How many people purchased an extra account to increase their SR rank?

If you have can you post what your SR was on your original account and what you placed on your new account and whether it dropped to your old SR? I’m just curious.


This is my main, it’s been stuck at 2300-2499 for at least 3 seasons…
My alternate account has been placed in Silver ELO, which is frustrating.

Edit: Both accounts are at diamond currently, from just endless grinding and luck.

It won’t be. Because then you’ll just drop back down to silver/gold anyway.


I think I was 1700 on my 1st acct when I bought this.

I placed 2200s and didn’t really drop until I played comp on weekends. I’m not sure if I ever dropped below 1800. And quickly went back to low gold.

Only when I consistently broke 2200 with ease was I able to drag my original acct to low gold (It is currently low plat).

As far as I can see, the first 10 placements place people close to the centre. But also…my acct with the most playtime this season gets the worst of the trolls.

If I play one acct only say 10 games per week…all 10 are pretty good.

If I play the other acct say 50 games…the games after 10-15 get more trolly and full of leavers and throwers…especially if I go on a 4+ game win streak.

There are some serious issues with the system and some clear cases of match maker fu$#ery afoot if you have a winrate that is high (this can be confirmed via smurfing well below your tier and watching the matchmaker throw loser/troll teams at you once you hit a certain account winrate + winstreak).

It is almost like there is a streakbreaker in the mmr to stop long losing streaks and win streaks (it seems like its aimed more at the losers though).


That is only if you’re not competent enough to play at the ELO your account is in.

I did purchase 2 accounts from the Humble bundle. Mentioned it in another thread.

One account was for my son. He is still thinking of his Battle Tag ID, bless his 6 year old munchkin heart.

The other was for me to try damage dealing classes. Progress has been slow, still no where near level 25. Very frustrating because i have been constantly losing in Mystery Heroes. I refuse to use Tank/Support classes in Quick Play so that the MMR would only register my garbage play as a damage dealer and i know that i am not ready for it yet. I gave up levelling after a few hours.

Went into QP with (this) main account and went on a 6 game win streak with Reinhardt, 1 as Moira and 1 as Torb.

Have not even completed placements for main account yet. /sigh


Your comp placements start at 2300 or so. I don’t think QP makes any impact on that.


Really? I thought that i read somewhere that it does affect the MMR.

Anyway, thanks, SleepyB34r, always every helpful you are.

However, i think that i would just focus on my main account for the time being when i have the opportunity. At least clear my placements. =)

PS. Truth be told, i am not all that keen to play the alt account because i know that i am garbage as a damage dealer.

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You purchase a separate account because playing certain characters (widowmaker) will cause you to be banned so you don’t want your main account being banned.

You need like three accounts to be able to play this game.


original 2000 then 1300 2750 an 2750

it won’t. you will just fall back down. you have to be able to win occasional games with unfavored teams in order to stay at a given rank. ie you would have to be able to carry games at the new rank to be able to stay there, which is unlikely if you’re having trouble climbing out of where you are now

streaks have been shown to lead to toxicity in many games, so my opinion has been they try to minimize it.

As it is, people come on the boards to whine about losing 300 -500 SR, which i don’t know how in hell they manage to do that. just how much do you throw ?? but i guess if it’s over a couple days it’s possible

if a player’s actual accounts are stuck in low ranks like silver and gold then it’s highly unlikely that the player would be competent enough to play at a higher rank (diamond+) on a boosted account. When accounts get “stuck” in low ranks like silver and gold then they’re not stuck, that’s just the rank they belong at unless they improve


I actually intended for my alt to be lower so I could learn tanks. My main (this acc) used to be high plat. My alt is now higher than my main just because it had better placement matches this season feelsbadman. They used to both be around the same rating.

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I can’t remember the exact figures, but my account was in high silver after mostly being in high gold. I bought a new account because I thought Elo hell was keeping me back. My new account placed about 100 SR higher.

This made me realise that Elo hell wasn’t the issue at all, and that I needed to improve if I wanted to climb.

That realisation lead me to do a lot of research in to how to improve and a lot of self-criticising. During that season I made it to Diamond for the first time.

So, my new account didn’t drop to the same SR as my old one, but only because I realised that I actually needed to improve.


People say that quick play affects competitive. Those people are wrong. See Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted

To answer the OP’s question, when my main placed 1300, I made an alt who placed at 2156. After playing on both accounts for a hundred games, the gold account remained gold, and the sliver account remained silver (Overwatch Forums).

I then switched back to my main, almost full time. It took me a few hundred more games for it to catch up to my alt (in gold).


Excellent. Thanks, Kaawumba.

i got 2 new accounts… my main account has never been out of mid gold… on this account i think i lost 4 won 6 and placed high plat… the other account i grouped with buddies won all 10 and placed low GM… on the GM account its pretty much a win loss win loss 50/50 scenario… feels pretty balanced there… in gold OMFG the throwers and smurfs just rolling 4 or 5 of my teammates every game… this game is a mess

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But you’re back to Gold on this account…placing somewhere doesn’t mean you belong there. Initial placements are terrible, they haven’t been since season 3. I highly don’t you have a GM account that has a 50% win rate, but are struggling with gold.

Just so you all know, CptZoom is Zenren and Noobnoob. All 3 accounts are in Bronze, what does that say about the system? If his accounts placed in Silver, but dropped to Bronze.

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my main was plat (around 2.5k-2.7k). placed 3k on this acc and have been keeping mid-high diamond for about 4 seasons now :thinking: