How on earth is this hero a support?!

Since the beta. Seen it all and participated in all. Good times man

I joined season 3, I didn’t get into it until my friend in high school bought it for my birthday :joy:

I bought it when my gf back then left me. Never regeretted it. I had so many great hours in this game and I made more money with the game than I had to invest. Yes I was one of the evil boosters :o

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If a Gold ranked Lucio is getting a dive on someone and getting the kill while nobody is punishing him, that says more about the divee and their team than Lucio as a hero.

still a bad opinion :business_suit_levitating:

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Stay off the weeeeeeeed.

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Sombra’s EMP removes barrier as it counts as a sheild. In fact Sombra in general makes Lucio’s job a pain.

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Diving a Zen with a Mcree and Brig nearby. I don’t know what kind of suicidal Lucios you are playing into, but I like their style.

This is all accurate.

If you are getting hit by a Lucio from a range of more than 10-15 meters, you’re bad. Sorry, but his primary is almost impossible to land from a range on a moving target.

This is true, but I wouldn’t expect it to come into play in gold. Are you standing still or something?

I mean yeah they have that health for like one or two seconds, but it rapidly decays after that. It also has a cast time which makes it much harder for the Lucio react with it.

Mate he has been trash for almost a year now. The last two weeks are the only play he has seen.

Edited because youtube is a gardening hoe and doesn’t let the video I used play on the forums.


I’m actually going to try and be super chill about this and help you out.

While Lucio can be stupid annoying sometimes, he himself isn’t OP. It’s all just a matter of knowing how to counter him. You said you’re low rank (silver or gold, I believe) and you’ve only been playing Comp a couple seasons. That’s cool, we all need to start somewhere.

First big thing is CC is a good counter to high mobility, I believe Arsenic listed some earlier in the thread. That’s a good place to start. Trying slowing him, stunning him, hacking him, you get the idea. Also, avoid ends of the maps and holes (Like the one on Illios Well). He can’t kill you with the boop alone, if you’re not near a place like that. Also, remember that if he is messing around with your team, that means his is giving less healing and utility to his own, so use that to your advantage. And, lastly, if you’re having difficulty in a match try using VC or Text Chat or whatever to ask your team to help out, if they can. And try working on your aim a bit so he’s easier for you to hit (Maybe play around with some different sensitivities to see what feels good for you)

In all seriousness, I hope that helps and I wish you the best of luck.

OP has completely disregarded any post that’s offering advice or help and instead is just instigating with people being less helpful.
I’ve got a pretty strong feeling that this was posted for attention moreso than for help
(The Troll Is IN The Dungeon)

Everyone realizes he’s joking… right? He said he was

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Lucio is weak :slight_smile:

Jk lucioh is op NERF lucio

I honestly do not care about Brig or McCree. I will dive them too. I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone. Those 2 are free 1v1s.

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Agree. Also i recommend to remove his gun + heal & speed boost . He might still be op but idk

I can respect it, I just have bad experiences trying to kill THICCrees.

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I seriously hope you’re joking

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Dear lord…


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Are you as turned on as I am?

I’m actually not. Not for Mccree anyway. Now if you talk about one or both the hammer combo wielders… we might have a discussion.

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