How on earth is this hero a support?!

Roadhog plays like a DPS, Sombra plays like a support. Whats the deal?

What does this even mean?? My point is lucio has too much power not that he replaces another role

My manā€™s sticking to the joke way too much


Sym Turret.
Torb Turret.
Or idk, actually aim and shoot him?


You can have your opinion, but the truth is, this post alone showā€™s you lack an understanding somewhere on the fundamental level of this game. I see that with a lot of players wanting nerfs that arenā€™t necessary.


I think you are either trolling or stupid.

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Iā€™m guessing heā€™s pretty young. Plead youthful ignorance :wink:

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Are people not allowed opinions anymore?? You probably think you know all about the game but probably havenā€™t passed diamond so stop talking as if you know it all smartass

ok Iā€™m one of the whiniest people in this community but even Iā€™m on not this bad


At least I got to diamond. :upside_down_face:


Bullet, you said youā€™ve been here since season 22? Thatā€™s 3 seasons. A lot of people on the forums have been here since the beginning or pretty near the beginning (seasons 1-10 maybe?)

Perhaps they have more experience from putting more time into the game?


Wow would you like a medal?

Iā€™m pretty sure they already have the shiny diamond one


I mean, you were the one who brought rank into this, not I.

Lucio is the most balanced support in this game. Itā€™s not even close.


Why are you so angry?


I absolutely love your mindset and completely agree, low ranks like us should never be afraid to speak up. Get used to the ā€œbaitā€ thing OP, every opinion you have on the forum is either ā€œtrollingā€ or ā€œbaitā€. No point trying to convince people here, people love to disagree.

Anyway i do think Lucio is the most balanced hero but thatā€™s coming from a Doom player. He seems to be OK in most ranks. If you struggle against him try playing him to get an understanding of his cooldown management and play style.

Practice your shooting with Zen. Thereā€™s custom workshop codes for that kind of thing.

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Interesting style. The content itself is certainly high-quality, however the presentation seems a bit conflicted and kind of ruins it. It lacks personality. I suggest committing to perfect formatting, so as to maximize the irony conveyed, or reducing the formatting to atrocious levels to make the post as painful to to read as possible. Formal confusion, or unhinged mania. Right now it is indecisive, so it falls short in both extremes.

Additionally, the title, while evidently effective, is weak. One exclamation point and one question mark? Those are rookie numbers. Bump those up to at least three each to achieve maximum anger. You could also capitalize the entire title so that itā€™s better at catching the eye from the main page.

Good content, but lackluster execution. 6/10.


Im laughing my as* off

Lucio got nerfed and kind off reworked.
Besides that Lucio vs Zen is a skill matchup. You need to hit your shots. The Lucio too, so I see no problems here.

Also the only reason and I mean the only reason Lucio is played in high rank is the speed boost. Not his heal and not his ultimate. I would like to let it be how it is