Smuuuurrrrffffsssss omg!

Smurfs are not a problem. They are annoying, yes, but Blizzard has come out before saying that they will go back to their normal SR/MMR if they play like they normally do.
Not every stomp is a smurf. A LOT of stomps I’ve seen and been a part of is because my team or their team couldn’t adapt to their team comp. The game’s all about adapting honestly and if you’re gonna continue playing a genji or widow into a winston or a winston into turrets you’re going to get steam rolled either way.

If you’re hardstuck somewhere or just not gaining SR that’s nothing to do with the enemy team or your team, it’s everything to do with you. That’s where your skill is at and if you get better you will rise. Took a few seasons to realize this but this is just how it is. If you’re truly “too good” for your rank smurfs won’t be a gigantic deal

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If you’re hardstuck somewhere or just not gaining SR that’s nothing to do with the enemy team or your team, it’s everything to do with you. That’s where your skill is at and if you get better you will rise. Took a few seasons to realize this but this is just how it is. If you’re truly “too good” for your rank smurfs won’t be a gigantic deal

And what about those of us who are “hard stuck” in a range across 1300 SR, and a standard day involves an up–swing of 300-700 followed by a down-swing of 300-700 (or the reverse)? When this is the NORMAL experience for a specific individual… what is causing it?

Inconsistant play. Inexperience. Matchmaker corrections. Reaching your limit and falling back down.

If you find yourself losing more then 100sr in a day, its time to take a break. Thats about a -4 to -5 game differential. If its in a short stack of games… it is probably you, the time of queuing, or just not your day.

My rule of thumb when I’m try harding and caring about my climbing… is that if I go -2 I’m done for the night. I’m either triggered or just not at my best. If I still want to play… i just practice and play qp or mystery heroes… or heck, queue up another game all together.

The most you should ever lose in a session is -60. Anything more than that is your own doing.

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Dude… no. First of all I can gain between fifteen and fifty SR per match depending on whether I’m carrying or a smurf is carrying. I’ve come out of wins with almost no SR gain in the middle of a massive streak because I happened to be on a team with a climbing smurf. I’ve also come out of losses with more than -60 from a single match because I was being followed around by a throwing smurf whose only reason for existence is to destroy people on their own team that are capable of climbing.

You truly don’t know what’s going on around you.

Inconsistant play. Inexperience. Matchmaker corrections. Reaching your limit and falling back down.

My rule of thumb when I’m try harding and caring about my climbing… is that if I go -2 I’m done for the night. I’m either triggered or just not at my best. If I still want to play… i just practice and play qp or mystery heroes… or heck, queue up another game all together.

Exactly, when you play tilted you already are at a disadvantage. If I ever lose more than 2 games in a row I take a good break for a few hours to relax and come back later. If you just keep going you just get more and more upset about losing, and even if you think you aren’t upset, subconsciously you are.


I’ve come out of wins with almost no SR gain in the middle of a massive streak because I happened to be on a team with a climbing smurf. I’ve also come out of losses with more than -60 from a single match

This has nothing to do with your team but everything to do with how you are playing and your hidden MMR. If you’re losing 60 that means you played really badly for the rank you were in and if you gain 60 you did extremely well and the game’s trying to put where you belong. You sound very inconsistent and if you’re constantly flexing this may be the reason

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If you’re losing 60 that means you played really badly for the rank you were in and if you gain 60 you did extremely well and the game’s trying to put where you belong. You sound very inconsistent and if you’re constantly flexing this may be the reason

You’re still dismissing the actual facts of the matter in favor of a theory based on the idea that nobody tries to manipulate statistics… which on its face is just stupid. The game is literally about manipulating statistics, your advice for people to get better is to manipulate their statistics.

I can’t even… just… wtf

BTW, you don’t get to complain about smurfs while making a post in another topic claiming that you reached GM on another account.

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e x p o s e d
prob a troll post i guess

It will NEVER be fixed.

It brings in more money.

Blizzard won’t do anything about smurfs unless it meant losing money, but it is the opposite, remember, you made a purchase, they no longer care about any of us after that.

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This, a million times this. I know i suck, i wanna have a fun game playing against people as crappy as me. Not face a diamond widow who plucks you as soon as a pixel off your head comes around a wall. Its not fair and its not fun. Im gold and always will be, i just wanna face other true gold players. Not smurfs who can only have fun when they are destroying players worse then them.



More accounts mean more $$ for Blizz/Activision. I can’t tell you the number of games i’ve played and a large percentage of enemies are smurfs, and in very rear instances, i get a smurf on my team. Sometimes when i get a smurf on my team then throw cuz “this is my alt account, I dont care”.

Is really a blow when you try hard to rank up and there’s players who game the system to stomp players. Stat manipulation is “reportable” but nothing will be done because once smurfs level up an account and a new hero comes out, they will buy another account and the cycle goes on.

The Dev team will say “not all games are smurfs and you have a 50/50 change on winning” yet i lost more games than I win. Where is the 50/50 chance when smurfs are involved?

Simply put, blizz cares more about shareholders then their fanbase.

This season of Competitive has been TERRIBLE. I must say that the Smurffs I get are the players that D/C, tilt or have ZERO game experience. With that said. I mindlessly played the Quick Play game the rest of the day with no real objectives in mind. If they can get away with Not trying in competitive mode. Than the mindset of “IT’s QP nobody cares” applies.

This next comp season better be fixed.

According to the reporting system, anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.

A high tier player playing on a lower tier account has an unfair advantage over players actually at those lower tiers.

Thus, smurfing = cheating.

Yeah, good luck w/that belief system of “anything that affords unfair adv”…

Its been easily 8-9seasons of this, and 8-9seasons of reporting about it up and down the board, and zero action has occurred beyond $12 sales to create more and more accounts to take advantage of a completely flawed system.


6 premade team with 3 people below 40 vs full soloQ.

“we waited 7 minutes”

Well, i just waited 15 seconds and it put me into that hellhole of a mess blizzard calls matchmaking.

The more you wait, the more lax the system becomes but COME ON, this isn’t right. You should tell them, if they can’t find a game: “NO GAME AVAILABLE”. They’re not entitled a free carnage just because there’s no premade team that matches their stats.

Blizzard still believes their ranking system is perfect, despite being shown again and again that it is so easily exploited. Therefore, they have convinced themselves that smurfs will be placed where their skill actually is. Either all the Blizzard staff are GMs or they don’t play their game anymore because 5 minutes in the game would show that smurfs are never going away

the winter sales made so much smurfs this is crazy

i posted elsewhere, they won’t touch the smurf problem as it actively helps them keep players in low/mid ranks. The amount of times this season me and a few mates have been on the verge of ranking up and then run into 3-5 matches against rampant genj/tracer/widow smurfs can’t be coincidence. I think without the smurfs being uses by the MMR system as gateway police, plat and diamond would be bulging at the seams.

I was masters by level 150 on my first account. Some people are just good at shooters. I’m in my 30’s so my mechanics and reactions aren’t what they could be and even when I was new I could have stomped in gold (pre level 50)