How is the Brig nerf a QoL change?

I think you mentioned that she is the tankiest support?

The thing is that she can’t even get good value lol

I literally advocated for Moira buffs harder than almost anyone on this forum lol. I think my bias doesn’t come in to these discussions.

I’m not arguing she shouldn’t get buffs. But the devs need to pick a direction with her. Because she can’t be a good healer and good tank. That’s too much value and you can see it with how much her pickrate rose in higher ranks in the little time that she had just 25 more hp.

Agreed but she isn’t even a good tank. Right now with the 25 HP buff, she’s just a decent support pick. This change is literally just bringing her back to the depths of hell.

In GM her pickrate literally doubled in little more than a week. It seems pretty clear her tankiness is probably the issue.

Ok sorry for misunderstanding but as a Tracer I don’t take your opinions seriously to Brig in fact she’s the one who created Brig in the first place back in the dive dominance

You make zero sense. Should I dismiss every Brig mains opinion because they might be biased toward their main?

Her pickrate may have doubled but doubled from what? She’s still one of the least picked heroes overall and this 25 HP buff literally just helped her be viable.

imo 150HP and 50 armor is already pretty tanky for a support. From here she maybe needs changes to repair pack.

Because Brig was nerfed too much every part of her kit was nerfed into oblivion people want her to be nerfed more just retire her already

She’s not just a support though, she’s supposed to be a frontlining support, the only thing they should have touched was the repair pack. 25 HP was fine.

In high ranks screw em top 500 will always break the game bc they play with the same 50 people every day or with premade pro teams every time brig gets anything sam complains seagull is baised most of the high ranking community is a circle jerk any ability with value is bad if the kit doesn’t fit cookie cutter playstyles

I understand why but it’s an annoyance to people in lower elos I’ve been gm I get you want skill diff but brig is supposed to be a power fantasy like rein at the cost of range you gain the ability to tank


I knew they’d need to nerf her again she’s too dominate in premade scrims and tip of ladder she does alot of things has 3 forms of healing cc and a shield

What’s fun about her kit is self sustain and 1v1s nerf her healing pack

Wanna buff brig for low elo? You can’t because she’ll break gm and t500 again

However low elo got stuff like bastion mains in every game bc they get free value even in plat it’s hilarious when I’m smurfing I’m the only one displacing the bunkered bastion they don’t learn because they keep getting free value

She never got to the third stage and the second stage was exclusively only for Masters+.

everyone is biased I get tired of not having fun playing the characters I want to play bc they are objectively worse than before

Comp is a joke below a certain elo and proplay isn’t realistic of the playerbase to strive to

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It is a QoL change for players.

Just saying, if you properly read the patch notes instead of just glancing at the title, they literally said they’re doing QoL stuff… and also changing Brig and Moira and call them “direct balance adjustments.” As in they’re not included in the general “QoL buffs”, but just happen to be getting pushed out in the same patch.

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They never called it a qol change, what are you talking about

People confuse “OP” with “viable”


Because Zen is a glas canon. Brig is supposed to protect their teammates against attacks and heal them up. Zen is youre 3. DPS with a extremly strong defensiv Ultimate but no mobility.