How on earth is this hero a support?!

Right let me give a bit of background context ( clears throat), i have played overwatch since season 22 and i tend to main zenyatta and since season 22 i have managed to climb all the way from silver to mid gold!!
However the pain of my existence is LUCIO!!! what on gods green one were you thinking jeff making this hero, he is such a pain to play against and deal with every game when he solo dives me and i get 0 help from my mccree or brigitte player (like come on now 2 stuns). First of all he has more movement speed than genji, tracer, winston and rein ( when using charge) ON COOLDOWN!! which makes him impossible to hit, second of all he does soooooo much damage and has 0 dropoff which makes him a nightmare, next he can pretty much one shot me as if hes a speedy mccree with his shoot, boop and melee combo ( so stupid).
And finally SOUND BARRIER, the most overpowered ult in this entire game, like i dont understand how having a 1300 hp rein is balanced and an 800 hp tracer like this is so dumb!!!
To summarise here are my nerfs for lucio:
Remove boop
Nerf sound barrier so it only gives 150 hp
Decrease the speed affect by 55%
Let me know what you guys think :slight_smile:


I completely agree with you:)

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No this is most certainly not a joke

I- Are you ok man? This is some of the lowest quality bait I’ve seen yet, you could have done this so much better with talking about he can go from third point to 1st point in 3 seconds with wallride, heal his entire team for insane amounts constantly and self heal way too much… Come on put more work into it


Ah I see playing the long game I gotcha.


Am i missing something ? how is this some sort of bait

It’s bait cause there arent enough Lucio nerfs and complaining in this post, you’re trolling if you think this is a long enough post with enough nerf requests

i dont believe in nerfing heroes to the ground i just want balance and this is what i think of him i have no more complaints

Lucio used to be the most annoying support to kill… now that is Mercy.

So play Mccree or Brigitte? You’re complaining about other people not countering a hero for you…

What are you bronze??? what is this logic? i do my job of healing and providing discords so i expext others to do their job

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I do think his wallriding is super annoying with how he can reddit lucio and dive people, or just stall on certain points endlessly by flying around.
and the fact that only lucio has speed kind of annoys me since if you want speed you have to lucio. its really just that its limited to him than speed in general.

If I was going to make changes it would be to make him less reddit lucio-y. Like remove the speed boost while wall riding thing (so many lucios that do that and leave their team in the dust like cmon bro speed the dang team like you’re supposed to), and maybe make it so he cant shoot while wall riding or something idk… that seems like a bit much but whatever.
I do wish boop had a longer cooldown its so annoying and easy to get value with :sob:

I read two sentences then went to post. 1/10


WHat is that supposed to mean, trying to form a discussion and you post brainless things come on man

It sounds like the real issues here are your aim and your team not working cooperatively (or you not asking your team for help)
Lucio is hard to track down, but so are plenty of other characters. Every part of lucios kit requires high awareness of teammates, good tracking to land shots, and map geometry to your advantage.

Any hero can be a monster to deal with if the player using them is good enough

Those abilities are designed to help him quickly maneuver the battle and peel for allies that need it. Any heroes abilities can be abused in a non helpful way.
I think ‘Reddit lucios’ are trash because they typically don’t play with the team, but you can’t deny the skill it takes to consistently dodge attacks, while landing your own.

You posted about how you want to nerf a hero that doesn’t need nerfing and complaining about a defensive ult.

You’re not trolling? You’re serious? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yes im serious this is an opinion , your opinion is he doesnt need nerfing thats fine , my opinion is he needs balancing

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