This Brig nerf was unneeded and is in NO WAY a QoL change. Some people really need to get off their high horse.
Just because you hate a character doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve to be viable. This is so wrong. If I don’t like your character does it mean they deserve to be absolute dogcrap and nerfed to hell?
Of course you’d say no.
This is a literal mockery of Brig and the community feedback.
And with Brig at 200HP she’s just bad as a support. Supposed to be a close range healer with 200HP. It doesn’t work. She is meant to be tanky. She is a front lining healer. Do I really have to go more in depth?
That’s why her design is bad because she has too many things going for her. At release she was a good dps, support and tank and broke the game. Then she became a good support and tank and still broke the game. Once she became only a support the community as a whole thought the game was in it’s best balance state in years.