Overwatch Winter Wonderland arcade game idea

I thought it would be a cool idea and decided to share with everyone else because how awesome would it be if your idea was loved enough that it turned into something put into the game.

Roadhog Ice Fishing:
Simple enough, you play as roadhog and compete for points, whoever has the most points wins. You throw your hook at fish in water and turn as you are hooking it to yourself to drop it on the land. If you don’t turn, you will throw it back into the water and lose points. There could be different kinds of fish, some faster, some slower, and different kinds that are worth different amounts of points. Everyone fishes for as many fish as they can get in the amount of time provided, and whoever has the most points wins (or perhaps if it was like deathmatch, and the top 3 people win). This game would fit in perfectly during the Winter Wonderland event because you can call it Ice Fishing and Roadhog even has a skin that looks like a ice fisherman. This would give people more options in arcade and could be a lot of fun!

Anyway just a cool idea that I had, let me know what you think, what you like or dislike, or how the idea can be improved upon please.

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