash Ability: Mercy gains the ability to quickly dash around
- Movement Speed: 50 m/s
- Max Distance: 10 meters
Res Ability: Mercy gains the ability to rez dead allies in a short radius (same stats as Valhalla)
Healing Output: 120 hps
Damage Boost: 25%
Movement Speed: 20 m/s
All passives remain unchanged
Balance Ideas
So for the most part I believe Moira to be incredibly balanced, but I think her healing through barriers should come back. That is all.
Balance Ideas
Primary Fire: Fusion Driver
Rate of Fire: 15 per second
Protective Barrier
Now deals a small amount of damage when enemies push through it.
Damage: 25
Now grants a small speed boost to Orisa.
Speed Boost: +20%
Balance Ideas
Health: 150 health + 50 armor
Passive: Hover Jets
Movement increased to 8 m/s
Duration increased to 4 seconds
Ultimate: Barrage
Rocket Splash increased to a 5 meter radius
Rework Concept
Shadow Step
Shadow Step no longer has that real awkward UI and now is more of a long distance instant teleport. A tap of the ability button will teleport you to where you are looking and holding the button will show a small little orb that will indicate where you moving too.
Cast Time: Reduced to 0 seconds
Max. Range: 40 meters
New Ability: HellFlame Grenade
Reaper tosses out a grenade that explodes on contact dealing a specific percentage of damage and creating a small pool of fire that will heal Reaper when he stands in it.
Type: Arching Projectile
Damage: 20% of max health
Healing (Reaper Only): 25 hps
Projectile Speed: 40 meters per second
AoE: 5 meters
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Balance Ideas
Barrier Field
Healing: Barrier now begins healing after being down for 1.2 seconds.
Rein now has 50% immunity to CC while barrier is active
Move. speed: 25 meters per second
Cast Time: .5 seconds
I believe Roadhog to be a balanced and healthy hero.
Soldier: 76
Balance Ideas
Iron Sights
Soldiers secondary fire is now an Iron sights with Helix rocket binding being changed. While in Iron sight Soldier gains increased accuracy and fire rate, but lower damage.
Spread Angle: .75 degrees
Movement Speed: 10% decreased movement speed
Damage: 5.5 - 13.5
Rate of Fire: 12 rounds per second
Biotic Field
Healing: Increased to 45 hps
Duration: Increased to 7 seconds
Balance Ideas
New Passive: Survivalist
When Sombra’s health dips below 35% she will go into a translucent state, not fully invisible, but like an off-brand invis.
Machine Pistol
Spread Angle: Max reduced to 2.5
Cast Time: .5 seconds
Successfully Hacking an enemy will give Sombra 25 temporary shields
Balance Ideas
Primary Fire: Photon Projector
Ammo: 100
Ammo Usage: +10 from barriers
Barrier Damage: x2 damage to barriers
Max. Range: 14 meters
Teleporter now remains indefinitely until ability is used again or destroyed
Max. Range: 30 meters
Cooldown: 13 seconds
(Also fixing its relationship with fences and map details, it is incredibly frustrating to try to place a teleporter and have it glitch out cause of a fence.)
Ultimate: Photon Barrier
Now slows enemies when they attempt to travel through the barrier. 25% slow
Support Rework Concept
HP: 100hp + 100armor
Role: Builder Healer
No cooldowns everything is now based on scrap
Right Click- Functions the same way as it does currently
damage: 60dmg
Left Click - now fires 7 pellets instead of ten with each dealing 12 damage a pellet with the spread reduced from 4.15 degrees to 2.75 degrees.
Passive- Shots that hit enemies with shields or armors will deal 15 damage a second over the course of 5 seconds. This effect does not stack. (Effects barriers as well.)
Comments: These changes will allow Torb to deal more damage and count armor, shields, and barriers which increases his strength alone, plus the shotgun fire being buffed will help it against armor and allow him to put out damage consistently.
A1: Craftsman- (This ability will replace the overload ability) Now Torbjorn uses his scrap to buff up allies weapons, you are able to increase a weapons Fire Rate or Ammo Capacity , this will show up like Moira’s orbs where you can choose which one to throw out and locks on like Brigs repair packs.
Fire Rate- When this is applied to an ally their fire rate will increase by 20%
Ammo Capacity- When this is applied to an ally their ammo capacity is increased by 35% (can not be applied to melee heroes.)
(Cost 30 scrap)
Comments: This fits Torbs role as an engineer and fits well with is kit and character while being a cool and fun ability. It also gives him more utility then he does now, and seeing as it replaces armor pack, I felt it should be something fairly powerful.
A2: Build Turret-
[Turrets are thrown as they are currently
[You can now have a total of four turrets up
[Once again pulls up like Moira’s orbs where you can choose dps or healing turrets
[Turrets no longer level up
[Turrets cost 10 scrap
DPS Turret-
Deals 10 damage per shot
now has 200hp
Support Turret-
Heals 15hp per shot
Fires 2 shots a second
Comments: This torbs iconic ability, and it should stay that way being still a primary focus but it is not as big of a primary focus, while at the same time being his main form of healing.
ULT: Mass Assembly-
When Torb pops ult all turrets level up to level 2 increasing fire rate and (dps or healing.)
This also gives you unlimited scrap allowing you to use abilities limitlessly.
Grants 300 extra armor and increases Rivet Gun fire rate.
Comments: This is a buffed version of Molten Core to make his ult be more impactful.
Passive: Scrap Collector-
Functions the same way as it does currently but scrap generates 25% faster.
Comments: This is to help Torb use his abilities more often
Secondary Weapon: Forge Hammer-
[Still heals turrets
[Heals omnic heroes for 50hp a swing
[now does 50 damage a swing
[ destoys 75 armor, shields a swing
[deals 250 damage to barriers
Comments: This is just to make it more fun to use and more useful but has a niche place.
I believe Torb to be in a healthy spot currently
I believe Tracer to be a balanced and healthy hero
Balance ideas
Automatic Fire: Widows Kiss
Spread Angle: Max decreased to 2.5 degrees
Venom Mine
Now can have a total of 3 out at a time
Grappling Hook
Cooldown: increased to 13 seconds
Rework Concept
Venom Mine Infra-sight
Infra sight is now an ability.
This grants Widow the ability to see infrared outlines of characters all across the map. The farther the enemy is the more blurry it will be. However Widow will be unable to see the environment around her very well.
(Resource meter)
Cooldown: 3 seconds after use
10 second once resource reaches 0
Cast Time: .5 seconds
Full Duration: 8 seconds
Ultimate: Power Shot
Widow’s weapon charges past 100% allowing her shot to pierce through the entirety of the map and through enemies dealing a copious amount of damage.
Damage: 250
Type: hitscan
I believe Winston to be a balanced and healthy hero
Balance Ideas
Grappling Claw
Max Speed: Increase by 25% (25 mps)
Duration: 2 seconds after release
Max Range: decrease to 16 meters
Cooldown: Decrease to 2.5 seconds
Adaptive Shield
Radius increase to 8.5 meters
Pile Driver
Radius increased to 8.5 meters
Mine Field
Decrease charge to 1300
I believe Zarya to be a balanced and healthy hero
I believe Zenyatta to be a balanced and healthy hero
Overwatch has had the same the competitive game modes since the game has come out, and I’m not talking about arcade game modes or anything like (although I believe that to be lacking as well). We’ve also had the same events for 2 years and by the looks of it, it’ll be the same this year (excluding Yeti hunt, and Retribution), and to be honest the only time I eve touch the arcade mode is when an event comes out and I want some free event loot boxes. I feel like the Blizzard team could be coming up with so many unique and fun game modes. I personally would love to see something that strays from the normal gameplay like Destiny has with Gambit. So here are a few game modes and events that I’ve come up with.
-=Competitive Gamemodes=-
This game-mode is a combination of King of the Hill & Escort
The game starts out as a king of the hill match where teams fight to keep hold of an objective. Once one team has held the point long enough they will receive a point & a payload will spawn. Around the payload is a capture point that both teams are able to take. Taking the capture point will allow your team to push the payload in an attempt to get it to the enemy teams base. Once a team gets the payload to an enemy base they gain a point and the round ends. If time runs out then the team with that has control of the payload and has it closer to the enemy teams base will gain a point, if that criteria is not met then the round ends with no one gaining a point.
Win conditions
First team to five points win the game.
Map Ideas
Brazil: Favela -
This map would be set in the Favela Lucio grew up in. In the background you could see giant Vishkar towers and buildings. Half the map would be filled with favela style buildings and areas and the other half would be filled with modern, sleek looking buildings and projections.
The payload would be a Vishkar piece of technology that Vishkar would be importing, the team with the Favela base would be attempting to stop Vishkar from obtaining the tech.
Scotland: Edinburgh Castle -
This map would take place in Edinburgh castle having the teams traverse the castle and push the payload through the different chambers and halls of this historical site.
The payload would contain the Crown’s Jewels that the teams will try to take to their base.
Helix Security Prison -
This map would be set in the prison Doomfist broke out of. One base would have the exit of the prison and the other would have a large containment cell. There would be incredibly tall towers containing tons of stacked cells and inmates.
The payload would be holding a containment cell, having it be a very strange looking payload.
Black Out
This game mode is a new form of Team Deathmatch
In this game mode the teams start out in the center of the map. When the round starts it immediately goes into a team fight, once one team is wiped out the winning team moves on to the next stage, this goes on and on until one team makes it to the very end, where they must capture a point. Once they capture the objective the winning team gains a point. Ultimate status remains throughout the rounds. No matter what the winning team will move on to the next stage.
Win Conditions
First team to 3 points wins the game.
-=Arcade Gamemodes=-
Capture the Flag (Revamped):
8 v 8
In this new version of CTF it’s no longer the Overwatch heroes, but rather specialists built specifically for the gamemode, and it would function more like Unreal Tournament.
Every specialist has 2 abilites, a tool, a weapon, and an ultimate ability.
Health: 150hp
Primary Fire: Rifle
Type: Rapid Fire Hitscan
Damage: 9 damage
Rate of fire: 9 rounds per second
Ammo: 18
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Ability 1: Sprint
Rush ahead in a burst of speed. His sprint ends if he takes an action other than charging forward.
Movement Speed: 8.33 meters per second
Ability 2: Grenade
Throw an explosive grenade that deals large sums of damage.
Damage: Direct hit- 120; Splash max- 80; Splash min- 12.5
Projectile Speed: 17.5 meters per second
AoE: 4 meter radius
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Tool: MedPack
Apply bandages to your wounds and passively heal allies nearby.
Healing: 15hps
Usage: Becomes available once you eliminate two enemies
Ultimate: Barrage
Select and area to guide an artillery shell dealing 200 damage to their location.
Health: 150hp
Primary Fire: Machine Pistol
Fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread
Type: Rapid fire hitscan
Damage: 8
Rate of fire: 10 rounds per second
Ammo: 20
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Ability 1: Conceal
Conceal an ally and yourself making you invisible for a short period.
Move. speed: +75% (8.25 m/s)
Area of effect: 2 meters (detection)
Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Ability 2: EMP Grenade
Throw a grenade that’s explosion disables enemy abilities and deployables.
Duration: 4 seconds
Projectile Speed: 17.5 meters per second
AoE: 8 meter radius
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Tool: Translocator
Launch a translator that will instantly teleport you to that location.
Projectile Speed: 20 meters per second
Usage: Gain 2 charges per enemies / deployables killed when EMP’d.
Ultimate: Stealth Cloak
Gain complete undetectable invisibility for a short duration.
Duration: 15 seconds
Move. Speed: 75% increase
Health: 150hp
Primary Fire: Tactical Crossbow
Type: Arcing Projectile
Damage: 75 - 100
Projectile speed: 50 - 100 m/s
Rate of fire: 0.7s charging
Ammo: 1
Ability 1: Rapid Fire
rapid fire, but at reduced damage.
Damage: 40 damage
Projectile Speed: 100m/s
Rate of Fire: 1 shot every .15 seconds
Ammo: 6
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Ability 2: Bomb Arrow
Launch an arrow that explodes on contact.
Damage: 120 direct hit; 40 splash
Area of Effect: 5 meter radius
Projectile Speed: 100m/s
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Tool: Wire Arrow
Launch an arrow attached to a wire, it attaches to any surface and enemy. Once attached the Hunter will pull themself towards the arrows location, if launched at a wall the Hunter will perch themself on the wall until they jump away.
Damage: 25
Projectile Speed: 100m/s
Movement Speed: 25 meters / second
Ultimate: Recon
Reveal all enemies within the map for a story duration.
Duration: 15 seconds
Health: 200
Primary Fire: Flame Thrower
Type: Flamethrower
Damage: 45 dps
Ammo: 100
Ammo Usage: 10 per second
Reload Time: 2 seconds
Ability 1: Turret Canon
(This is essentially Torbs Turret)
Ability 2: Energy Turrets
(These are essentially Symm’s turrets)
Tool: Hammer
Use to heal and upgrade turrets
Ultimate: Call Mech
Call forth a powerful mech suit to utilize in battle
(Still designing)
(Still designing)
(Still designing)
Anchor (Tank):
Flag Bearer
(Still designing)
(Still designing)
(Still designing)
(Still designing)
(still designing)
(still designing)
Safe Guard:
8 v 8
This gamemode is essentially Mr. President where one player from each team is randomly chosen and must be protected by the rest of team.
This gamemode is essentially a large 12v12 on a large map with numerous different objectives for the team to capture
Summer Games
Lucio-Ball RPG
Lucio-Ball like and RPG where you get skill points you can move around to different skills, and you can switch between different ultimates, abilities, and passives. This way you can always try something new and you’ll always have opponents with different ability and skill sets.
The skills that would be in this form of Lucio-Ball:
Speed: How fast you regularly move.
Boop Power: How strong your boop ability is.
WallRide Speed: How fast you ride along the wall.
JumpPad Launch: How far and high the jump pads launch you.
Punch Strength: How strong your regular melee is.
Each skill will allow you to place a total of 5 skill points into them max, with the total amount you receive being 10. Default is 2 skill points in each.
The different abilities you will be able to equip and use (you can only equip 2 at a time):
Amp it Up: Increases your max speed for a short duration.
CD: 6s (not current CD)
Soundwave: Thre regular boop. CD: 2s (not current CD)
Power Boop: A different kind of boop that will only work on enemy players. CD: 9s
Slide: Quickly dash forward a short distance (making contact with the ball will launch it.) CD: 5s
DeadStop: Launch a single projectile if it hits the ball the ball will stop in its tracks. CD: 12s
Mega Boop: A boop with the regular radius increased x10. (this means the size of the boop but not the range it allows you to hit the ball if it is above you or below you.) CD: 14s
Catch: If you are close enough to the ball you can pick it up for 2 seconds and aim, then it will automatically launch (you can not move while active.) CD: 8s
Confuse: Launch a projectile if it hits an enemy their controls become inverted for 3 seconds. CD: 20s
BackToss: acts like a regular boop however if you hit the ball with it, it will be tossed behind you. CD: 6s
The different ultimates you can equip (they do not all charge at the same rate):
Soundwave: the year 1 ultimate where you drop the beat the ball is pulled towards you
Boostio!: This is the year 2 ultimate where Lucio basically is the fastest man alive.
GrandSlam: This is an incredibly powerful boop that will send the ball hurdling in the direction you hit at an incredible speed.
PointGuard: This ultimate will cause a huge boop to come from your goal stopping a potential goal and launching the ball to the other side of the arena.
Decoy: This ultimate will created 5 new balls that act as the main one however you can score with these, and only your team can see which ball is the real one.
The different passives you can equip (can only equip one at a time.):
Amplified: increases your boop abilities ranges from 8m to 10m.
Sonic Boost: Allows you to double jump to the height of the jump pads.
Rhythm: Decrease all cool-downs by 1 second.
Sonic Stength: Become immune to powerboop and confuse
You could even have a level up system where you don’t have all the abilities and passives at the beginning but you unlock them the more Lucio-Ball you play.
Hanzo Archery
This game-mode will put numerous Hanzo’s against each other to see who is the best shot. There would be multiple moving targets and training bots each having their own separate point value, the Hanzo with the most points wins
Mercy Badminton:
Tracer Track:
Rough idea for a new game mode for Summer Games
Genuine suggestions for Summer Games 2019
Halloween Terror
Horror Hunt:
This is a boss fight event where one player plays a hero with a monster skin that is incredibly powerful, and the others on the enemy team play the playable characters from Junkenstein’s Revenge.
Winter Wonderland
Snowball Offensive (Not Mei’s Snowball Offensive):
Heroes & Skills:
Mei will remain the same as she is currently
Primary Fire:
Symm’s primary fire becomes her secondary fire and can launch numerous small snowballs that do little damage, or launch one large one-hit kill snowball. Snowballs travel in a line like her orbs.
Symm’s turrets no longer do damage, but rather slow enemies even more than normal.
Her ult and teleporter will work the same way they do in game.
Primary Fire:
Sombra no longer has her gun but throws snowballs with her hands. These function the same way as Mei’s.
Sombra can hack snow piles to make them inaccessible to the enemy team.
Disables all snow piles and makes it so the enemy can’t fire.
Everything else remains the same.
Wrecking Ball:
Primary Fire:
Hammond can’t use his guns but can only kill enemies when he crashes into them while covered in snow. When you go max speed over a snow pile Hammond will become covered in snow, if you crash into enemies while covered you will kill them.
Mine Field:
Hammond drops a huge pile of snow that crushes and slows enemies.
Everything else remains the same.
Primary Fire:
Pharah can fire one snowball that explodes and deals high damage.
Rocket Barrage:
This now launches tons of explosive snowballs.
Everything else remains the same.
Primary Fire:
Lucio launches three snowballs that each deal 125 damage.
Everything else remains the same.
Primary Fire:
Mercy’s primary fire will heal
Secondary Fire:
Mercy can collect a snowball with her secondary fire and give it to an ally to reload their weapon.
Mercy’s gun now fires 5 small snowballs that deal 75 damage each.
Everything else remains the same.
Each team has a set amount of lives, once those lives run out there are no more respawns, the team to wipe out the other first wins.
Ice Fishing:
Overwatch Winter Wonderland arcade game idea
Chinese New Year
Journey Mode:
Overwatch Origins Missions:
Every year when this event roles around they could add a solo story mission for a hero or two that would go back and explore their origin. This would allow them to begin making cinematics in the current day overwatch with this event giving us backstory on certain heroes.
This gamemode would go back to the launch day of overwatch. No new heroes, no reworks, no new maps, no buffs or changes, just original Overwatch. It would allow newer players to experience what the games was like so long ago and allow veteran players to play what they fell in love with so long ago.
=====================HERO CONCEPTS===================
I have over 100 unique hero concepts, all with different weapons, abilities and story, but it is all on physical paper, however here are a few I have types up.
King (MEKA) concept
Health: 300hp
Role: Damage
Primary Fire
Fusion Rifles-
King’s mech has two fusion rifles equip on each arm, both rifles fire a round simultaneously.
Damage: 10/round
Fire Rate: fires every .61 seconds (I know it seems fast but It’s actually quite slow ex. Soldiers Pulse Rifles fires 9 rounds a second)
Ammo Capacity: 30 (fire 15 times before reloading)
Type: Hit-scan
Falloff Range: 50 - 60 meters
Secondary Fire: Fusion Orb
Hold to charge your Fusion Orb. When holding down it will slowly decrease your ammo count making the orb more dangerous.
Type: Charged Projectile
Damage: 6 dmg/ammo taken
Damage Over Time: 2.5dmg/sec for 10 seconds (damage doubles when 15 ammo taken, triples when all ammo is taken.)
Ammo Absorb: 10/second
Projectile Speed: 30meters/second
Size: 3 meter radius at full charge
A1: Hover Boosters
Temporarily begin to hover increasing your speed as well as increase your rate of fire, while this is active you can also charge into enemy players.
Movement Speed: 15 meters/second
Damage: 15
Duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 6 seconds
While active Boost Jump becomes available
A2: Specialized Missiles
Open up your stored missiles, you are given a choice of which specialized missile to launch (similar to how moira orbs are thown.) You can choose between Static Missile and Flash Missile.
Type: projectile
Damage: 25 damage
Projectile Speed: 35 meters/second
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Static Missile:
This missile slows down enemies in it’s area of effect.
Slow Effect: 25%
AoE: 8 meter radius
Duration: 8 seconds
Flash Missile:
Enemies who are in this missiles AoE or are staring directly at it they become temporarily stunned (where their screen goes white)
AoE: 10 meter radius
Duration: 4.5 seconds
(abilities like Zarya bubble or fortify will clear away any effects.)
Ultimate: Targeting System
When activated all enemies in you vision will be highlighted with a blue marker, you will then launch forth 50 missiles that follow enemies with this blue marker. Once an enemy leaves your line of sight they will have to stay out of you sight for 4 seconds for the marker to disappear, if the marker disappears the missiles following that enemy will stop following and fall.
Direct Damage: 10 dmg/missile
Splash Max Damage: 5 dmg/missile
Splash Min Damage: 2 dmg
Type: tracing splash projectile
Projectile Speed: 45 meter/sec
Area of Effect: 2 meter radius
Rate of Fire: 25 missiles/sec
Passive: Self Matrix
When King deals damage to barriers/shields/or armor the health he took away from the enemy or enemy barrier becomes part of his own health pool.
Barrier and Shield damage will become temporary shield health, while Armor will become temporary armor.
Passive: Boost Jump
When “Hover Boosters” are activated you can double hit the jump button to boost into the air allowing you to get to high ground.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Passive: Evade
Double click a directional key or quickly move an analog stick in the direction you want to go to quickly dodge in the direction you want to go.
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Distance: 1 meter
Darragh (A literal bird)
- HEALTH: 400hp + 100 armor
- ROLE: Dive - Main
- PLACE OF ORIGIN: Marble Arch Forest, Ireland
- AGE: 8 years
- OCCUPATION: Oasis Minister of Genetics Assistant
- BASE OF OPERATIONS: Oasis, Iraq; Dublin, Ireland
- FULL NAME: Darragh Raptor O’deorain
- HEIGHT: 6’ 11”
- WEIGHT: 98 lbs
- SPECIES: European Honey Buzzard
- Best in open areas
- Stunning important targets
- Shield break
- Closed off, tight areas
- Hitscan characters
- CC
- Darragh was once just a peaceful bird living in Marble Arch Forest, until Moira found and took him from his nest. She discovered results and the steps to recreate the experiments performed on the Horizon Lunar Colony and wanted to improve upon it. She put the bird through countless experiments and painful bionic procedures. Over a course of 2 years she fully succeeded and created Darragh a bird that can fully function like a human, and she made him even smarter than the normal person. He thinks of her as a mother and not as his captor. He know assists her in Oasis as her right hand man, and fills in for her when she is off on business. After a year of him being her vice-minister she introduced him to Talon. He took a liking to it and became a member shadowing Maximillian when he has the time. Like Moira he doesn’t go on missions normally but if something must be done he will see it done.
Darragh wields the Photonic Line Caster bionic enhancement weapon. When you fire it, it launches a long line (Projectile) at 40 m/s that reaches a max distance of 60m. If connected to an enemy it will instantly deal 25 damage and then create a long line of photonic energy that deals 45 damage a second. When connected it will act like Symm’s old weapon where it stays connected. If the max range is passed the line will instantly break. You are able to launch three of these lines at a time. The weapon has no ammo so if the enemy doesn’t break the line they will continually be damaged. You are able to have all three lines connect to a barrier to quickly melt it. If you have all three lines connected, you can continue firing lines, but the others will break going from first shot line to last.
When you activate this ability you will instantly launch into the air 15m. When in the air you will glide in the direction you are facing, you can hit the jump button and it will pull you up 3 meters. When you boost up that little bit it will allow you to quickly change direction, and you can hit the jump button every 3 seconds. You travel at 8 m/s. As a bird you have a wingspan of 7 meters if you are flying and you hit a wall or attempt to fly through a door you can’t fit through you stun yourself for 1/10 of a second, after this time you will continue to glide downward and you can turn around or land. If you hit the ability button again you will instantly stop gliding and fall.
CD: 4 seconds.
While in the air you gust ability is replaced with the Dive-Bomb ability. When this ability is activated Darragh will dive down and you can direct the direction he goes downward (so diagonal - straight down). If you make contact with an enemy you will deal 50 damage, knock them down and throw them 3 meters. After you hit the enemy Darragh will fly back up 12 meters. If you don’t make contact with an enemy you will simply land on the ground.
CD: 9 seconds
When you activate this ability a spherical barrier appears around Darragh. The barrier will move around with him and can be used in the air to help him since he has a large hitbox.
CD- 9 seconds
HP- 700 hp
Radius- 6 meters
Duration- 9 seconds
When activated Darragh flaps his wings and he sends forth a projectile made of air. When an enemy is hit by it they are carried along with the projectile and dealt 25 damage per hit unless they get away from it.
CD: 6 seconds
When you use Darragh’s ultimate ability he pauses for a brief second and then begins to dash back and forth in a 15 meter range 12 times. Everytime an enemy is hit it deals 50 damage. ( You can think of it like Genji dashing back and forth over and over at a faster rate with a slightly larger range.)
- I have concept art but I’m not currently home so I can not put it on here.
- HEALTH: 300hp + 100 armor
- ROLE: Bruiser - Dive
- PLACE OF ORIGIN: Ilios, Greece
- AGE: 47
- BASE OF OPERATIONS: Athens, Greece
- REAL NAME: Qadira Zervas
- HEIGHT: 6’ 1”
- WEIGHT: 167 lbs
- Qadira Zervas was born and raised on the little island of Ilios. When the omnic crisis started, her family first heard of the event her father began preparing and made a bunker where the family hid out. When the omnics first arrived most of the residents of the island were captured or executed; However, the bunker kept her family hidden and safe. They hid in the bunker for a year when the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit pushed in with the assist of the military. They were rescued and taken off the island to safety. A few months after they were rescued Qadira’s father enrolled in the military. Qadira and her mother were left in Nafplio. After 9 months they got a message revealing that her father had been MIA. The heartbreak soon turned into anger with both Zervas’s enrolling in the military. Qadira’s mother was kicked out for medical reasons and sent back to Nafplio. During training Qadira was picked out for a special task force. The amazons. This task force was assembled to take back the city of Athens which was taken by the omnics early in the war. When first deployed the task force was ambushed an 9 out of 11 of the group was confirmed to be killed, with one MIA, and Qadira barely escaping with her life. Her comms were cut off and she was assumed dead. She was left in the omnic controlled Athens, coming in and out of hiding killing off as many omnics as possible before she would have to fall back. Once she bit off more than she could chew being captured by the omnic forces. She was tortured, beaten, electrocuted, and water bordered, but she held strong and didn’t leak any information. She was saved once Overwatch pushed into Athens and forced out the opposing omnics. She was left mentally and physically scarred, broken, and unstable. When she returned home she went through a series of medical test and examinations, when she got her results she learned she had lung cancer from inhaling numerous dangerous fumes in Athens. She went back home with her mother and she continued living. Her story was leaked to the press and the world heard of her survival story, which caught the attention of Talon. They went to confront her and gave her a choice, they would prevent the illness from spreading until the discover a cure to her disease if she joins their organization, or to stay and suffer. She of course agreed and went with the Talon operatives, they built her a suit that would inject healing fluids to stop the disease from spreading any further. They also revealed to her the Necro-Eversion-Massacrist-Ethos-Solvent-Infusion-Suit, or NEMESIS. She took the deal to be one of their soldiers in return for an eventual cure, and took up the title Castel.
Castel carries a large double-barrel LMG that carries 120 ammunition. It is a hitscan weapon with zero spread, each shot deals 1.5 damage per hit and fires 80 bullets a second. The weapon has a deep damage drop off at 35 meters
Activating this ability will instantly launch Castel in the direction she’s moving 10 meters (if you jump and use it, it will launch you into the air.) Once the first burst has been activated there will be two more burst that will launch you 5 meters with a .5 second time between.
CD: 6 seconds
Fire a projectile that travels 30 meters a second, if it makes contact with an enemy it will deal 10 damage and pull them forward for 12 meters, if the enemy makes contact with a surface they will be stuck for 2.5 seconds. They will be able to use all abilities except movement abilities.
CD: 13 seconds
Castel uses a secondary shotgun attachment on her weapon, it deals 350 damage at point blank with critical hits and has a smaller spread than Reaper’s shotguns. This ability uses 60 ammo.
CD: 5 seconds
Once Castel loses 100 hp her helmet closes making any critical hits deal 25% less damage than a body shot.
When this ability is activated Castel gains 300 extra armor, infinite ammo and cooldowns are reduced by 75% for 6 seconds.
Cheshire - the Trickster
- Health: 150hp + 50 shields
- Role: Damage - Infiltrator
- Difficulty: ★★
- Gender: Female
- Place of Origin: Ankara, Turkey
- Affiliation: Talon
- Age: 29
- Occupation: Roboticist
- Base of Operations: Ankara, Turkey
- Real Name: Azra Bilgin
- Height: 5’ 4”
- Weight: 119 lbs
Although Azra Bilgin was very young she still remembers the heart ache she felt when she learned her father had died in Istanbul during the Omnic Crisis. Her father was robotics engineer who had been sent to Istanbul to aid overwatch in wiping out the final pockets of the Omnic resistance. In his attempts to help he was captured and held as a hostage, she later learned that while he was being transported Overwatch inserted a small strike team into the outskirts of Istanbul, this was operation White Dome. They were ambushed by the group of Omnics transporting her father. He did not survive the battle. Her father’s death led her mother down a path depression ultimately leading to her taking her own life. Azra grew vengeful and blamed her parents death on Overwatch for putting those events into motion, and she holds a very special grudge towards the participants of White Dome. Although she lived as an orphan she grew up to become one the worlds best Roboticists and has developed technologies to aid the environment, help people with tasks, construct buildings almost as fast as Vihskar, and to aid in advanced medical procedures. Always hoping to live up to her father and make her parents proud. She became world famous and recognized as one of the worlds greatest minds. This quickly put her on Talon’s radar. She was confronted by Sombra who shared that the people responsible for her father’s death were still out there and showed her all the agents behind operation White Dome. Though hesitant at first Sombra was able to use her anger and manipulate her into joining Talon. Although she doesn’t agree with Talon’s morals and their goal, she does believe having Overwatch out there is a very dangerous thing and she wants to stop them from resurfacing, with the added benefit of getting revenge.
Primary Fire- Nano Swarm:
Send off waves of nanobots that travel along the ground traveling at 35m/sec. If it hits an enemy it will deal 40 damage instantly, however it will also leave a lingering effect that deals 5 damage a second. The time this lasts depends on how how many successful hits you had. Every hit adds 2 seconds, stacking up to 10 seconds. These waves also pierce through enemies, but every enemy a wave passes through has it deal 25% less damage until it disappears. You fire the waves every .62 seconds and you can fire up to 8 before you must reload. The reload animation consists of cheshire calling back her bots and them flying to her.
Ability 1 - Transform:
Once you activate this ability it will bring up a selection wheel that will allow you select an enemy hero, then Cheshire uses a swarm of nanobots to change her appearance to the selected enemy hero, the highlight will appear blue to the enemies making them believe that she is on their team. You will acquire the speed of that hero; However, not the abilities or their weapons. You can attack while transformed however this will give you away so you must do it at a safe time. Enemy supports will be able to heal you if they are not paying attention. If the enemies damage you, you will not change back until your shields are destroyed, then the nanobots will fall away leaving you visible. Abilities such as Ana’s grenade and her primary fire will damage you not heal you. The max time you can stay transformed is 15 seconds with the nanobots fading away after that time period. You can also deactivate the ability if wanted or needed.
CD: 12 seconds
Ability 2 - Blind:
Launch a collection of nanobots at an enemy, if the attack successfully hits their vision will go dark leaving only a small area around them that they can see. As a bonus during the effect if you are within their vision you will appear as an ally. Abilities like Zarya’s bubble will cancel the effect. The effect lasts 4 seconds.
CD: 8 seconds
Ability 3 - Decoy:
Deploy a swarm of nanobots to create a decoy with 300hp. It will run around in a set area and act as if it is doing damage to the enemy. If you quickly hit the ability button it will create a decoy of Cheshire, but if you hold down the button it will bring up a selection wheel (much like the communication wheel) that will allow you to create a decoy of an allied hero. Dealing damage to the decoy does not provide ult charge for the enemy. If the decoy is not destroyed it will dissolve after 10 seconds.
CD: 10 seconds (cooldown begins once previous decoy has been destroyed)
Ultimate - Night Vision:
Cheshire releases a huge swarm of nanobots that provide the effect of Blind on any enemies within a 20m radius. The effect will last 6 seconds and if an ally is in an enemies sight they will appear as an ally until the effect is over. Unlike the ability blind can not be interrupted with a Zarya bubble once the effect has taken place. If you have a bubble on you when the ability is activated however you will not suffer from the effects. Barriers also do not block this ultimate. If you are within range you will receive the effect.
Passive - Nanobot Agility:
This passive allows you to move around walls and ceilings at a fast pace, however doing so will have you appear as a swarm of nanobots allowing the enemy to spot you so do so cautiously, this ability also runs on a resource meter that will quickly decrease and slowly fill back up. You will also be forced out into 3rd person while doing this.
Cheshire traditionally sports a black and blue porcelain mask that covers the top half of her face leaving her mouth exposed. She has long wavy black hair that she wears in a ponytail that reaches her upper back. She wears a black full body suit with light metallic armor paneling with a blue energy core in the center that allows her to control the nanobots. Throughout the armor is lit up light blue highlights and on the arms are tiny compartments that extend to the back, this is where the nanobots sit before being used. She has green eyes and tan skin as well as a thin build.
Voice-Lines & Conversations:
- Spawn in: It’s always fun to play as someone you’re not
- Respawn: I didn’t mean to do that
Well that was an utter failure
I’ll just have to try harder this time
- Ana:
C: My father would be alive if it weren’t for you
A: Your father was a great man, I’m sorry that I couldn’t save him
A: Your father… Without his innovations I don’t know what would’ve happened
C: I’m aware he was a great man… greater than you could’ve ever been
- Bastion:
C: So you’re the last of those machines? I wonder what makes you so special?
B: boo-woooooo
- Brigitte:
B: Azra, why do you dislike papa so much?
C: Because your “papa” is the reason I don’t have mine
B: I haven’t seen papa in so long, I hope I get to soon.
C: At least you’re able to see your “papa,” some of us aren’t so lucky.
- D. va:
C: What an interesting machine, do you have any blueprints or information on your mech I could see?
D: umm… no… but I can give you an autograph…
- Doomfist:
C: I can never get down you constant scowl… any pointers?
D: For someone so smart you sure don’t know when you input is wanted.
- Mei:
C: Mei, how did you cope with loss of you friends? I still haven’t figured out how.
M: Oh, umm… sniffle I haven’t really either
- Moira:
C: Everytime I read about your research It makes me afraid to be around you.
M: It seems most people share your archaic opinion.
- Orisa:
C: Orisa, you’re such a beautiful creation… a little girl built you?!
O: Yes, Efi has put a large amount detail and precise engineering into my creation.
- Reaper:
C: How do you take so many lives and feel okay with yourself?
R: I haven’t okay with myself in a loooong time
- Reinhardt:
C: You were there when my father died… why didn’t you do anything.
R: We did as much we could… it wasn’t enough
C: You walked away wearing the title of hero… I walked away with the title of orphan
R: We try to save everyone… it doesn’t mean we’re going too.
- Sombra:
S: I tried to find some dirt on you, but there’s nothing there that world doesn’t know
C: Maybe there is something and you’re just not good enough a hacker to bypass my security
- Symmetra:
S: Your company is almost a grand as vishkar… almost
C: You’re right we would be much more grand if we burnt down villages to make a profit
- Torbjorn:
C: I can’t be as mad at you as the others, at least you lost something
T: We’re not the ones you should be fighting, It’s that angsty group of yours
- Zenyatta:
Z: You are filled vengeance, but you are directing it towards your allies
C: I’m directing it towards the people who are at fault
Agent Pinion is special operative that is part of special task force created by United States government to find and arrest Overwatch agents if they were to become active again seeing Overwatch activity is illegal under the Petras Act.
150hp + 50 shields
Excels at:
Dealing with tanky comps and barriers
Holding areas
Primary Fire: Pinion wields a gun that is slightly larger than a pistol that fires three projectiles simultaneously that grow apart from each other the farther they travel. One projectile does 20 damage. If you hit two it does 50 damage and if you hit all three it does 80 damage.
Ability 1: Light Trap-
Pinion throws a small disc that bounces off walls until it makes contact with the floor. When an enemy walks over the trap it expands into small 400hp cube that is composed of barriers. The trapped enemy and their allies can destroy the cube and break free or wait 4 seconds for it to disappear.
Ability 2: Wing Suit-
Pinion activates her wing suit, which for 8 seconds, gives her increased mobility. When she activates this ability she can perform 1 burst jump that allows her to get to high ground and vantage points.
Ability 3/Secondary Fire: Guard Break-
Pinion launches a small rapid moving projectile. If it makes contact with an enemy it will instantly destroy 3/4 of their shields and armor. If the enemy it makes contact with has no shields or armor it will do 40 damage. If it makes contact with a barrier it will blast a hole in the barrier that your team can shoot through. The hole; however, will fill in over a course of 3 seconds.
Ultimate: Point Guard-
Pinion creates an area that last for 3.5 seconds where enemies can not fire in or move through. It is slightly bigger than a Winston barrier. Allies who are in this area will be safe from fire and heal up and prepare for the continuing fight or shoot from in this area. If an enemy is in the area when this ability is cast they will be forced out and end up right outside of it.
Genesis - The god AI
Genesis is a god AI created by Talon that created itself a omnic body to take control of to assist Talon in completing their vision.
200hp and 50 armor
Primary Fire: Genesis has electric blade attached to his right arm that deals about 40 dmg per hit
Secondary Fire: Genesis turns his left arm into a small canon that shoots small, fast moving projectiles that deals about 10 dmg and has a slight slowing effect. He doesn’t has to reload but his shots charge up like Doomfist’s primary fire.
Ability 1: Paralyzation Turret: Genesis throws a small cube that expands once it hits a surface. The turret has 3 levels and is charged up by his secondary fire.
Level 1: slows enemies by about 20% for 2 seconds
Level 2: slows enemies by 50% for 1 second
Level 3: completely freezes enemies in place for half a second
After the turret runs out of charge you will need to charge it again or it won’t do anything. Every shot he hits on his turret charges it to the next level by 50%. So if it were depleted of charge you would need to shoot 8 times to bring it to level 3.
Ability 2: Shock Field: Genesis fires a small projectile that sticks to surfaces and enemies that creates an 6 meter radius Area of Effect that does 15 dmg/second and lasts 5 seconds.
Passive 1: Charge- The more damage done with Genesis’s blade increases the length of the blade.
Ultimate 1: Electro Field- Genesis creates an Area of Effect that has a 15m radius. Enemies inside the area will suffer 50% movement decrease and 35 damage a second over a period of 7 seconds.
Passive 2: Collapse Form- When health reaches 0 Genesis’s body deteriorates and he becomes a small cube that floats around with 20hp, until Rebuild Form becomes available
Ultimate 2: Rebuild Form- If you survive long enough in his cube form you can rebuild your form. Every time you rebuild your form in one life 10 of you hp turns into armor.
=======================STORY IDEAS=====================
I think eventually will become one of the most important characters in the game lore wise. My theory is that the war that Talon is trying to start will involve Gwishin. Talon will somehow make allies or take control of the Gwishin and help them break through the MEKA squad. This will spark a new omnic crisis that will spread across the globe and bring all of the characters together to ultimately defeat the Gwishin and Talon.
If this were true I would also imagine that Symmetra would also become incredibly important. She would discover the Sanjay is working for Talon and has a huge inner conflict of what to do, she would eventually decide to help stop the war and kill or subdue Sanjay and bring down Vhiskar.
Junkrat and Roadhog would be trying to do something with Junkertown and they would witness it’s downfall. After the destruction they would enter to try and scavenge loot, and run across the Queen, they would group up to help create an uprising against the Gwishin in Junkertown.
Hanzo would try to stay out of the conflict, but Gengi comes to attempt to persuade him into fighting with him and the OW team. He would refuse, but the Gwishin would, at a very convenient time, attack Hanamura having Hanzo realize that he needs to fight the Qwishin.
Sombra would be uncomfortable with the war, but choose to side with Talon. However, once she see’s an attack Dorado, and the Bakery getting blown up, she will betray Talon, bring multiple plans to OW and would use her hacking skill to help the team take down the Gwishin.
Torb and Bastion would be ambushed while traveling, the Gwishin will attempt to abduct Bastion and “fix” him, but Torbjorn will save him strengthing that bond, they would be picked up by Winston and go off to fight. A few people would be uncomfortable with a Bastion unit, but decide to work with him.
Zarya will discover that Katya Volskaya cooperated with the enemy to get new tech, the black mail Sombra showed Katya, and that Katya helping Sombra was one of the reasons Talon was able to take control of the Gwishin. She would ultimately help drive out the Gwishin from Volskaya Industries and then Katya shows her that OW was fighting the Gwishin around the world and travels to help fight.
Ana and Soldier will be confronted by Reinhardt. Ana goes, but Soldier 76 will hesitate to join OW and not show up. However in grave moment where Ana, Reinhardt, and Brigitte are about to get over run soldier comes to support them and they wipe out the attacking forces. Soldier then will go just to fight the fight, but he’s out right after.
After getting soldier to join Ana heads back home to try to get Pharah to stay out of the fight. While traveling there Temple of Anubis is attacked and Pharah is deployed. She discovers the Gwishin are attempting to the Anubis AI and with a last second decision she rocket barrages in a cotained area with the whole Gwishin force trying to open the temple. She stops them, but becomes incredibly injured. Ana arrives just in time to save her and get her to safety, while recovering Pharah explains that Ana doesn’t get to chose where she goes and Ana accepts that Pharah will join OW in the fight.
Mercy hears of the fighting on TV and leaves immediately in her swift response suit to help. While leaving Moira enters and attacks her. The battle and the whole time Mercy’s suit is warming up, right before Moira gives the final blow Mercy’s suit recharges and she uses Valkyrie to fend off Moira and force her to retreat. Mercy then takes off to frontlines.
Lucio would be doing a show in Rio when the Gwishin attack, his theatre is attacked and he rushes back to to equip his armor and grab his sonic amplifier, he takes out he omnics in the theatre and then rushes out to see a city in flames. He rushes into the fighting to encounter Sanjay, before Symm’s betrayal, and Lucio is beaten, he is saved last second by symm who is hiding her identity to Sanjay. She then left to go back to Vhiskar where she then kills or sub dues Sanjay.
Mcree will be wandering around the world when the first attacks happens. He heads off to join the fighting, after an impressive defeat he realizes they need more forces. So he travels to Route 64 to recruit the Deadlock gang, of course they laugh him off he beats up the gangs leader, and shows them what the Gwishin have done and can do, after telling them that it’s either fight with the chance to live or to sit around and wait for death, they go with him to join the fight.
When Nepal is attacked Zenyatta rushes forward to help survivors, where he is ambushed by some of his fellow monks of which Gwishin took control of. He his beaten and taken control of. Later her would be saved by Gengi and Sombra, with Sombra wiping out the virus. This will allow Sombra to get into the Gwishin database, coding ,etc which will allow her to mess up Gwishin connections and allow OW to have the upperhand.
Winston and Mei grouped up awhile ago and when the fighting started the began going around recruiting people to the new OW. While this is happening they are confronted by Doomfist who has a personal anger towards winston. They fight with Winston losing only to be saved by Mei who freezes Doomfist, they put him a cryofreezer, putting him out of the fight.
Orisa stays in Numbani to protect the city and Efi. During an attack Efi realizes Orisa needs to go the frontlines and begins to build more defense bot and security precautions. She sends Orisa away, which confuses Orisa but she listens to Efi and goes. On the frontline she sees what war is truly like and begins to grow up a little bit.
This whole time Talon is going around attempting to assassinate OW agents before they can jump into the action. Maximillion will be the main controller of the Gwishin, with Doomfist helping plan attacks and strikes before the Mei encounter.
During this time Widowmakers mind control would be wearing off and throughout she would try to cope with what she had done, while trying not to alert the other Talon operatives that the mind control stopped working. The entire time she will have chances to kill off other main characters but stops and gives an excuse to Reaper. In the end during the final assault she betrays Talon and commands every computer piloted drone, ship, and weaponry to crash into the Gwishin, including the main ship (the one she and Reaper would be on.) She would die, but Reaper would survive thanks to his wraith form. Although he would be incredibly injured.
Widows assault on the Gwishin would create in opening in it armor, Sombra notices this and alerts everyone on the team. decides to fly her mech up to the hole and enter with plans to blow out her mechs reactor inside. However, she falls into a trap, and is unable to escape. She orders Dae-hyun to blow the reactor, although he says no at first, he follows her orders and blows the reactor. dies but the Gwishin would die, and explode on the battlefield, including all of it’s smaller drones and bots. All the omnics that the Gwishin took control of would be free and the crisis would be over.
Reaper will enter the battlefield weakened from the crash and be surrounded by the new OW team. He would try to resist, but Soldier finally puts and end to Gabriel Reyes.
After the crisis OW would be reformed, and Talon would fall apart leaving the world at peace.
Thank you if you went through everything , I enjoy doing this kinda stuff and just like to share ideas. If you have any ideas or critiques I would love to hear them.