How is the Brig nerf a QoL change?

This Brig nerf was unneeded and is in NO WAY a QoL change. Some people really need to get off their high horse.

Just because you hate a character doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve to be viable. This is so wrong. If I don’t like your character does it mean they deserve to be absolute dogcrap and nerfed to hell?

Of course you’d say no.

This is a literal mockery of Brig and the community feedback.


It wasn’t supposed to be a QOL change? Was that not obvious?

The patch was mostly for QOL changes but the Brig nerf was there because of the backlash and how she became OP, again, in high ranks


Hello I’m no detective but if you could read what patch its under…

Maybe you could actually understand what I’m talking about

I said it once and i will say it again, its just a small health revert and YET people still claim its a hard buff :rofl: what are you smoking people

this is actually the most hilarious thing ive read today thanks for making my day


Agreed, if you can’t adapt to that then don’t even come at me. Even worse if you’re a pro player and can’t adapt to that then I don’t know what to say



The game is better with Brig at 200HP because anything over she becomes too tanky for a support.


And with Brig at 200HP she’s just bad as a support. Supposed to be a close range healer with 200HP. It doesn’t work. She is meant to be tanky. She is a front lining healer. Do I really have to go more in depth?


That’s why her design is bad because she has too many things going for her. At release she was a good dps, support and tank and broke the game. Then she became a good support and tank and still broke the game. Once she became only a support the community as a whole thought the game was in it’s best balance state in years.

Is that a synonym for Samito?


Zen has less deaths in the higher ranks than Brig yup shes too tanky


I hate samito

Zen needs 24/7 protection to be good. Brig is expected to die more because of where she’s usually positioned.

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I think that they should’ve nerfed repair packs instead. Brig when she’s good does everything and when she’s bad she does nothing.


why are you being so arrogant? brig as well needs protection this is not only exclusive to zen

Uh what? Brig even with 200 hp is the tankiest support in the game.


Brig clearly is tankier than Zen and needs less protection. Come on…

see? you dont protect your support even if its a brig you die and this applies to every support too

Yet she still dies the most


I think what Kevin is saying is that Brig isn’t as weak to flankers as zen is.

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My dude I play Tracer. I’d rather see a Zen 99% of the time over Brig because one is way easier to kill.

When doom used to be viable he died the most too. That literally means nothing. If you die the most yet get good value while alive it doesn’t matter.

No wonder of course you’re going to pick Zen over Brig because she’s claping you and making sure you’re on check that proves you’re a biased jerk