Meanwhile, Ana still has by far the best kit in the entire game. And, she’s receiving a pretty decent buff to boot.
Yet, I see no one complaining about her. I really don’t get it. Anti is way, way too powerful. Hell, even the Hots team realized that and nerfed it.
She’s no more healthy for the game than Brig, yet she’s allowed to thrive because she what? Takes a little bit of aim?
That’s not a buff, it’s a QOL. Also Ana is not the best support rn.
so you mean her being close to tied with ana in pickrate and WAY above her in winrate, when ana is considered “OP” by the forums
25 HP shot her from a .80% pickrate and 49% winrate to 5% pickrate 56% winrate, thats disgusting and it shows how strong her kit is and always will be until shes reworked
It’s not just Samito that’s bashing Brig. Emongg, Flats, Jay3, Fran, Kayjii, Beaver, Danteh, and many others have also said this, Samito is just the most vocal abt it
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QoSL (Quality of Samito’s Life) change.
Also he was saying Brig at 200 sucked.
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She’s META.
She overtook Ana and Mercy.
Low elo players looking at the statistics that show Brigitte’s immediate rise to the top due to Bunker META (which she thrives in) returning:
That’s not the issue. We don’t hate Brig. Brig is personally one of my favorite characters. But she’s received net-buffs to her healing that make her far too reliable a healer for her to be as durable as she is. Ana is balanced the same way. High reliable healing? Make it weak and need peel.
You can be durable, or you can have the highly buffed Inspire and Repair Packs.
Not both.
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The buff was a mistake. It wasn’t needed and was done to placate the bad players of this game. I am glad they are considering reverting. I also like playing Brig and I felt Brig was in a good place pre-buff - so there’s that.
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I will say it was fun playing Brig again while it lasted. I didn’t get flamed for playing her, I actually got complemented on my plays.
As if a buff to Pharah wasn’t a nerf to Brigg already…